Chinese Culture Project - Promoting Chinese poetry on Steemit 《樂筆詩塾》 - Steemit首個中國詩歌推廣計劃

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)

“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” is the first line of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18. Sonnet 18 is one of his most famous Sonnet, and even if you have never studied Shakespeare’s works in detail, you would probably be aware of his famous fourteen line sonnets.

“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” 這是大文豪莎士比亞的十四行詩第十八首的第一句,莎士比亞除了劇作,他的十四行詩也是名垂千古,我相信你就算未讀過也會知道十四行詩。

In the Chinese poetry world, “Bright moonlight before my bed, I suppose it is frost on the ground” (床前明月光,疑是地上霜) is the opening of the famous poem Quiet Night Thoughts 《靜夜思》 by the one of the greatest Chinese poets Li Bai 李白. It is often recited as a nursery rhyme and many Chinese children grew up listening to this poem. In the English speaking world, most people would probably have never heard of the Quiet Night Thoughts or even Li Bai.


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A lot of people will recognise Shakespeare, but not even many Chinese may recognise Li Bai 很多人都會認得圖左的畫像就是莎士比亞,但我相信很多華人都未必認得圖右的就是中國詩仙李白。

Poetry has existed for thousands of years, from Homer to Dante, from Shakespeare to Tagore, all these poems have stood the test of time. Chinese poetry also has a long history extending back to as early as the Western Zhou dynasty in BC771. Over the years, it has evolved throughout the centuries, each dynasty making their mark on its way. However, in recent years people seems to be more interested in contemporary poetry, with classical poetry have gradually fallen out of fashion. That is why we have started the Chinese Culture Project.

詩歌發展數千年,由荷馬到但丁,由莎士比亞到泰戈爾,一首又一首的詩歌流傳至今,中國同為詩詞大國,早於西周已有詩經,再歷楚辭、樂府、唐詩、宋詞、元曲,每代百花齊放,但歷經現代文化衝擊,我們的新一代紛紛轉向現代詩歌,寫新詩,讀新詞,卻像遺忘了中國古詩詞的繁盛。因此,我們組成了這個組合 – 樂筆詩塾。

The Chinese Culture Project is created by a group of Steemians from Hong Kong who have a passion for Chinese culture. We’re not a group of scholars nor do we have a strong foundation in literature. What we want to do is to promote Chinese classical poetry far afield beyond the Chinese speaking community. We hope to introduce it to more people and that Chinese poetry will gain more recognition worldwide.


The Chinese has a saying 「樂不思蜀」 which means one is enjoying themself so much that they forget to go home. Our Chinese project name 「樂筆詩塾」 is a play on words for this saying . 「樂」means happiness or music and in this case we take it to mean music. 「不」 is the negative form in Chinese and in Cantonese sounds the same as pen「筆」something that is essential to write poetry. 「思」means think and sounds the same as 「詩」which is poem or poetry. And finally 「蜀」is the alternative name for Sichuan Province, this is where the author of the saying hails from. It sounds the same「塾」which is what private schools used to be called in the old days. And there we have our Chinese project name, we hope you will enjoy is so much that you don’t think about leaving.


Our project logo has a lotus flower and the chinese word ‘poem’ inside a Chinese style window frame. Traditionally the lotus flower is regarded as pure, clean and elegant and has always been a favourite topic in classical Chinese poetry. The entire logo represents our respect to Chinese poetry and culture.


The aim of our project is pretty simple. We’re not here to analyse the meaning and structure of the poems in a scholarly manner because we don’t have the ability to do that. What we aim to do is to introduce Chinese poems to the English speaking world in a simple and contemporary way, so you can have a basic understanding and appreciation of it, and hopefully arouse your interest to learn more.


Initially, we will focus on poems from the Tang Dynasty, and will introduce one each week. We will compose our own music, draw our own sketches, translate classical Chinese into modern day Chinese and use story telling to explain the poem. Finally, we will translate that into English and share it with the English speaking world. Our team consists of @kona (music), @nanosesame (art), @perlia (literature translation), @aaronli (promotion and Chinese editor) and @livinguktaiwan (English editor). Since the team lives in different places, all our work and collaboration is done entirely online, but we hope one day the Chinese Culture Project team can do a meetup. In the meanwhile, here’s our group photo.

在計劃的初期,我們將以「唐詩」為第一步,暫定每星期介紹一首唐詩,為該詩配樂、畫圖,再用說故事的方法,將詩詞的意思、含義及優美介紹給外國的朋友。我們的團隊如下:@kona (音樂)、@perlia (文學)、@livinguktaiwan (英語翻譯)、@nanosesame (美術) 及 @aaronli (中文部分及推廣)。由於我們居住在不同的地方,故現時的工作及討論全都在線上完成,期待未來一天「樂筆詩墪」的成員能聚首一堂,給大家一張合照!

We don’t know how successful our project will be. We don’t know if you guys will like what what we’re doing and want to learn more about Chinese literature, and we certainly don’t know how long we can persevere. What we do know, is that if we don’t try, we’ll never find out.


We will be introducing the first Tang poem very soon. Once it’s out we hope you will like our work and support the Chinese Culture Project. In the meanwhile, we’d love for you to give us some comments and feedback so we can make sure we can do our best!




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Holaaaaa, esperamos por tus artículos.

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Thanks for your project, my best wish for you!... I'm from Venezuela and never I hear about Li Bai, I'm interesting in this project especcially because is really difficult know Chinese Culture in my country (I don't speak chinese), again thanks !

Thanks for your support. Don't forget to check out our posts when it come out!





What a wonderful idea! I look forward to seeing the poems you choose. Could you please add a high quality MP3 or video for each poem recited in Cantonese? They sound so much better than in Mandarin, where some of the rhymes are lost.

Spreaker offers free accounts for podcasts, and I don't think it's blocked in China (better than YouTube). is another possibility for video.

PS: there is a small error above: "Suchian Province" should be "Sichuan Province"

As you correctly say, there are less tones in Mandarin so the rhythm may differ for the two. Therefore the plan is to compose two pieces of music, one for Cantonese and another for Mandarin. I think the songs will just be in MP3 format at this stage so hopefully the quality will be good enough, but we'll definitely check out the site you suggested. Thanks for you support!



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