How Anarchy Literally Ruined My Life

in #introducemyself8 years ago

Hello World,   

Apparently I have made it this far across the stumble of life, and find myself getting to grips with an account on this new thing called Steemit - so I thought I'd take this opportunity to warn you of a highly destructive phenomenon that has been identified in certain areas of our planet...   

Recently, I have been reflecting back on how perfect my life was one year ago. I had a close-knit family, close friends, a strong sense of belonging and a deep feeling of spiritual connectedness. I was a dedicated consumer of green tea and daily affirmations. I had a clear vision of where I wanted to take my career, and my life. I was set on getting a PhD in psychology and eventually training to become a psychotherapist. I wanted to help other people to find themselves, and I had made it my life's mission to make that a reality for as many people as possible.                                                                                       

And then, anarchy struck.   

My entire sphere crumbled and fell to a million pieces. I blundered through the ruins for weeks, months on end. One by one, I began to lose my nearest and dearest - friends, family and dreams. Every corner of my mind had caved in on itself, baring naked a flimsy foundation. Because principles do that to an irrational mind.   

I had come to the realisation that the pursuit of happiness begins with facing the self.
The real self. The true self. The ugly self.   

From the ashes I rose, emancipated from the shackles of emotional slavery that had burdened my soul for as long as I could remember. Free from the tyranny, lies and manipulation that had kept the shattered pieces of my 'perfect' life together for so long. My spirit had died, and so had my connection to 'the higher power'. Affirmations just didn't cut it for me anymore. I was stifled by masking it all. I was hungry for more truth, the truth about everything that ever was, and ever will be.   

And so began my journey down the rabbit hole. No masters, no leaders. I was my own.

Throughout my upcoming posts, I aim to incorporate the tale of how my life turned inside out, what I've learned along the way, and how I've never been happier for it.    

Looking forward to connecting with you all :)      


I think you are really going to fit in on Steemit. Telling a true and personal story in a serial format is likely to do very well. BTW, if you include some form of identity verification in this post, Project Newbie will likely contact you and you'll get a little more exposure. I've been trying to touch base with everyone new to help. You might not need it though. There's quite the anarchist community here and I expect you'll have an instant following. Welcome!

Thank you for the wonderful warm welcome and your kind words :) How can I contact Project Newbie, and what sort of verification do I need?

The most common way is to take a selfie holding a piece of paper where you've written the date and your name and "Steemit," but there are lots of other ways. If someone here knows you from real life they can vouch for you. Here's a good post all about it if you're curious: What Verifying Your Account In Introduceyourself Means You don't have to do it. The way you're responding to comments makes it clear you're very real. Ahh the clunky formalities of early days. I think you'll add a fun voice to Steemit. Thanks for responding. :)

I know right! I'm still trying to work out exactly how this all works :D
Really appreciate the post, and your lovely thoughts. Thank you for responding also:)

Come on, now. Your life isn't ruined.

You're just playing a game on yourself called "temptation, judgment and withdrawal," we've all done it - it's human nature; it's part of the cycle of life to know what we want and to have things "perfect" for a time, only to have those things taken away in more time, you see.

In reality, you're blessed. You're beautiful both outside (which is very apparent from your photo, btw) and on the inside. You say that the real self is ugly, but it really isn't.

You see, you were conditioned to identify with the archetype of satan; to associate yourself with that part of you which is "animal" (instinct) and to judge that side of yourself as "bad" and "wrong". But it really isn't bad at all. In fact, it's just as natural and good as any other "part" of ourselves.

Selfishness isn't bad. Greed isn't bad. On the flip side, selflessness isn't good. You're just here, being aware of actions happening to you, around you, and "coming out from you". The selfishness or selflessness that you observe coming out from you are just here for you to witness, just like everything else that "happens" to you. You aren't them. You're not even the energy of their engagement.

You're the joy and compassion that embraces the witnessing and the judging and the condemning and the pleasures and the pains and the attachments and the losses - a non-personal, all-embracing witness to all these waves and cycles of good and bad, happy and sad - you see.

You're greater than that which you perceive. You're beyond the suffering that you observe inside of yourself and outside, in the world that your body interacts with.

You're the non-judgmental, ever-peaceful and content, presence that underlies all the complex (ego) games of your conditioned consciousness, which is your ever-present means to psychological healing and the absolute forgiveness of your apparent sins.

Can you feel it? Can you sense the truth and power of these words that I share here?

If you can let go of your attachment to suffering and punishing yourself for being less than perfect, then you will immediately feel peace and space fill your awareness. The words that I speak here only help to direct your attention there. I'm not doing anything to you, nor are you doing anything to yourself. You're simply releasing from effort and restricting your energies and this great sense of peace and contentment is the natural consequence of doing this.

Now, see if you can look on yourself with shame or anger. See if you can look on others with pity, jealousy or resentment. Notice how the energies associated with these types of feelings and emotions may still be present inside of your awareness, but how you no longer feel attached to them or judgmental towards them - they no longer feel like they ARE you.

Rather, these emotions, or energies that evoke strong memories and make inner-resistances to a healthy flow of energy very apparent, are a "happening", no different from a car passing you by on the street. You always have the choice to attach a lot of meaning in these "passer-bys", whether it be the car in my recent analogy or the emotions, but you also have the choice to ignore them and/or allow them to be as they are.

