Introduce Ourself in #Kokamspycare COMMUNITY (BILINGUAL)

in #introduce7 years ago


Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings….. Congratulations to have activities for all of us, hopefully today we are still given Health and Opportunity so can still bertatap Muka, although through this media may be a good start For today and the future. On this occasion, we ask permission to introduce ourselves; that we are a new Community born under the Steemit Indonesia Community (KSI) Chapter Bireuen Steemit Community (BSC) Sub Community of Steemit Peusangan Raya (KOKAM-SPY).


On this occasion, we would like to introduce ourselves, with a Community called *** KOKAM-SPY *** which I then enter the stage of our introduction in the Promo-Steem Activity, together with one of the Indonesian Steem-Ambassador Members from Aceh,Bireuen named @bahagia-arbi also as Chairman of Bireuen Steemit Community (BSC).

Further regards us from *** KOKAM-SPY *** To the Indonesian State Curators, among them @levycore @aigabrago @jodipamungkas we are very much hope in this case will support as much as possible, so that our Community is able to rise and develop accordingly with our Vision-Mission, and we are also very hopeful for the Witness to be willing to provide Support and direction to us, so as to be able to Rise and Walk in the direction and the path we have set.


KOKAM-SPY is: Peakangan Raya Peusangan Village Community > The Peusangan Raya Steemit Village Community is a steeming container that comes from Peusangan Subdistrict, Peusangan Siblah Krueng, Peusangan Selatan and Bireuen District - Jangka District.


Aim > The establishment is to bring together the steemit spread across the four sub-districts within an organization to work together and help each other in maximizing the role and function of blockchain and steemit with an orientation as social capacity enhancement and digital-based financial enhancement as well as social positive society.

The creation of new works through writing, photo, video, and sound quality and the establishment of social solidarity ties with the utilization of digital technological progress.
° Creating newbies to explore their potential by forming non-formal learning groups according to their potential.
° Promote the potential of the region, the region and preserve the writing culture as a trace of history in the future.
° Increase a sense of community solidarity for members, society and the environment.
° Maximizing digital-based financial potential with the use of internet facilities.
° Deliver positive information to the global community.° Raising social solidarity for peace and world peace.
° Manage social assistance effectively, transparently and accountably.
Organizational structure: >
General coordinator: @murizalpangeran
Admin: 1. @helmibireuen

  1. @rahmads
  2. @syehwan
  3. @abdys
  4. @jauharialz
  5. @rijal123
  6. @rajaaceh
  7. @suheri91
  8. @tuminaz
  9. @hendrimirza
  10. @syehlah
  11. @alokzoom
  12. @Moersal

All of the Introduce accounts: @kokamspycare from our Community, hopefully you will give us any Feedback, Suggestion and Understanding so that we are able to crawl, stand, move and move forward into this simple, simple flat.

Wassalam, ............ ..
Follow Upvote and Resteem @ kokamspycare

WhatsApp Image 2018-03-25 at 02.24.46.jpeg



Assalamu’alaikum, wr,wb…..

Selamat ber aktifitas untuk kita semua, semoga pada hari ini kita masih diberikan Kesehatan serta Kesempatan Sehingga masih dapat bertatap Muka, walaupun melalui media ini semoga menjadi awal yang baik Untuk hari ini dan Kedepannya. Adapun pada kesempatan ini, kami mohon izin untuk memperkenalkan diri kami; yang bahwa kami adalah sebuah Komunitas yang baru terlahir di Bawah Komunitas Steemit Indonesia ( KSI ) Chapter Bireuen Steemit Community ( BSC ) Sub Komunitas Kampung Steemit Peusangan Raya ( KOKAM-SPY )


Dalam kesempatan ini, kami ingin memperkenalkan diri, dengan sebuah Komunitas ini yang bernama ***KOKAM-SPY*** yang selanjutnya saya masuki tahapan perkenalan diri kami dalam Kegiatan Promo-Steem, bersama salah Satu Anggota Steem-Ambassador Indonesia yang berasal Dari Aceh, Bireuen yang bernama @bahagia-arbi juga sebagai Ketua Bireuen Steemit Kommunity ( BSC )

Selanjutnya salam hormat kami dari KOKAM-SPY Kepada Para Kurator Negara Indonesia, di antaranya @levycore @aigabrago @jodipamungkas kami sangat berharap banyak dalam hal ini akan dukungan yang sebesar-besarnya, sehingga Komunitas kami mampu bangkit serta berkembang sesuai dengan Visi-Misi kami, dan kami juga sangat berharap kepada para Witness agar sudi kiranya memberikan Dukungan dan arahan kepada kami, sehingga mampu Bangkit serta Berjalan pada arah dan Jalur yang telah Kami tentukan.


