Net Neutrality could affect bitcoin allongside every other service on the internet, and we should fight back

in #internet7 years ago

The blockchain runs on top of the internet, this is how we share the ledgers with one-another to keep our decentralized platforms alive. Cryptocurrencies also have a lot of monetary value, a value off of which your ISP would probably love to take cut. I mean why not, it goes through their pipe into your computer why shouldn't they have little slice right?

If the FCC revokes net neutrality, that is exactly what's going to happen. Why wouldn't it happen? They'd have a free pass form the regulatory authority to do so, and they have no competition to which you can escape to. This, of course, wouldn't completely kill blockchain technology, it would just make it more inaccessible the United States.

So if you haven't done so, please call your representative and give them a strongly worded speech on why they must not revoke net nutrality rules.

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