from Russia with love )))

Hello dear users of Steemit community! I am so happy to find you and get an opportunity to join. ))) Frankly speaking I’ve never been a great fan of Facebook and was always looking for a decent alternative to it. And here it is – Steemit in all its perfection. )))

And now let me introduce myself and tell you my life story that I hope will inspire many who have lost their way and are being in search or their true self, those who are going through hard times or just need a bit more courage to go closer to realisation of the life-long dream.


My name is Dina and I come from Russia. I was born in the Urals in the big industrial city called Yekaterinburg. (The place where the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II and his family were shot). I was born to a loving family where both parents were school teachers. I was a cheerful kid who enjoyed life more than school. However, not to disappoint my wonderful parents I studied diligently and after finishing school entered the University. Although I loved my majors, there were many subjects which I found too boring and useless to spend my life on. Nevertheless they managed to steal much of my precious time as I wanted to be a perfect student to please my parents. I graduated with honours and got a good job. My parents were very proud of me. And that was where my real life started...

A year later after my graduation I got acquainted with a man from Germany who was 6 years older than me. We met in the Internet, chatted for 2 months, saw each other for 9 days...and got married. I knew from the very beginning that he was not MY man. But I was too young and my mum was too dominant in her wish to have a perfect daughter who lives up to the perfect scenario written by her parents. So I just fled. The first years in Germany were desolate and terrifying. But I did not want to divorce and return home. My mum always taught me that a woman should have only one man in a lifetime. Unfortunately she never taught me that this only man should be chosen extremely carefully so that you are sure he is the one to be with you in joy and in sorrow. 5 years later after my marriage my wonderful daughter was born. 4 years afterwards God sent me my little hero with blue eyes and blond curly hair... My life seemed to get better... But that was only my illusion. I just got used to things. From a smart and beautiful girl I turned into a plain and boring housewife who was very often tired and irritated. I still felt lonely and out of place doing things trying to be good for everybody but forgetting about myself. I didn’t know WHO I WAS any more and WHY I WAS HERE. And it would stay like that if not for one happy day when my husband’s mistress entered my life. The day I knew about her I did not recognise my luck of course. I was desperate and spent lots of nights crying like any woman would do. But then life sent me many spiritual teachers and also lots of other wonderful people who step by step brought me back to myself and taught me to love this cute little girl Dina who living inside.

At the age of 34 I became a model. I started learning to play the piano and can perform some pieces by Tchaikovsky, Chopin and others by now. I’ve got to be a better mum for my kids as there is more love inside now. I’ve got much closer to my parents as I’ve understood that they gave me all they had. And if they didn’t give me something that’s only because they had not got it themselves. Today I’ m extremely grateful to all who brought me so much sorrow and pain as I see them as my teachers who were sent to me by God to wake me up and start my REAL LIFE on the planet Earth.

Life is not that straightforward. There is black and white, birth and death, joy and sorrow... And there is love. Love is everywhere. One only has to keep the heart open and see it...

There is nothing impossible for you! Love and be loved. )))


Friendly yours,
Dina the Sun


welcome to steemit dear. Life has it's ups and downs. When you are up, enjoy the scenery. When you are down, touch the soul of your being and feel the beauty.

That's it )))

Welcome to steemit! What a lovely dress! :)

Hi Dina, Welcome to Steemit....Great to see you here......

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