KOKAM-SPY Adalah : Komunitas Kampung Steemit Peusangan Raya

Adalah Komunitas Kampung Steemit Peusangan Raya merupakan wadah para steemian yang berasal dari Kecamatan Peusangan, Peusangan Siblah Krueng, Peusangan Selatan dan Kecamatan Jangka Kabupaten Bireuen - Aceh.
Pembentukannya adalah untuk menghimpun para steemian yang tersebar di 4 (empat) kecamatan tersebut dalam satu organisasi agar bisa saling bekerja sama dan saling membantu dalam memaksimalkan peran dan fungsi blockchain dan steemit dengan orientasi sebagai peningkatan kapasitas sosial dan peningkatan finansial berbasis digital serta hal positif sosial kemasyarakatan.
Visi :
Terciptanya karya-karya baru melalui tulisan, photo, video, dan suara yang berkualitas dan terjalinnya ikatan solidaritas sosial dengan pemanfaatan kemajuan teknology digital.
Misi :
°Menciptakan steemian-steemian baru (newbies) untuk mengekplorasikan potensi yang mereka miliki dengan membentuk grup-grup belajar non formal sesuai potensi yang dimiliki.
°Menkampanyekan potensi daerah, kawasan dan melestarikan budaya menulis sebagai jejak sejarah dimasa yang akan datang.
°Meningkatkan rasa kebersamaan (solidaritas) sosial bagi anggota, masyarakat dan lingkungan.
°Memaksimalkan potensi financial berbasis digital dengan pemanfaatan sarana internet.
°Menyampaikan informasi positif kepada masyarakat global.
°Menggalang solidaritas sosial untuk kedamaian dan perdamaian dunia.
°Mengelola bantuan sosial secara efektif, transparan dan akuntable.

Susunan pengurus organisasi :

Kordinator umum : @murizalpangeran
Admin :

  1. @helmibireuen
  2. @rahmads
    Members :
  3. @syehwan
  4. @abdys
  5. @jauharialz
  6. @rijal123
  7. @rajaaceh
  8. @suheri91
  9. @tuminaz
  10. @hendrimirza
  11. @syehlah
  12. @alokzoom
  13. @Moersal

Terima Kasih kepada, #promo-steem @steem-ambassador @promo-steem @stephenkendal @starkerz @anarcotech @sndbox @sndbox-alpha @neoxian @donkeypong @kevinwong @analisa @good-karma @curie @arcange @blocktrades @demotruk @arama @xpilar @bahagia-arbi @dodybireuen @dsatria @dokter-purnama @razackpulo @ayijufridar @rismanrahman @mariskalubis @silvia @sweetsssj @sultan-aceh @dilimunanzar @my4s1r @fahmidamti @rizaldamti dan Kepada seluruh Sahabat Stemian di Negara Indonesia maupun Mancanegara, kami sangat mengharapkan anda semua bersedia memberikan dukungan kepada kami dalam menjalankan Komunitas ***KOKAM-SPY***
<p><div class="text-justify">Sekian Introduce akun: @kokamspycare dari Komunitas kami, semoga anda berkenan memberikan setiap Masukan,Saran dan Pemahaman kepada kami, sehingga kami mampu merangkak, berdiri, melangkah serta terus maju dalam Flatform yang sabngat sederhana ini.</div>


Follow Upvote and Resteem @ kokamspycare

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Hello kokamspycare, great introduction! Welcome to join the steemit community. Steemit is a social media that rewards you through interesting writing and comments. I think you have the ability to provide interesting writing in the next post. Your good job will be appreciated The spirit of work and good luck! upvote and resteemed :D
Best regard @fataelrumy

Hello! It's nice to see you here!

Thanks for visiting and giving us time to support, hopefully we can work together well ahead. success for you

Welcome to Steem @kokamspycare.

Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.

Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchian works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.

All the Best!!!

Thank For Attention

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Thanks for visiting and giving us time to support, hopefully we can work together well ahead. success for you

Selamat atas pendekrelasian komunitas @kokamspycare, semoga berjaya

Semoga tercapai cita cita yang kita impikan bersama menjadi kenyataan

Saya sangat suka postingan mu semoga para anggota bisa memberikan konten yang berkualitas buat platform steemit

Terima kasih atas kunjungan dan kesempatan waktunya mendukung kami, semoga kedepan kita dapat bekerjasama. Sukses buat @visored

A logo doesn’t sell, it identifies. A logo derives its meaning from the quality of the thing it symbolizes, not the other way around. A logo is less important than the product it signifies; what it means is more important than what it looks like.
Great Post!

A logo doesn’t sell, it identifies. A logo derives its meaning from the quality of the thing it symbolizes, not the other way around. A logo is less important than the product it signifies; what it means is more important than what it looks like.
Great Post!

Thanks for visiting and giving us time to support, hopefully we can work together well ahead. success for you

Semoga bermanfaat untuk masyarakat disekitar kita dan masyarakat global pada umumnya.

Welcome to Steemit....
Your Group way to success is start,
Great Post from you..! , I hope your group can grow-up to be famous soon.
Don't forget to follow each others for any Upvote

Thanks for visiting and giving us time to support, hopefully we can work together well ahead. success for you @msdinata

Your #introduceyourself blog is very nice.
Thats what its All about on this platform and this blockchain. Blogging is it, blog on and you Will be succesfull! 🤛 and You Will earn money. 💴💸💰be carefull with all your passwords !! Never give that up!
For very good safety tips visit from Our fellow steemy @verhp11
I blog every day and love it!❤️
Helpfull is the Steemify App , its Free in the Appstore go cheque it out. And good luck steeming and I Will See you around🍀
Greetings from Brittandjosie - Holland

Thanks for visiting and giving us time to support, hopefully we can work together well ahead. success for you