When did you know the Internet & did you know about the Internet?

in #internet7 years ago

Technological advances are something we can not avoid in this life, because technological advances will go according to the progress of science.

Every innovation is created to provide positive benefits for human life.

Provide many conveniences, as well as a new way of doing human activities. Especially in the field of community technology has enjoyed many benefits brought by the innovations that have been generated in the last decade. | Versi Bahasa ada dibawah |

The entire content is about INTERNET!

A. What is the Internet?

The Internet is a Computer Network established by the United States Department of Defense in 1969, through an ARPA agency project that develops networks. At that time it was called the ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network), where they demonstrated how about UNIX-based computer hardware and software.

What is UNIX?

Unix is ​​a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems derived from the original AT & T Unix and its development started in 1970 at the Bell Labs research center by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and its theme-mates.

At first UNIX was used in the Bell System, AT & T licensed Unix to outsiders from the late 1970s, leading to various academic and commercial variants of Unix from vendors such as University of California, Berkeley (BSD), Microsoft (Xenix), IBM ( AIX) and Sun Microsystems (Solaris).

Later, AT & T eventually sold its rights on Unix to Novell in the early 1990s, which sold its Unix business to Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) in 1995, but the UNIX brand was shipped to an industry standard GroupOpen consortium, for certified operating systems that comply with UNIX Single Specifications (SUS). Among these are Apple's MacOS, which is the largest installed version of Unix in 2014.

In other terms the Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use internet protocol (TCP / IP) to connect devices around the world.

And that's the networks of private, public, academic, business, and local government networks to the global sphere, linked by various wireless, wireless and optical network technologies.

The Internet brings a limited variety of information resources and services, such as inter-linked hypertext documents and applications from "World Wide Web (WWW), email, phone, and file sharing."

B. What is the purpose?

| Initially the purpose of the project was for MILITARY purposes |

At that time the US Department of Defense created a computer network system that spreads by connecting computers in Vital areas to overcome problems in case of Nuclear attack and to avoid the occurrence of centralized information, which in case of war can be easily destroyed.

Initially ARPANET only connect 4 sites only:

  • Stanford Research Institute

  • University of California

  • Santa Barbara

  • University of Utah

It was from these four sites that formed an integrated network in 1969, and in general the ARPANET was introduced in October 1972.

Within a very short period of time this project developed rapidly throughout the region, and also all universities in the country wanted to join, thus making ARPANET difficult to organize.

Then on the progress of the latest development so that ARPANET split into two:


Aims and specially used for military purposes

- New smaller ARPANET

used for non-military purposes such as, universities. Combined both networks eventually known as DARPA Internet, which then simplified into the Internet.

C. Is there anything similar before the initernet exists?

Before the Internet emerged, there have been several digital-based communication systems, one of which is the Telegraph system which is often regarded as the precursor of the Internet.

This system emerged in the 19th century, or more than a hundred years before the Internet was used extensively in the 1990s.

Telegraph technology itself comes from an existing concept even before the first modern computer was created, the concept of data transmission through electromagnetic media such as radio or cable. But this technology is still limited because it is only able to connect a maximum of two devices.

D. Conclusion

What are the benefits of the Internet and is there a Negative side?

As we have seen that we have all felt that there are many positive benefits from using Internet media and that's all sorts of similar things, but there are also some negative impacts that Internet users may experience.

We'll see from the positive side!

At first the layman with the information technology using the internet for entertainment only but in its development, users are more intelligent in utilizing the technology of this world without limit.

|The internet has touched aspects of human life. The existence of social networking also allows the exchange of information about science and technology for students. Similarly, with banking transactions, electric ticket purchases, online stores and more. Like what the steemians do.|

Then we see the influence of the Negative!

The ease of internet access brings quite a complicated problem as well. The absence of minimum age restrictions and lack of parental assistance, where the gap for children to open sites that are not appropriate, and this is a warning as well as a parent for parents to provide a filter for children while accessing the internet.

|Regardless of anything, any technological change will pose a risk that needs to get the attention of all parties. And another weakness of the internet is its power to keep people away from the real world.|

| Clifford Stoll | author of a book on the Internet, states that:

The problem is that three or four hours is up just to stay in front of the computer but not with the family

Bahasa Indonesia

A. Apa itu Internet?

Internet adalah Jaringan Komputer yang didirikan oleh Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1969, melalui sebuah proyek agen ARPA yang mengembangkan jaringan. Pada waktu itu disebut ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network), di mana mereka menunjukkan bagaimana dengan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak berbasis UNIX .

Apa itu UNIX?

Unix adalah keluarga multitasking, sistem operasi komputer multiuser yang berasal dari Unix AT & T yang asli dan pengembangannya dimulai pada tahun 1970 di pusat penelitian Bell Labs oleh Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, dan teman sejawatnya.

Pada awalnya UNIX digunakan di Bell System, AT & T berlisensi Unix untuk orang luar dari akhir 1970an, yang mengarah ke berbagai varian akademis dan komersial Unix dari vendor seperti University of California, Berkeley (BSD), Microsoft (Xenix), IBM (AIX) dan Sun Microsystems (Solaris).

Kemudian, AT & T akhirnya menjual haknya pada Unix ke Novell pada awal 1990an, yang menjual bisnis Unix-nya ke Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) pada tahun 1995, namun merek UNIX dikirim ke konsorsium GroupOpen standar industri, untuk sistem operasi bersertifikat yang sesuai dengan UNIX Single Specifications (SUS). Di antaranya adalah MacOS Apple, yang merupakan versi terinstal Unix terbesar di tahun 2014.

