[MUST READ] For those facing increasing attacks in the dream

in #introducemyself7 years ago

** elisha ** elisha@firesprings.com

There are ways to stop dream attackers.

Dead in their tracks.

See --


"It is 5:12 am in South Africa as I write this and just over
an hour ago I woke up stark raving mad from a dream and
headed straight to battle.

There seems to be a very angry man who is hunting me
down in the dream! In the form of a spiritual spouse!
He is very upset and is pulling out all the stops.

  • Name Withheld


Well, well, well...

I promised to show you how to "fix"
ALL your dream enemies for good.

No theories.

What gets the job done?

Hot, targeted prayers.

Let's look at these 3 case studies
for clues on what to do.

Case Study #1 - Tasha's Experience


I just want to express my joy….usually i’ve had dreams
where i would be being attacked most times i would either
defeat or partially defeat or just wake up before the fight
is off..

so i have been praying the prayers in the dream code…
but last night armed robbers with knives wee ganging upon me…
and i fired the prayer bullets in the dream.

Ttat’s something that has never happened to me in the
dream# as i released the fire of the Lord in the dream in
prayer they all began to fall down with their weapons
upon recovering consciousness…fled in all directions…
surely your enemies shall come one way and flee 7 ways…


** Case Study #2:

Let's go to Margaret.

She is not joking at all.

When some powers made the mistake of
coming against her in the dream, they didn't
know what they were getting into.

Hear her:

= = = = =

Dear elisha,
God bless you Elisha Goodman for giving satan
and his co-workers a real hard time!

I am praying so hard and yesterday I was given
the job that I had been unfairly denied.

It is not earning much but it was a big blow to the
devil after I had been demoted for no apparent reason.

All is well and indeed all my prayers and supplications
are being answered. Favor has become my portion...

A hot one here elisha...

I am praying in my dreams. In a million years
I would never have thought that such stuff happens.

I have attacked spiritual husband three times
in my dream. This is what I fired:

'Spiritual husband release me by fire and die in Jesus name!'

Then I fired another one to spiritual caterers:

'Spiritual caterers drink your own blood and
eat your own flesh in Jesus name!'

Indeed the Lord's light is shining upon me. God bless you
abundantly and may the Spirit of the Lord always
be with and in you.

  • Margaret, Kenya.


I hope you notice when she says:

'I am praying in my dreams.'

Because... that is the KEY.

There is a connection between that prayer in the dream
and the job that she has just taken back by force.

So the MOST EFFECTIVE way of dealing
with dream enemies is what I call ...


To fire back while the attack is in progress,
right there in the dream.

There is a second method (not as effective as the first)
but better than nothing.

You should use this one if you happen to wake up,
without praying inside the dream.

I call this the UNFINISHED BUSINESS mode.

Let's take another real-life example.


** Case Study #3:

FT says:

Thank you for sharing that strategy with me.

You know, just the other night (Sunday night),
an evil presence engulfed me just as I put my head down
after praying (I checked my watch, it was 1:15 am).

It was strangling me. I woke up, and nullified the effects
of the dream but I didn't stop there.

I plugged myself into the electrical power grid of
The Holy Ghost and I chased it out of my house, burnt it with
Holy Ghost fire and told it never to return.

I further disconnected it from its power source
(including waters, the moon, the air, the heavens, name it..),
sent it to the dessert and burnt it with Holy Ghost Fire to ashes.


Good job... good job!

Let me repeat:

If the messengers of darkness are in the habit
of attacking you in the dream (thereby stealing all
your virtues before you even wake up)...

...you must LEARN to dispose of them permanently.

Show NO mercy.

Do NOT allow them to escape.

[Note: If they escape there are summoning prayers to
bring them back for divine execution].


If you fail to destroy them in that dream,
they will come back to fight you HARDER.

See Case Study #1 that we opened with?

Tasha did a fine job.

But she could have done better.


By making sure they could not escape.

Because these powers have a way of reinforcing
and coming back to fight harder.

Upcoming prayer riots contain sample
prayers to defeat all your dream enemies.

There are hundreds of this type of prayers...
that I will be sharing in the Forum shortly.

Please notice one thing ...

Just like our Lord Jesus did while on earth,
we're teaching these principles by...


The Gospel of Jesus Christ must be powerfully
demonstrated even TODAY ... with signs and wonders
to an unbelieving world.

Otherwise no one will believe you.

We've had enough talk.

We've had enough theory.

The world wants PROOF that the Word
of God is not in vain ... in our lives.

And that's what they will see ... as together we
TAKE BACK all the enemy stole from us in the
days of ignorance.

[To Be Contd...]

Be An Overcomer


PS: Next Prayer Academy (for those who have
never joined) starts - March 25

Signup page is still briefly open at:


(For those who are joining for the first time please).

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