The Instant Pot saga

in #instantpot7 years ago

Ok so I've wanted one of these things forever. My husband and I enjoy camping so we sometimes watch videos on YouTube of full time Rvers and dream of what our retirement might look like if we full time rv'd. Well in these videos, probably about six months ago or so, they were talking about how the full timers use an Instant Pot because it is small, replaces so many appliances and is perfect for the limited space of the RV or camper.

I instantly wanted one. So, I've been waiting because they are a little expensive and I do already have many of the appliances that it replaces. FINALLY last Tuesday, my husband texts me and says...I ordered you the Instant Pot. I had subtly been texting him the Amazon link to the one that I wanted. Clever, I know. Anyway, I got all excited, waited patiently the two day shipping from Prime. Thursday rolled around and I could hardly wait to get home from work to get my shiny new Instant Pot! I got home and there it was, the box waiting on my front porch. I brought it inside, anxious to see what I might make.

As I lugged the somewhat heavier than I expected box into the house, I noticed that the box was damaged on the bottom. A chill went through me. But they pack these things in enough styrofoam to protect it from a banged up box, right? It should be okay, right? Taking the box directly to the kitchen, I grabbed a knife to cut the packing tape off of the box then gently opened the top and pulled the packing from it. I couldn't believe it was finally here, my Instant Pot!!! I pulled the device out of the box and heard a clattering on the floor. I look down and see bits of plastic scattered all over my kitchen. As I lifted the pot up further, I see that the bottom is dented, wires are hanging out from beneath it and the bottom plastic cover is in bits....everywhere. It looked like someone drove a fork lift prong right through the bottom of my Instant Pot. I was so disappointed.

Luckily, hubby had bought the thing from Amazon and they are amazing with returns. So, I box the damaged pot up as best I can. Kind of hard to get it back into the packaging since it's in pieces. I had to duct tape the box since packing tape just wasn't going to cut it. The next day I take the box back to the UPS store and tell them I need to return it. The guy behind the counter looks at the box and says, "You're shipping it just like this?" In response I tell him, "That's the way it arrived." He takes another look at the box and shakes his head, "It's broken isn't it. I'm surprised they delivered it like that." I nod sadly, "Yes, the bottom fell out of it when I opened the box and I'm surprised they delivered it too."

I had to wait until today for my replacement. Luckily, this one came in perfect condition and I was finally able to cook my first meal in my Instant Pot! Rice pilaf with chicken, onions and peppers. It was delish and it only took about 15 minutes! Definitely worth the wait, but boy what a fiasco! I would highly recommend getting an Instant Pot if you've been wanting one. Even after just one time using it I think I'm in love!


Very cool post! I'm totally obsessed with those full time RVers and VanLife videos on youtube too!
One piece of advice - add a pic or two. Posts without a featured image get easily overlooked in people's feeds and can also be seen as potential spam because there is no image with it. <3
Keep Steemin'!

Thanks for the advice! I'm still trying to figure everything out in here and what I actually want my blog to be about haha. Thank you for stopping by :)