Dengan kata lain, Internet adalah sistem jaringan komputer interkoneksi global yang menggunakan protokol internet (TCP / IP) untuk menghubungkan perangkat di seluruh dunia.

Dan itulah jaringan jaringan pribadi, publik, akademis, bisnis, dan pemerintah daerah ke ranah global, yang dihubungkan oleh berbagai teknologi jaringan nirkabel, nirkabel dan optik.

Internet membawa beragam sumber informasi dan layanan, seperti dokumen dan aplikasi hypertext antar-link dari "World Wide Web (WWW), email, telepon, dan file sharing."

B. Apa tujuannya?

| Awalnya tujuan proyek adalah untuk tujuan MILITER |

Pada saat itu Departemen Pertahanan AS menciptakan sebuah sistem jaringan komputer yang menyebar dengan menghubungkan komputer di daerah Vital untuk mengatasi masalah jika terjadi serangan Nuklir dan untuk menghindari terjadinya informasi terpusat, dimana dalam kasus perang dapat dengan mudah dihancurkan.

Awalnya ARPANET hanya menghubungkan 4 situs saja:

  • Stanford Research Institute

  • Universitas California

  • Santa Barbara

  • Universitas Utah

Dari keempat situs inilah yang membentuk jaringan terpadu pada tahun 1969, dan secara umum ARPANET diperkenalkan pada bulan Oktober 1972.

Dalam waktu yang sangat singkat, proyek ini berkembang pesat di seluruh wilayah, dan juga semua universitas di negara ini ingin bergabung, sehingga membuat ARPANET sulit diatur.

Lalu pada perkembangan perkembangan terakhir sehingga ARPANET terbagi menjadi dua:

    Bertujuan dan khusus digunakan untuk keperluan militer

  • ARPANET yang lebih kecil
    digunakan untuk tujuan non-militer seperti, universitas. Gabungan kedua jaringan tersebut akhirnya dikenal dengan sebutan DARPA Internet, yang kemudian disederhanakan menjadi internet.

C. Adakah yang serupa sebelum initernet ada?

Sebelum Internet muncul, sudah ada beberapa sistem komunikasi berbasis digital, salah satunya adalah sistem Telegraph yang sering dianggap sebagai pendahulu Internet.

Sistem ini muncul pada abad ke-19, atau lebih dari seratus tahun sebelum internet digunakan secara luas pada 1990-an.

Teknologi telegraf itu sendiri berasal dari konsep yang ada bahkan sebelum komputer modern pertama diciptakan, konsep transmisi data melalui media elektromagnetik seperti radio atau kabel. Namun teknologi ini masih terbatas karena hanya mampu menghubungkan maksimal dua perangkat.

D. Kesimpulan

Apa keuntungan dari Internet dan apakah ada sisi negatif?

Seperti yang telah kita lihat, kita semua merasa bahwa ada banyak manfaat positif dari penggunaan media internet dan itu adalah semacam hal serupa, namun ada juga beberapa dampak negatif yang mungkin dialami pengguna internet.

Kita akan melihat dari sisi positifnya!

Awalnya awam dengan teknologi informasi menggunakan internet untuk hiburan saja tapi dalam perkembangannya, pengguna lebih cerdas dalam memanfaatkan teknologi dunia ini tanpa batas.

| Internet telah menyentuh aspek kehidupan manusia. Keberadaan jejaring sosial juga memungkinkan pertukaran informasi tentang sains dan teknologi bagi siswa. Begitu pula dengan transaksi perbankan, pembelian tiket listrik, toko online dan lainnya. Seperti apa yang dilakukan para steemian. |

Lalu kita lihat pengaruh Negatif!

Kemudahan akses internet juga membawa masalah yang rumit. Tidak adanya batasan usia minimum dan kurangnya bantuan orang tua, dimana celah bagi anak untuk membuka situs yang tidak sesuai, dan ini merupakan peringatan sekaligus sebagai orang tua bagi orang tua untuk memberikan saringan bagi anak saat mengakses internet.

| Terlepas dari apapun, setiap perubahan teknologi akan menimbulkan risiko yang perlu mendapat perhatian semua pihak. Dan kelemahan lain dari internet adalah kekuatannya untuk menjauhkan orang dari dunia nyata. |

| Clifford Stoll | penulis buku di Internet, menyatakan bahwa:
Masalahnya adalah bahwa tiga atau empat jam sudah habis hanya untuk tetap di depan komputer tapi tidak dengan keluarga

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A little extra from me for you mybrader fo :D

Unix is designed to be portable, multi-tasking and multi-user in time-sharing configurations.

Unix systems are characterized by various concepts: the use of plain text to store data; hierarchical file system; treat the device and some kind of inter-process communication (IPC) as a file; and the use of a large number of software, small programs that can be merged together through a command-line interpreter using pipes, as opposed to the use of a single monolithic program that includes all of the same functions. These concepts are collectively known as the "Unix Philosophy".

Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike summarize this in the Unix Programming Environment as "the idea that more system power comes from relationships between programs than from the program itself".

Thanks about that mabro!!!

Nice (Y)

Saya mewlihat, banyak anak-anak yang salah menggunakan internet. Tapi danpak baiknya kita semua merasakan dari media sosial sehingga mencari uang. postingan yang bagus bang. good work

Makanya jagalah anakmu dari itu ya dek hahah

interesting and informative post upvoted!!

Thank you :)

As my as my eknowlwdge, internet is first generation and blockchain was second generation, but i dont know what is the thurd generation, if u can find it you should share it in your post. I will read it back


The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems.

- Mahatma Gandhi

your post is very useful for us all, very reasonable I follow you.
wait for your next post

Very useful information

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