Does your life have a purpose?

in #inspiration8 years ago

Hello Everyone, 

I just got back from my daily walk. I have to get out daily (well I try) to get some Vitamin D to help my mood and according to my doctor my Vitamin D deficiency but also to clear my head and try to be present and maintain a mindful attitude. 

While walking I started thinking about the conversation my husband and I had the other day. He said that he was annoyed at everyone trying to find their purpose in life, the meaning of life. My husband is a realist to much so sometimes and it's funny that he is married to me.  My husband does things because it has to get done, he doesn't try to find a deeper meaning into anything. He has simple tastes and he is not a complicated man. I am, however, the complete opposite. I need a purpose in life in everything that I do. At least pretend there is if not I would throw in the towel! 

About once a month I contemplate this; What is the meaning of life? What is my purpose in the universe right now? I have to have faith that there is a bigger plan, a higher purpose than me laying in my pajamas for 4 days.  That my mental anguish is not going to take over me because I have a purpose today, I must get up!

When I wake up in the morning I have to have a plan for what I will do that day.  I have it written down in my daily planner ( yes I actually still have one of those!). I do this for several reasons. Its allows me to stay focused on my short term and long term goals, it reduces my triggers because I feel as though I have some control over my day (so even if the lady at the post office gives me attitude again!) it does not affect me (well some days are better than others) as much. It always serves as a reminder that there is a bigger picture. We can't get absorbed by the hustle and bustle because life is about so much more.  

I think I have been the happiest when I have felt sure of my place, my role with my family, my goal in my career, and my purpose for existence.  When I start to loose that focus, my energy escapes me. I get swept in by the overdue bills, the rent needs to be paid, the dogs have to go to the vet, what is for dinner, how much is in the bank account, I mean the list goes on and on. Sometimes I can get so overwhelmed with everything I feel defeated, consumed and I don't want to continue anymore. If I didn't remind myself that I still have not found my true purpose in life, remind myself that I am not done contributing to society, to the universe than I would have ended it a long time ago. 

Something I have learned while contemplating life is that everyone has their own kind of happy. So if my husband or anyone is happy just living life and taking it how it you. But I have to and will continue contemplating what the meaning of life is....maybe that is my true purpose?







what is the meaning of life? to live. what is my purpose in the universe? to live my life. the roles you fill, are not you. they are what you've done, what you're doing, and what you will do. they are not who or what you are. i keep running across these posts today about people "throwing in the towel". if anyone can't find something to do they are not trying or looking in the right place. just before this i was replying to a post about someone with a suicide in the family. if you want some more thoughts, please, take a look. all of this is after my morning post about my intent to live to be 35000. i'm not even close to joking. this world is so amazing, so infinite, i don't know how anyone would want to stop. please, get some more D3, do a 21 day bone broth to rebalance your hormones, something, just please go no farther down this road. i'm doing this on steemit to get downtime from research on curing aging, seriously. i see way too many victims of the programs in society that teach us life is suffering, long life is torture, and death is inevitable and necessary. if i let it get to me i would be heartsick over this. i realize, though, that i can't make others decisions. the point to living is to live. millions of years of genetic change has led to you. why throw it away, because you feel like it's not what you should have? if you are in the northern hemisphere, winter is coming. get as much natural vitamin D3 as you can, or these feelings will only get worse. searching for deeper meaning, and purpose and realism are not opposites. the purpose is simply what you create. it is no more complicated than that. there is no grand design but if there were, how could you doubt that you are an integral part. it works either way. i use my self defined purpose to fuel my realism. about 5 years ago i needed a cure for cancer. so i did my research, did what needed to be done. i'm alive today because of it. everything we need to make meaning in this life is all around us.all we need do is look. i didn't mean to go off. your choices are yours. i wish you well and good luck.

I always appreciate some one else perceptive. Thanks for your input!!

hope it wasn't too much. thanks.

No not at all actually you made some very valid points (reminds me of my hubby). I love steemit because everyone can express themselves and gain enlightenment from someone else's point of view. Thanks again for stopping by and engaging!!