How getting £12 of Tesco vouchers in the mail today was the highlight of my week!

in #introduce8 years ago

I have put off writing an introduction which is all about me because I feel like shit just now.

I was in a really good place for a long time there and it felt really great.

I had a job that I loved, great kids, and a beautiful rental house which overlooked the fields beyond us.

And all of my bills were paid off in full.

This was my gorgeous backyard in June of last year.

Beautiful right - yes it was but the house next door had 8 people living inside of it!

So I decided to move out and started looking for somewhere else to go because they were really noisy.

There were only two houses on the market in my price range that had three bedrooms that would take pets.

I have two gorgeous cats and two gorgeous children.

This is us on Christmas Day.

And so I applied for both of them in the hope that I would get a least one.

The first house took two weeks to process my application and turned me down and tried to keep my £100 deposit.

So I took the second house and moved in three weeks later.

I had to borrow over two thousand pounds and took out an overdraft and two credit cards to get the money together.

The new neighbours were really noisy - they go to bed at midnight and get up at 5am - I hear everything they do!

Three weeks before Christmas I failed to give way at a roundabout and wrote my Vauxhall Corsa car off.

I was given a hire car which was a frigging Vauxhall Insignia Diesel Model!! and then drove it into a kerb.

I scraped the alloy wheel on that side and took a chunk out of the tyre and gave it back to them on the 23rd December.

The car hire company tried to charge me £198.00 for it. I chucked a mental and they waived the fee because the girl who dropped it off told me that I had a zero excess on my insurance.

My new car is really cute but its only a 1.2 litre engine and its an Ecotronic - it runs like a bitch! and is really jerky.

The children hate it and it makes my youngest daughter feel carsick if she sits in the back.

At the new house the cats can't go outside anymore and the courtyard looks like a concrete jailyard.

There are people where I live feeding antifreeze to roaming pets and killing them - lovely!

My eldest daughter can walk to and from the high school, and her boyfriend comes over all the time.

She is 13 and his mum is worried that they are going to start having sex soon (which I very much doubt because unlike me my daughter is a good girl and isn't going to lose her virginity at that age).

My youngest daughter hates it here because i have to drive her ten miles to school every morning and because her boyfriend can't walk that far to visit and his mum doesn't have a car.

I hate it here because I lost my job after the accident, and I can't afford to pay for the rent any more.

My boss sacked me because I am taking medication to calm the nerves and called in sick on the first date I was due back after having three weeks off work for christmas holidays.

The lady who crashed into me is trying to claim compensation for the damage to her car (4WD) and for a supposed injury to her back.

She didn't realise that it was me standing in line behind her at Tesco because I had a hat on, and listening to her tell the checkout chick about it in front of me. 

She didn't realise that it was me watching her walk away until she got halfway up the aisle with her boy, turned around - saw me - and then started limping and acting like she was in pain!

She didn't realise that it was me in my new car that gave way to her at the pedestrian crossing outside the Tesco so that she could walk across the road.

I felt like running her over.

Now the Procurator Fiscal wants me to do a Driver Refresher Course at a cost of £140.00 and I can't afford to pay for it.

The Council stopped my housing benefit for the first five weeks that I moved in here as they were closed for two weeks over Christmas, and because their staff lost some of my paperwork the week after I handed 52 pages in.

They paid me £586 in backdated rent which I had already paid upfront when I moved in from the money I borrowed.

I signed on for Jobseekers Allowance and went off it again after three weeks because it was totally degrading.

The Council have stopped my housing benefit for the last three weeks since then because I got the sack from my work by email from my boss and because I signed off Jobseekers Allowance (crap).

I started my own business because I was sick of sitting at home without any friends every Friday night.

I have met a new man through the Supper Club and made 100 new friends on Facebook almost instantly.

I registered this as a company and am getting shit from the Council because I am not making any money from it.

As of this afternoon, the Council just processed a BACS payment for £298.00 owed to me in backrent.

I am going to use it to pay the next month's rent after I visit the new man on Sunday night.

The kids both have dates for Valentine's Day but I don't and will have to drop them both off :)

Now I have a shit house, no job except the non-profit company I started, a new man, wonderful girls and 2 cats.

I also have £12.00 in Tesco vouchers that I got in the mail today and it is all the money I have in my purse until tomorrow when my Child Tax Credit payment clears :)

I don't really need anything else :)


Welcome to Steemit badassunicorn :)

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