Top 3 Prayer Secrets To Make  2017 The Best Year For Your Marriage  (all of which you’re either ignoring or using wrongly)

in #introducemyself7 years ago

STOP praying prayers that don't work! Once you begin to spend even a little time with prayer bullets, you notice something startling......

Top 3 Prayer Secrets To Make
2017 The Best Year For Your Marriage
(all of which you’re either ignoring or using wrongly)

From Frustration To Restoration

  • In 14 Short Days !!

"I am so elated!!! Remember my 'frustrated firstlady' letter I sent you? Your response to me was entitled 'empowered firstlady'. You told me to use my problems as an opportunity that God can use to teach 'your hands to war and your fingers to fight.'

Well Elisha, the prayer marathon taught me just how to do that. The Lord open up my understanding so much and gave me victory! I cannot believe that in such a short time since I started the marathon, within the second week I was having victories even with my marriage.Right now my husband is the sweetest thing, its like we just got married!!!

  • Newly Empowered Lady, Canada

Prayer Brings Deliverance From Spirit Husband

"I want to thank God for your prayer bullets which have helped me to get delivered from the spiritual husband.

For some years I had suffered marital problems which let me to a divorce. I started praying the prayer bullets since 2009.

Now the good news is that I have been blessed with the man and will be getting married on the 23rd of December this year.

Thanks for your encouragement and God richly bless you.

  • Sister Faith, Zambia

Dear Christian Friend,

Let me ask you 3 questions...

     How would you like to know the ONE secret that can save your
     marriage or relationship right now?

How would you like to know how to guarantee peace of mind in your

    How would you like to learn the secret of keeping your marriage going 
   strong year after year?

  Now if at this very moment you are feeling desperate, frustrated, alone or even scared (or maybe just plain mad) when it comes to your marriage...  that probably sounds almost too far-fetched to be true, right?

But what if the answers, as you will
see in a few seconds, are absolutely Yes!

 To prepare you for what lies ahead, let's listen to what happened to Lillian's neighbour.

      She first broke this story on our website in 2008. Then in March 2009, Betty, the woman in the story stepped forward to share her testimony and... 

"The Same Husband Wants Her Back!"

It is so exciting, I don't know where to begin.

First, Thank you very much I received the Prayer of Caleb yesterday by post and I am so excited. I am reading it already and it is just marvellous. I am taking an Esther, praying the prayers in the 'Confidential Prayer Manuscript to Release Your Finances From The Grip of Spiritual Vampires" that you sent me earlier.

I am finishing on Friday 31st Aug and then I begin immediately the prayers on page 65 of Prayer of Caleb. I cant wait. So, as I was saying, I have never enjoyed my salvation like now. God is in charge of my life and the Holy Spirit is leading me by the hand....

  • My husband was away in East Timor working on a UN mission for two months when I got access to your prayer manuals.. Do you know he came back a changed husband and there is love all over. He wants to spend more and more time with me and consults me on everything, the opposite of what was before.

He even told me to identify a car for myself to buy. I thought he was not serious. Then he repeated it. I was trusting God for a car but I didn't know it would come like that -- kingdom surprise!

-While praying step four prayers in Prayer Cookbook for Busy People, there is this prayer point where you say: "I shall be an arrow in the hand of God to bring healing to His people." God literally answered this one instantly. People have been waking me up very early in the morning to tell me their problems - and many of them are marital problems and I would quickly introduce them to Golden Key prayers.

-I applied Golden key prayers to my neighbors' situation-- a wife thrown out by her husband. Last Sunday 19th Aug. she turned up at my house at 6 am, she also confessed she does not know why she chose to come to me. I introduced her to the ebook "Point By Point" and she said she would do anything to get her marriage back.

She started the Esther fast on Tuesday and by Saturday the husband was looking for her everywhere. All through I prayed for her as well and asked Jehovah to intervene and voila! on Monday this week she came to my office with a testimony.

The same husband wants her back, no conditions. He has given her money and asked her to get a house to move in together!

Elisha, it works! God is still in the business of blessing people.

  • Back to me, at my place of work, am involved in training and it has been very difficult to get people to pay for the training, now they are looking for me. It is favor all the way.

Praise JESUS. Elisha, thanks for allowing God to use you to bless people all over the world...

  • Sister Lillian, Prayer Academy (2nd Edition)

"My Husband Had Thrown Me Out
But After The Prayers...


My husband had thrown me out with the kids and never wanted anything to do with me again. I had given up on him and I never knew what to do anymore.

One day I decided to give him the kids by abandoning them in the car, but I couldn't sleep for two nights so one day early in the morning I decided to go for them.

I was met by a rude shock because my husband had not slept in the house which was full of his sisters who denied me access.

As I stood at the closed door my heart told me to knock at my neighbour's house. I really needed to talk to somebody.

As she took me in she told me to stop fighting devils physically. She asked me if I wanted my husband back. I told her that I would do anything apart from sin.

So she gave me your prayer guide. I did the Esther Method and in the third day of the dry fasting my friend told me that my husband was looking for me and wanted to meet me to talk things over.

I met him and he promised to take me back. I couldn't believe it since he was already seriously engaged to another lady and I was sure I had lost him.

On the tenth day and the last day of fasting he came to me again. He gave me the house keys, a good amount of money to move to another house with my kids.

He also transported his sister back home never to return. His employer was taking him for a training to the U.K. for two weeks.

He came back after two weeks and promised to love me forever. He married me legally after some weeks and since then our life has never been the same.

We have used the 101 prayer points to pray for a job and it came immediately after he lost the former one, and any time we want an instant answer to our prayers.

Your books have made my husband believe in God.

Since then he is a changed man and I will always thank God for using u to reach people like me.

  • Betty M, Kenya

But Wait Till You See This Next One...

"I prayed some of those prayer points ...
God brought me and my ex-husband back
together after 23 years of divorce"

"Dear Elisha,
It's been pretty tough. When I stopped praying those prayer points that you e-mailed me. I slacked in fasting, praying and reading God's word. I had to repent ask GOD for forgiveness and start all over. Looks as though everything went wrong.

Before, I got in my comfort zone of not fasting and praying nor reading God's word. I prayed some of those prayer points, God brought me and my ex-husband back together after twenty-three years of divorce.

We got into an argument. I'm not speaking to him and he's not speaking to me right now. The Lord brought to my attention to fast all this week, fight for what's mine, take back what the devil has stolen by fasting and praying and by using the prayer points, and to ask my ex-husband for forgiveness as well as he should do the same for me.

GOD says not just to pray for me and my ex-husband but for other married couples who having marital problemsas well. I praised the Lord for you and your beautiful work in the ministry."

-- Joanne R, Seattle

Let me explain by telling
you a true-life story

   On a beautiful spring morning twenty-five years ago, two young women wedded at the same church. They were very much alike, these two young women. Both had been brought up by Christian parents, both were beautiful, and both - as young women - were filled with wonderful dreams about the future.

   Recently, these women returned to the church for their 25th wedding anniversary.They were still very much alike. Both were still married. Both had three children. And both, it turned out, had husbands who worked for the same technology company in different states, and were still there.

     But there was a difference.

   One of the women has been struggling in her marriage for years and it showed.

   She looked drawn and tired. She's been close to divorce 3 times in the past. Just two weeks before this event, she'd made a shocking discovery. Her husband was having a secret affair in the office!

   And the other?

   Her family was the closest thing to heavenly bliss and it showed. There was a sparkle in her eyes and a spring to her steps as she walked around hand in hand with her husband.

What made the difference?

   Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference in people's marriages? It isn't always dedication or talent or beauty. It isn't that one person wants her marriage to succeed and the other doesn't.

"He Came Back To Me - Suddenly!"

"I must say I have been truly blessed!. I was going through a rough time in my relationship and I had decided to give up... I prayed and asked the Lord to work with us through this. I even thought God wanted us apart.

I then had my mind set on giving up when he (suddenly) came back and now we are seriously working on a bright future together!

Thank you for your help and guidance through the Prayer Marathon."

  • Sis. Ann, New York

"The difference lies in what each person knows about
spiritual things and how he or she makes use of
that spiritual knowledge."

   And that is why I am writing to you about an evergreen prayer manual, "Point By Point: The 101 Prayers that Strengthen Marriages and Relationships."


   For that is the whole purpose of the ebook: To give its readers spiritual knowledge - and how to apply that knowledge in prayer to restore their marriages.

A Prayer Book On Marriages And Relationships
Unlike Any Other...

   You see, Point By Point is a unique prayer manual. It contains little-known spiritual insights about marriage that you won't find in any other book.

   It includes 101 prayer bullets that address every area of marriage you can think of... be it finances, health, or even faithfulness to the marital vows.     

Here's A Deep Secret
That Prayer Eagles Know

There is a prayer point for every
conceivable situation in your marriage!

   Right now I am looking at the prayers for day one. It contains important scriptures and powerful confessions.     

   Every spiritual scenario that can possibly affect your marriage is covered; from lack of finances, unfaithfulness, marital curses, inherited patterns of failure from the mother's and father's bloodlines, to ungodly influences and competition from strange men or women.      

   And there is page after page inside this prayer manual, filled with nuggets of rare biblical wisdom that's useful to YOU.

