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RE: Muslims are not terrorist - don't judge a book by it's cover.

in #introduce7 years ago

To say that these terrorists are not Muslim is untrue, those men are muslims. First of all, the word Islamophobia was created by the left wing to silence anyone with valid criticisms of the religion of Islam, which for centuries has seen non-muslims as second class citizens, murdered innocents for apostasy and homosexuality (and still continue to today). Secondly, no not ALL MUSLIMS are terrorists, most muslims live by the spiritual teachings of the religion, and thats fine, as long as they coexist and create a positive atmosphere and integrate into societies where they are the minority. Sadly, a minority of Muslims are spreading the teachings of the TRUE islam, the Islam created by your prophet, to behead the non believers and to enforce Sharia Law wherever you may go, suppress any and all free speech, and force the women to cover up and obey their husbands wishes. So by declaring that Islam is no part of the acts of terror is always going to be untrue, and valid criticisms of all religions should be heard. If you want to have a real objective conversation about a topic you have to acknowledge the good AND the evil in a religion, instead of personifying everyone in Islam as the victim.


I agree with some of your points but if you look at polls and other studies done about what Muslims believe in around the world, the majority of them point out how radical Muslims are, including Western Muslims. It's not hard to know why Islam is a a violent religion, it is a religion that was created by a war lord in the 7th century.

Yeah like the poll showing that nearly 50% of Muslims in Muslim-majority countries advocate Sharia Law, you're absolutely right its a religion created by some goatherders in the middle of the desert. Its true brainwashing that is the reason why so many people still believe what they say today. Any ideology that claims to have the wellbeing of the people in mind advocates free speech and freedom of expression, which Islam does not.

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