Hello Steemit!

in #introduceyourself6 years ago

Hi Steemit!

I’m Ancel. I like things and I dislike things. I have lots of hobbies. And as for my dream… well, I had one last night 😊

Just kidding. Some of you might understand the reference from a certain anime (though I did change the lines a bit :/).
Now, for the real introduction!



My name is Ancel. I’m a UK student in Northern Ireland and I just finished my A-Levels (kind of like the UK highschool qualification) over a month ago. I spent most of my childhood in Indonesia, specifically East Java. My hobbies are reading, playing games, playing the drums, taking photographs and coding. As for my steemit account, it will most likely be about nature photography.

My years in Indonesia was pretty fun: I spent most of my times playing around, hanging out with my friends and sleeping in class (yeah I did that a lot -_-). My primary school days were pretty memorable, I went to a school basically in the middle of nowhere, and it took around 45 minutes to get there by bus. It was cool though: it had a nice scenery (paddy fields everywhere) and tasty food, and I met a bunch of different people and made some good friends.

My junior highschool days felt like it was never going to end and nothing memorable are worth mentioning really.
Now, as for my senior highschool days, they were by far the best days in my life so far. I went to a public highschool which was not that popular; but, I then moved to a better one and had a blast! My new school was pretty competitive in my opinion, and I thought I would have to have studied 24/7, but boy was I wrong. I skipped lots of classes to go and play basketball with my friends, and I had lots of rebellious moments during my time there which were all worth it 😉.

During my second year, I received news that I had to move to the UK. Reality hit me like a truck. I wasn’t sure how I should react, I was kind of excited and sad at the same time. I was excited because I was going to move to a place halfway across the world, but I also felt desolate that I had to leave my friends and family. Thankfully, though, everything worked itself out pretty well. It was kind of hard to adapt to the alien environment I was put in, but I managed to get used to the people, food and language. Now I’m waiting for my exam results which will determine the university I’ll attend this year. It’s a long wait and I can’t wait to get my results whatever they may be!

Nama saya Ancel. Saya adalah seorang murid di UK yang bertempat tinggal di Irlandia Utara dan saya baru saja menyelesaikan A-Levels (semacam UN SMA) sekitar sebulan lalu. Sebagian besar dari masa kecil saya di Indonesia, tepatnya di Jawa Timur. Hobi saya adalah membaca, main game, ngedrum, fotografi dan coding. Kemungkinan besar steemit saya akan mengenai fotografi alam.

Waktu yang saya lalui di Indonesia lumayan seru. Saya dulu sering banget main bareng teman-teman dan tidur di kelas (apa keseringan ya?). Masa SD saya lumayan mengesankan, sekolah saya dulu di tengah-tengah sawah jadi jauh dari mana-mana, waktu unutk pergi ke sekolah dulu kira-kira 45 menit kalua naik bis. Meskipun gitu waktu yang saya lalui disana lumayan seru, pemandangannya menarik, makanannya enak dan saya sempat membuat teman-teman yang bagus.

Waktu saya masih SMP itu seolah-olah masa SMP saya tidak akan pernah berakhir dan tidak ada pengalaman yang begitu menarik yang terjadi saat itu.

Nah, masa SMA saya itu yang paling seru. Saya dulu masuk SMA yang tidak begitu popular tapi kemudian pindah ke SMA yang lebih bagus. Waktu yang saya lalui di SMA saya yang baru itu yang paling seru. SMA saya yang baru itu lumayan kompetitif jadi saya mengira kalau harus belajar 24 jam sehari, tapi ternyata nggak juga. Ada juga saat dimana saya sering skip pelajaran untuk main basket bareng temanteman, tapi semua itu worth it deh.

Saya menerima berita tentang pindah ke luar negeri saat tahun kedua SMA. Awalnya lumayan susah untuk menerima realitas itu. Saya senang karena sepertinya seru memulai kehidupan baru di luar negri tapi sedih juga karena harus meninggalkan teman-teman dan keluarga. Tapi saya bersyukur karena semua pada akhirnya baik-baik saja. Awalnya lumayan susah untuk beradaptasi, tapi pada akhirnya saya bisa beradaptasi ke orang, makanan dan bahasa yang dipakai disini. Sekarang saya menunggu hasil dari ujian saya yang akan menentukan universitas saya.



Welcome to Steemit! Don't worry, this network doesn't consist completely of bots only. If you seek thoroughly, you will find some real people, as well. :-)

I'm glad it doesn't consist of bots only haha. Thank you for the upvote as well

You are welcome! :)

Welcome to steemit and have fun!

Thank you!

Welcome Ancel, so you like coding, eh?
It seems that steemit has just got it's youngest software developer here. ^_^
Perhaps you'd soon created any tool or apps for steemit too.
Steemit could be a medium to train your skill, there are many programmers gathering here.

Yes, I learned how to code at school, and I think I'm doing pretty well. I'd say that I still have much to learn though. That's why I keep learning how to code and build software even in my summer holidays :D

I've also created my own amateurish game. I'll probably share it on steemit one day haha

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Welcome to Steemit deva-ra. Let me know if you got any questions about Steem or anything related to it! The official FAQ can be found here and has A LOT of information https://steemit.com/faq.html - Also remember, Steemit is just ONE of the sites built that uses Steem the blockchain. We also have DTube - our very own Youtube, DSound for Soundcloud and Steepshot if you prefer Instagram like experience. I'd also like to mention ChainBB - forums, Busy - Steemit with more modern look basically, DMania for memes and Dlive for streaming just like in Twitch! You can also earn Steem by gaming now! Search for Steemgar if that's more your thing. Welcome to the blockchain! :)

Welcome to @steemit community. Now stage is all yours with steemit's T&C. #KeepItUP :) #Steemian

welcome bro

Thanks man

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