Easter Dream Marathon – It was a distress call.

in #introducemyself7 years ago

26840882_393792284376270_4420174611780925565_o.jpgBut then he began to pray like this:

“Any power assigned to eat the flesh and
drink the blood of that baby, die before your
mission, in the name of Jesus.”

It took 10 minutes. Then divine intervention began to happen.

Here’s Philip with the full story:

“The Lord has continued to do great things since I joined the Prayer Academy in Nov 25, 2012. I have been praying with one couple who lost their baby on delivery in 2011. When the wife conceived again, we believed God for a safe delivery.

She delivered well, a baby boy but on the third day, the doctors confirmed that his intestines had been blocked and he had to be referred to the national referral hospital for operation. When they called me I told them I will pray and we will believe that all will be well.

However, the Holy Spirit prompted me to call them back and pray with them on phone.

I prayed, “Any power assigned to eat the flesh and drink the blood of that baby, die before your mission, in the name of Jesus”.

It took 10 minutes and the baby started vomiting … the doctors at the referral hospital started working on the baby and after three hours, the baby became normal without the need for an operation.

Glory be to God. He has helped us to understand violent and aggressive prayer to counter the works of the enemy.”

  • Philip W, Kenya

Praise the LORD.

One of the mandates of the Prayer Academy is to train fearless prayer eagles that can rise to any occasion …

… and send the enemy packing from the lives of friends and loved ones.

(Please note that when I use the word enemy I’m speaking about spirit beings, NOT human beings – See Eph 6:12).

The Bible says:

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. – Mark 16:17-18.

And speaking of “these signs,” I was overjoyed to see how the LORD turned the tables against the enemy and gave His people resounding victories …

… during the just-ended Easter Dream Marathon. I can confirm that many received victory in their dream battles.

Here’s one case in point:

“For more than 10 years, I don’t dream and remember, but since you sent the Easter Dream prayer points to me, I used them as directed by you with Esther fasting. The prayer really worked for me. Now I can dream and remember my dreams. May the Good Lord bless you abundantly in Jesus Name, Amen.”

  • Sister Felicia

Reader Discretion Advised:
This Next One Is Rather Aggressive

“Dear Elisha,

Indeed!! We serve a living and a faithful GOD.

I cannot wait to tell you this. I just got out of bed from a very light sleep and this is what happened in that short time of a nap. I have been under tremendous tormenting satanic attack (spirit spouse) all of my life but I have the victory over it now.

I had dreamed that I had a satanic visitation which I could feel the presence of in my bedroom and as I called JESUS, JESUS, JESUS I saw an animal which looks like a jackal. I took it by my hands and tied it up and hit its head over the surface of the ground, over the walls and everywhere.

Then I went out to look for somebody to help me to set it on fire. I saw 2 men in the street and asked them if they could help me to set it on fire but they just ran away from me because they were scared of it.

I went around still hitting it to the hard surfaces and a woman came by asking me to release it and give it to her but my soul refused to let it go alive.

I continued looking for someone to help me to kill it and eventually I saw men coming to me. They helped to make a fire, tied it up to a sitting position and when I looked at it now it was like a little black boy.

They cut its upper limbs, tied it up and set it on fire with gasoline. It exploded, went high up in the sky and came back to earth as charcoal completely burned down. I opened my eyes with the FEELING THAT THE BATTLE IS OVER.”

  • Sister P.

At this stage I think you should close your eyes and pray like this:

“Every power projecting into the body of any creature in order to attack me in the dream,
your time is up, die die die in the name of Jesus.”

This is a VERY serious matter

In one fell swoop, the LORD gave this sister resounding victory over the powers that have been tormenting her all these years.

As I write my inbox is full of emails from believers who are daily being tormented by these satanic creatures in the dream.

These are the hidden powers responsible for stealing their blessings, diverting their virtues, planting poverty, sickness and even serpents in their bodies while they are asleep … all in an effort to make a shipwreck of their faith.

If this is your situation, my prayer for you is that the LORD who delivered this sister will also grant you victory and dominion in Jesus’ name.

Be An Overcomer


PS: The Prayer Escalator (Spring Edition) will soon be underway again.

Specifically for those who missed the previous sessions because of problems logging into the 24-hour blog. We are working frantically to make sure that all those who were eligible to participate but could not log in will be able to log in by the end of this month … before the program begins.

Thank you all for your godly patience …

… you will receive an email alert when your account has been fully set up (please do NOT send any more emails requesting to be set up).

PPS: Prayer Academy/Singles/Gold members, please continue with your weekly lessons without pause. When you finish, you’ll have access to continue with Golden Journey Level 2.

PPPS: For those who have NEVER joined, next session begins – April 25

More details, see below:

For Prayer Academy:

For Singles Program:

For Marriage Restoration:


I’d like to hear your experiences during the program, if you’ve been praying along with us.

Has the LORD done anything for you lately? Then let’s hear about it.

REMEMBER that thousands of undercover eagles in 117 countries have been praying in agreement with you all through our programs– your comments might just encourage someone out there.

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