   A daily supply of marriage-strengthening and relationship-building scriptures help keep you spiritually alert and sensitive.

   Confessions that we use want to activatethe presence of God over marriages is laid out, word for word, together with the times to use them for maximum effect.

   In this evergreen edition, the prayer points have been honed, refined and polished into something like a...

Step by step "RECIPE" that anyone
can follow like baking a cake!

   There are never-before-revealed prayer secrets you can use to:

Turn troubled relationships to terrific
relationships in as little as 14 days

   One sister told me, "My marriage experienced a turnaround... there is love, joy and peace in my home where before there was chaos.

   These prayer points will help:

 Saturate your marriage with fire that keep your spouse sticking to you like glue.

 Make your marriage impossible to break.

 Close any spiritual loophole in your spouse’s heart and mind with the blood of Jesus.

 Add love, happiness, and joy to your relationships.

· No Matter How You Look...

· Or How Old You Are...

· Or How Much You Weigh

"Those who learn how to pray about their marriages
have a definite advantage over
those who don't..."

Here's what this prayer does is:

· It saturates your marriage with enduring love and affection.

· It generates the full support of both family and friends.

· It clears conflictsgenerated by nosy and manipulative inlaws (aka demonic inlaws)

· It totally eliminates any plans for separation and divorce.

· It restores love that you can almost feel and touch.

· It dramatically increases your spouse's desire to remain faithful to the marital vows.

· It maintains a warm, joyful and godly atmosphere in the home.

· It builds animpenetrable "firewall"against unwanted attention from "strange" men and women.

                 Everything is spelt out for you... 

    Nothing is left to chance or guesswork: The time to pray, what to pray, the scriptures, what to expect... it's all here.

   This kind of prayer has been used for centuries by the most successfuland the most highly desired Christian couples.

   And, now YOU too can use it, if you:

 Want to strengthen your marriage.

 Are struggling too hard in your marriage

 Worried about how long your marriage will last,
given today's frightening divorce rates

You will find that the right prayer
works, even if…

   You've ever experienced conflict and hostility in the home… you get the prayers to “sweeten” these relationships. 

Note: these are completely ignored secrets in
the Bible that only a few people know.

   (After praying these prayer points, one woman remarked that if she had this book in her hand just last year, her marriage will still be intact by now). 

   Your life will begin to change as soon as you get this material in your hands.  


· Because you’ll learn how the women of old were taught, and the prayers they used, to keep their marriages going strong year after year.

(Hint: After they learned this secret, separation or divorce became a thing of the past).

 Because you’ll learn how to pray "spicy" prayers that would make your spouse enthusiastically want to stay married to you forever

    (No games or manipulation here; it’s been in the Bible all the time).

 Because you’ll discover the 2 deadly things that bring marriages to a screeching halt… and learn how to avoid them.

 Because you’ll learn to pray Scripture-based prayer points thatbreak every chain, spell andhypnotic suggestion off your spouse… and off you for that matter. (Please don’t laugh; home breakers are notorious for casting spells on their victims)!

 Because you’ll discover little-known prayer bullets that literally dissolve plans for separation and divorce.

 And much, much more.

   You may just be one prayer awayfrom a tide-turning breakthrough. This is the most Biblical (and simplest) way to strengthen your marriage or any other relationship you’ll ever come across.

   Plus, this is seriously important information for you in the times that we live in. .. a time when the divorce rate even among Christians has gone through the roof!

   Everything you need to know is revealed in this little ebook in short-cut form, so that you can  “taste” success immediately.

   And this is something you will want to keep handy at all times …

   Because, that way you have avirtual encyclopaedia of prayers that work at your fingertips… and it’s all written in easy-to-understand language so you can actually use it!

If you have never used the prayer point
method, you cannot imagine how useful
it will be to your marriage...

   Much of the wisdom that appears in Point By Point is right there in your Bible.

   But here's the thing: you will really have to wade through the Scriptures diligently to find and put them together.

   That in itself might be a good thing ... but for many people it is difficult to stay focused in the midst of a marriage breakdown.

   This short manual is available in ebook format only so that anyone with an Internet connection can gain instant access within minutes, no matter where they are in the world.

"Now you too can discover the secret that one of the two women at the beginning of this letter has been using to keep her marriage going strong for 25 years... while for the other, divorce is staring her right in the face..."

Here's my invitation to you...

   Put what I have said here to the PROOFby downloading your copy of Point By Pointand using it as advised for the next 21 days.

   And how much will this investment be worth to you?

   As I was putting the finishing touches to this manual, someone just told me that divorce is the No.  2 cause of bankruptcy in the US.

