Advertising is a window into the New World Order Social Conditioning of Humanity

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


Last night I watched Tv for the very first time in ages as it was a very big night for MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) with both Bellator and UFC having multiple title fights. Having been following the sport from it's inception in the mid 90s, I still enjoy the incredible dedication, training and artistry involved in the ever-evolving sport. I won't mention at this moment the amount of social programming involved in the Big promotions (e.g. UFC, Bellator) as I will save that for another day, but I do wish to discuss the advertising that I witnessed during the presentation of the events.
For me, advertising has always been the most disturbing element of television. Why? Well quite simply marketers have 30-60 seconds to capture your attention, probe your insecurities and convince you to buy their "solution". Marketing can be a fascinating discipline and there are definitely very creative people involved in producing many commercials.... but... lets face the fact: Marketing is Mind Control. Period. You must convince who ever watches your commercial to buy the product you are advertising for.
So I've always hated commercials... with a passion. I hate (is that allowed in 2018? Can we "hate" things without being arrested by "thought-police"?... stay tuned) the way people mindlessly sing and parrot their slogans and jingles.... unwittingly partaking in disseminating a product and a message that most won't stop to think for a moment of it's greater meaning. These people are merely displaying how much their minds are plugged into their "box" and how easily they submit to mind control. They almost can't be blamed either... since most of them were brought up by their "box" (and don't get me started on the negative effect that it has on children!).
Commercials also massively project both sad state of contemporary western civilization and (almost more importantly) they help shape that very civilization by programming viewers into how to: act, talk, think, dress, walk, eat, and most disturbingly: how to communicate with other mind-controlled victims. They project the "trends", shape them and conform their viewers into adopting them. Simply put: commercials are social conditioning and a mirror of the mind control of the New World Order.
So when we witness commercials that project emasculated males failing at whatever task a real man would be more than capable of handling - we are witnessing social conditioning. Just like when we see commercials that depict Obese, single woman happily spraying toxic chemicals (yes you Febreze) around their own 'box' (apartment). The message is clear: You Are Useless Turd and Need Our Product To Have Any Chance at Redemption. Don't believe me? Put on your box right now and tell me otherwise...
What we have with our Fake News and Hollywood History is only part of the equation... commercials depict what they are doing to humanity right now - namely the Idiocracy: making humans as stupid as possible in order to control, condition and... eventually... eliminate from the gene pool. They represent what is both what the NWO projects socially acceptable and what they are normalizing: destruction of family unit, feminism, male emasculation, homosexuality, lesbianism, gender confusion and the lgbt, selfie culture and self loathing, hatred of white people, interracial coupling, global warming propaganda, tech dependency and addiction, transhumanism, holocaust propaganda, depopulation and so much more...

TV MSM - Mind control.jpg
How many commercials depict useless white men, bettered by their smarter, healthier wives, taking part in their own emasculation? (Doritos anyone?). How many commercials now feature obese people (Especially blacks)? How many commercials show white men being complete idiots, incapable of doing the simplest tasks without somebody or something's help (namely tech devices)? How many commercials feature single mothers (or even lesbian mothers)? How many project males stuck in suspended adolescence? It's bewildering to think how awfully these commercials depict contemporary humans. It's clear that they don't like us very much...
Those of you who have followed me long enough probably know that I did NOT grow up in front of a television screen and that I rarely ever subject myself to their mind control. