in #inspiration6 years ago

Hello guys, Long time no hear from me right. Nice to see you all around. Anyways if you've seen any of my posts then you've probably come across one of my SONGSPIRATION posts. I started this series because I felt that there is priceless inspiration and life lessons embedded within some songs that I'd like to share with you all. You're gonna love em.


Music can change the world, because it can change people.

Quote by Bono

Anyways, for today I'll be continuing from where I left of in my last SONGSPIRATION as there's a lot more to share from that song. The song of choice was LEAN ON ME by Bill Withers. Let's get on it then.

LEAN ON ME by Bill Withers

Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on

What do you do when you're beaten down by your problems in life? Where do you go to when your life seems to be crushing down and spiraling out of control. I recently found myself in a personal problem and even though I looked alright from outside, it was eating me up inside and anything I did on my own just wouldn't work. Since I've got a little problem telling my personal stuff to people, not even my parents, I never considered the option of talking to someone. However, one of my friends who had some experience in that situation cajoled me to talk to him about it.

After being reluctant for a bit, I just decided to frame it as a "counselling session" and just playfully talk about it as that was easier to do. After talking about it to him for a while and then listening to his advice my recovery process was really fantastic. It was a nice experience and I think leaning on someone trustworthy is the best thing to do. Try it out. In the same way we should allow our friends to be able to lean on us when they are in distress and pain and need someone to talk to. You never know when you're going to need their shoulder. We should be very approachable.


If there is a load you have to bear
That you can't carry
I'm right up the road
I'll share your load
If you just call me

So I was recently watching a korean drama (live) that was portraying the lives of policemen in Korea, mostly the part that people barely know about. There was this cop who got into the problem with a civilian and was fined. The amount was huge and the cop was devastated and gloomy. However, his seniors and the elders in the precinct decided to go on their knees before the civilian to beg for reduction in the fine, all his team members pooled resources to make up for the fine and his direct junior went undercover after having suspected that the civilian was trying to scam his senior. What this clearly portray is a group of people carrying the load of a friend and a mate. they decided not to leave him to sort things out on his own but to help him see it through. That's true humanity. That's what is required of us as humans.


We should try to lend our shoulder for a friend to be able able to lean on when everyone abandons them, that's what true friends do. When the people around us are in problems then we can find a way to share their loads with them so they are not left alone to face their problems.



Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!

Hi @nigtroy, I'm one of the judges in the Pay it Forward Curation contest where @leeart featured you. It's a weekly curation contest and we'd love to have you join in as well :) She actually featured another of your posts, but because I'm late doing the judging this week and yours was past payout, I decided to check out a more recent one of yours. I really enjoyed your other one and this one too. It's a great message and a wonderful song!

Thanks for the support. I actually recently joined the discord channel and I'm looking through some people to see those I can use for the PIF curaton contest. The work you guys do there is rally encouraging. So hopefully I should have my PIF post soon. See you later.

Thanks for the mention, my dear @lynncoyle1 and thanks for checking him out.

Aannnnddd, I am a he :D

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hahaha @leeart, I didn't know you were a he!! So sorry 😎

Haha! I believe I mentioned it before hmmm...that's okay. Lots of people are confused by it. I guess because of my name sounds like Leanne or something :D

Well I sure won't forget it now ... sir 😎

You should try country songs. If you like the genre, brother. Hehe. The messages are outstanding!

I've heard a few of them but the one in my mind a lot is Forever Country. I think it'll be good for me to explore that genre too. Thanks a lot Sis. How are you doing.

beautiful message my dear , we cannot live alone we always have a helping hand , family and friends ❤️

It's always important that we have someone in our lives who would be there for us when we're down.

What Korean movie was it? There's always something about Korean movies that gets you emotional be it comedy or action.

I feel the same way with you and I think I have mentioned it before. I don't open easily to people because at the back of my mind they have their own issues and I don't want to add another burden by telling them what's bothering. I have learned to shut up because no one really cares. There are people who do but only up to a certain point.

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The Korean movie is "Live ". And I've also had this difficulty of telling people my problems because I feel like it can be morphed as a bullet and directed at me some time in the future, but I came to learn that it's not everyone who's like that. Some would sincerely try to help you.

Is "Live" a movie or a tv series?

Indeed. Thank goodness for those sincere people. They are the ones that matter.

Live is a 2018 korean drama. You can check it out here

Thanks, @nigtroy. I will check it out. I rarely finish a series due to fact of not having a lot of time to watch it. Such that when I finished one episode, it would take a long time before I would have the chance to watch for the next. By then, I would have forgotten it or lost interest :D Let's see where this drama leads me.

I have moments like that too, so I usually wait to watch all episodes at weekends or watch one episode each night just before I go to bed.

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