   Shocking? It doesn't need to be. Just open your eyes and look around you.

   I've decided on the token price of $37

   Now, please think carefully:

Is The Restoration Of Your Marriage
Worth $37 To You?

   For a small fraction of what it costs to buy a fancy new Smartphone or iPad, you are getting your hands on material that will have a direct positive impact on your well-being, state of mind and family... not to mention it's eternal value.

   (One sister says it cost her 10 TIMES  as much to buy her New Smartphone. And she's been proudly showing it off to her friends... but that expensive new toy has not helped her broken marriage!)

   And why am I not giving this ebook FREEas my other ebook?

   Because, sadly most people who receive everything for free "perceive" such things to be of no value! 

   Scientific research even proves this!

   In my own experience I have been forced to the same conclusion.

   You see, of all the materials I've freely given away, very few of the recipient have even bothered to use them.

   Are they even opening the daily emails I send them? Frankly, I don't know.

   Most of the incredible testimonies I receive are from those who made a commitment, paid the price for the books and used them.

   It has to do with one's priorities in life...

   Here's what I'm going to do:

 Should Point By Point not measure up to your expectation... 

I'm offering a No-Questions-Asked 100%
Money-Back Guarantee

   If you'd like to use Western Union, send me an email first at ... and I'll give you instructions on what to do.

   If you feel as I do that this is a fair and reasonable proposition, then you will want to find out without delay if Point By Point can do for you what it is doing for many other users all over the world.   

No matter what the marriage psychologists tell you...
the restoration of your marriage will always rest on how you live
AND the kind of prayers you pray!

   All the pop psychology stuff  and the “feel-good” stuff you see on TV and the Internet canNEVER solve any stubborn spiritual problems.

 And you will know that you have a stubborn spiritual problem when all the prophecies given to you over the years have failed to materialize.

 When they lay hands on you and pray over you, the problem seems to get worse.

 These are just 2 signs to tell you that you are dealing with a stubborn spiritual problem... one that will only get worse as you grow older.

About those 2 women I mentioned earlier.

They were wedded on the same day.

In the same church.

By the same pastor.

The same marital blessings were pronounced on both.

So what made their marriages so different?

Spiritual knowledge. Converted to prayer
points. And applied without hesitation...

An Investment In Success

   I cannot promise you that success will be instantly yours if you start using Point By Point...

   But I can guarantee you will find that your marriage, indeed your entire life, will begin to take a turn for the better...

   ... and those dreams you had on your wedding day (now long dead) will slowly but surely begin to come alive... as you apply these SIMPLE scriptural principles consistently.

What will it cost you to NOT own
"Point By Point"

   You know this... in life, acquiring knowledge and skills cost money.

   Ignorance costs you money too. At times it can cost someone their lives. Not to mention their health, family and marriage.

   Unfortunately we all start out ignorant. The definition of ignorance is "lacking education or knowledge."

   All successful couples, even the most experienced, are still constantly learning... still constantly hungry for more knowledge and wisdom on how to improve their marriage.

"I have a feeling that if you are still reading
this letter at this point, you have got to be serious
about restoring your marriage and family."

   So go order your own copy NOW... and if you stretch your faith a little bit (and sign up for the weekly GOLD Edition lessons) many things will become clearer to you in the weeks ahead.

   For instance...

Do you have a sneaking feeling that youmade a mistake in choosing your life partner? That kind of mistake can be fatal. Some people end up marrying their enemies! But there is a way out (Hint: It is not what you think).

 Do you want to avoid making costly mistakes again?

 Are you even now looking up to the LORD and believing Him for a God-fearing spouse? Or you know someone who is?

Then OPTION 3 on the next page is for you...


A Special Unadvertised Bonus which
I'll be sending to your inbox 24 hours After
Your Order Is Processed!

This Bonus has not been offered in the past and is for a limited time only...


Because we have a plan to take it offline soon and repackage it into a standalone product that will be available only during special programs in the 24-hour blog.

Because these prayers require a bit of spiritual maturity to WORK... and produce breath-taking testimonies like the ones you see posted on our websites everyday.

    Yes! I Want To Get My Hands On My Copy Of "Point By Point" Right Now!

I understand that I will receive my Point By Point: The 101 Prayers That Strengthen Marriages and Relationshipsas an ebook after my order is processed.

I realize that much of the material I'm about to learn is not available in most prayer books.

I understand that Point By Point does NOT entitle me to join the Gold Edition weekly prayers unless I select any of the 2-in-1 options.

I'm aware that if I'm not 100% satisfied within ninety days you'll give me a no questions asked money back refund.

Thank you for your time ...

Yours for a blissful marriage,



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