Hello Steemians! Here I am!

My name is Kerstin, I live in Vienna and I am currently on maternity leave with my second child for a year now. It is a big privilege to stay at home so long with the baby. On the other hand it nearly kills me from an intellectual point of view. I admit, caring about the kids exclusively all day long doesn’t make me happy. As my husband started his own business dealing with data science, blockchain technology and mining last year, I got in touch with these things for the first time. Since then I kept learning, reading and talking about these topics and the more I know about it, the more excited I am. And finally, I’ve heard about Steemit – and here I am! ☺

WhatsApp Image 2018-04-16 at 11.24.11.jpeg

The big advantage of my husband’s business for me is that his office is the apartment next door. Therefore whenever the little one falls asleep I sneak over for a short visit and catch a glimpse of what’s up in the crypto community. These visits are like short term holidays from the daily routine, which mostly end way too early by the baby monitor’s call.


One of the first observations I’ve made, was, that whenever the topic in a conversation turns towards crypto and stuff, the ladies at the table dismiss and state, that they are not interested in it because it was too technical or complicated. “I am a practical person, this is too sophisticated for me”, I’ve heard a very clever female friend say. Whenever this happens, I think: Oh my! Girl, don’t miss this revolution, this is the future, don’t ignore it! Don’t get me wrong. I am far from understanding everything or being an expert in the field as my resources are quite restricted these days. But I think it is absolutely mandatory to have at least a rough idea of what’s going on.

This made me think about ways how to prepare content for these more practical people. My considerations led me to Do-It-Yourself videos, which go viral on facebook and youtube. I don’t know any woman who does not enjoy watching them. Is this true for guys as well? I don’t know. Let me know in your comments!
Anyways. I’ve experimented with make up boxes and bows to build a blockchain. As soon as it’s done, I’ll share the video with you.
So, now that it’s posted, I have to deliver. I need that kind of pressure to finalize things sometimes ;-)


My nerd and I have been a couple for over sixteen years now. I call him husband, although we are not married. But in my opinion to have shared nearly half of our lives and having two kids together counts more than a certificate of marriage.

As you may imagine, life as a nerd’s wife hasn’t always been easy, but often very funny, inspiring and some kind of absurd. I just remember when we were still students and our days were filled with sleep and the nights were busy with World of Warcraft (WOW), beer and smoke. The daily (or better nightly) agenda was dictated by saving the fleets in O-Game, scheduled WOW raids, Sturmovic manoeuvres and later endless online poker sessions. What did I actually do all the time as I didn’t play any of these? I went out a lot with friends. Some of my friends back then even doubted that my boyfriend existed, since he never showed up anywhere. He has never been much of a party person. I painted and airbrushed, studied for my degree in molecular biology or watched TV (remember this world without Netflix or youtube?!) and read a lot. During the first years we hardly ever met before midnight. We had a hard time getting out of bed within the opening hours of the supermarket before 6 p.m. Today our kids kick us out at 6 a.m. after they did not let us sleep the whole night. All of this and much more I would like to share with you. I am looking forward to your reactions and comments! ☺


Herzlich Willkommen hier auf STEEM(it) - Ist dein Mann auch schon hier? ;)
Bin schon gespannt auf noch mehr Geschichten aus dem Leben eurer "Nerdfamily" :P
Habe den Post mal geteilt, damit ein paar mehr Leute sehen - @neuvorstellungen sollte auch noch mit ein paar Tipps um die Ecke kommen!
Liebe Grüße, @theaustrianguy

Mein Mann steht schon in den Startlöchern - sobald er dabei ist, lass ich es euch natürlich wissen :-)

Sehr gut - Ein guter Vorstellungspost hat immer seine Vorteile, sag ihm das :P Kannst seinen Beitrag dann gerne auch per Discord (siehe Kommentar von @neuvorstellungen) an mich schicken! LG

Welcome to the community Kerstin! Good luck! Upvoted!!

Welcome anerds😃

Hallo @anerdswife, herzlich willkommen auf Steemit.

Wenn Du Fragen zu Steemit hast, oder Dich mit anderen deutschen „Steemians“ austauschen magst, schau einfach mal auf unserem Discord-Server https://discord.gg/g6ktN45 vorbei.

Unter dem folgenden Link findest Du einige Anleitungen, die Dir den Einstieg in das Steem-Universum deutlich erleichtern werden: Deutschsprachige Tutorials für Steemit-Neulinge: Ein Überblick

Welcome to steemit Family...

@anerdswife, welcome and congratulations on making your first post! I gave you a $.09 vote! If you would be so kind to give me a follow in return that would be awesome!

Welcome, Kerstin! Great to have you here, friend :) Thanks to your nerdy husband who introduced you to the blockchain, ha! Enjoy your time. Followed ;)

I know being a parent isn't always fun, and requires alot of sacrifice, but in terms of investment there is nothing worth more than one human life! All the programs in the world will never be worth as much as your beautiful children. We miss the freedom of our life before kids as well- how did we ever have so much time? It takes so much energy and time and love to nurture a soul.

Welcome to steemit!

very true words... thanks for your comment :-)

Hello @anerdswife, you have made an interesting post, I just put your post reference in my blog, if you like it then please upvote and follow me, otherwise please comment in that post, then i will remove your link.

Thanks for referencing, @sultanmr! This honors me :-)

I am very interested in this post, here I can learn more About what can make people interested, my honor maulanazikri thank you very much.

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