It's the allowing of things to be as they are which provides us with insight as to who we really are, you see...and I assure you that it is in no way ugly.

Why is it necessary to define themselves as libertarian socialist, anarchist, voluntarism, etc.? Is choosing a "religion" for another. Why not "free thinker"and believe in yourself?

I think anarchy is our natural state of being. For me, self ownership enabled free thinking.

Welcome to Steemit!

I've always been in line with policies and rules, regulations, government and all. I believe in organization not chaos. Anarchy seems to do the entire opposite. Some prefer anarchy. I don't. And if they argue or debate with me, they probably will win, but it won't win me over to their camp.

They say anarchy is independence. They say its freedom. I can see some light in that. But everything they claim is all relative in the sense that whether we like it or not, we are governed by "something" or "someone". Nature governs us.

There is no absolute independence or freedom. We can all be slave in a nation or a government but still can be free within. I hope I'm making sense ;-)

Thank you for your thoughts, i'm always interested to hear the perspectives of others :) My question to you is, how can we be free if we are slaves?

Is that a trick question or is that the psychotherapist asking? LOL
External shackles can enslave us physically. But the inner self is always free.

It wasnt a trick question at all, I was just trying to understand your logic :)
What use does a free mind have if it is not able to put its thoughts into reality?

Welcome to Steemit.

I know how you feel... when did you "unplug" the matrix? Resently?

Check out my blog if you like, I am working on starting a video channel called Steem Life: @lasseehlers

Following you now.

Thank you. I started slowly unplugging a few years ago, but I suppose last year was the final pull :)
Checking your blog!

I was also inside the matrix a few years back. I just started my own company in 2011. What really gave me a hit was when my small firm approached a large bank and wanted to get one of our reports 'certified' by that bank so that it could get "technically" accepted (The truth is, they had no idea about technically in that particular area). Our firm is one of the top technology consultants in the industry and the banker looked at me and said- "Of course we can certify your small firms report, how many employees do you have?" I answered proudly "Well, we are completely independent and have 3 employees." They responded with a smile "Well, come back to us when you have more than 5000 employees." I responded with a smile, "Sure!" and walked out the door. I've since discovered fractional reserve banking, derivatives exposure, a total financial system built on debt...etc etc.

How did you feel when he asked you to come back with 5000+ employees? Congratulations on your business btw:)

I thought he was just placing a barrier in our path on purpose. So I decided not to jumped through his pre-defined hoops and I will choose another path. We did choose another path. Interestingly another bank said that they would certify our reports on one condition, they would give us a loan for our operations in our business. I decided against that. Our fundamentals do not need a loan, so why do we need one? Thanks for reading.

Are you the female Neo or Morpheus?

The $'s are flowing...we'll leave that question for another day :-)

No masters, no leaders. I was my own - GREAT LINE by the way!

(nice to see some minnows followed me here!)

Ah, the crash of the "ignorance is bliss" mentality that we have been fed. This will be fun. I cannot wait to hear about your journey!

If bliss means bashing one's head against the a wall, then I suppose ignorance could be that! Haha, thank you. Look forward to seeing you around :)

I had this happen to me a little over 20 years ago, I didn't call myself an anarchist though...I just woke up to a system that fed off of peoples sufferings and I didn't want to be a part of it.

I follow you now, just for that comment!

I hope not to disappoint <3

Would you call yourself an anarchist now?

I call myself a libertarian socialist just to screw with people's minds, anarchist label causes knee jerk reactions and people stop thinking ;-)

Yes, I have found that to be true :')

The term anarchist and the use of "conspiracy theorist" have been used to vilify opposition, it's all propaganda.

Welcome to the freedom side of the fence.
The life in the vanguard of the revolution can be cold and lonely.
Sorry about that, but the crapitalusts control the reins on the herd, for now.
What is your source for your 'anarchism'?
Here is one of mine:

Oh, the quote is 'No gods, no master's' from a book by M. Bakunin.
For those that weren't aware.

"The life in the vanguard of the revolution can be cold and lonely." - I agree
Thank you for welcoming me to the community:) That's an interesting collection you have there! My main source would be Stefan Molyneux's work.

Ok, you are going to want to go to the sources from the late 19th and early 20th century.
If you look at the bottom of the library's front page you will see authors, look in there for Emma Goldman, and Voltarine DeCleyre, presuming you prefer your anarchism from the female perspective.
Other wise Kropotkin, Bakunin, and Proudhon are the prime springs of information.
I don't know a lot about Molyneux, but I tend to distrust informational sources that come from the time after world war two.

Is there a particular reason as to why you distrust sources from after world war two? I dont really have a preference in that regard, open to both male and female sources. I will take a proper tour of your library at some point, thanks for the suggestions!

Yes, in the 20's the oligarchs began to buy up the sources of public opinion to control the masses, after ww2 the projects for controlling the herd exploded.
If you look at dictionaries and encyclopedias from before 1930 and compare them to those printed after you will see how knowledge has been purposely removed from them.
There is a reason you weren't led to the information I have offered you, it will free your mind.

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