

give me yur like please

Hi @berniesanders, I have never seen such hard fighting like this.


Logo created by the author for the Team Bernie.

Here we got even more problems...

In a perfect world team bernie cooperate with haejin after this haejin does some meditation and gets to the conclusion that he did wrong...

But in this world they want to take your right to flag.

No offence, but it looks like 30s of wasted time in powerpoint...

People like Trevon craphead James don't freakin belong here, gonna save myself a puke and not click the links, I will trust your word for it 😐

Support me please with my voice, I will be your follower

ignore them.. don't waste your VP anymore.. upvote these minnows and help them grow

please help me grow your voice

By reducing whale rewards, he's effectively helping minnows grow.

But it he helped us grow more we could help him more in the fight...

Hopefuly it big enough to get rid of @haejin once and for all

@tt-dogg just came through and down voted every post I have ever made off the map.... What the fuck ... How is this encouraging new growth... I'm with you on this fight @Berniesanders but I just lost everything.... I had pay outs coming that I needed... I had boosted hoping for a return now its gone cause of this fight

Every post you have ever made? That's not even true from what I see, looks like you are trying to use this situation to get more upvotes

No just my ones pending payment

ah , I see , so, "downvoted every post I have ever made off the map" means what?
seriously ?

Is this the calm before the storm

give me your like please

Can someone explain to me what this beef is all about? I have a feeling lots of people are unhappy with the other guys posts, they seem all scammy and pump and dumpy

From what I can tell the conflict goes like this: The reward pool used to reward every poster and curator is limited each day. A couple whales (users with a lot of Steem Power) have enough power to claim a large percentage of this reward pool if they vote regularly each day. That results in fewer rewards for everyone else when used to a certain extend.

The user haejin posts up to 10 crypto market analyst posts a day and the upvotes on those posts make up a noticeable amount of the whole reward pool each day. The most value from those posts is added by haejin himself as well as another whale called ranchorelaxo, who mostly interacts with haejins posts on this platform. Bernie criticizes that and claims that haejin's posts are not worth the large amount of reward he receives from them. From there it's mostly a flag war going on, where Bernie flags haejins posts to reduce the payouts and haejin does the same to Bernies posts. There are also some personal insults exchanged between the two.

seems to me that Bernie is the underdog since haejin has some pretty crazy voting power.

I dont respect Haejin for never upvoting comments on his posts.

Personally I try to upvote as many people as I can to share the growth but obviously I try to retain as much voting power for my own posts so that I can grow my steem power.

Wish I could help you man, I don't have the power yet. Wouldn't mind some of those upvotes youve been getting, id put them to good use

Thank you for explaining that in simple words.
I´m not that long here on Steemit. But did notice that there is something wrong between those guys.

I really don´t care about those things right now. I keep on posting when I think I have to post someting.
The rest will come from it self....

for your dartboard


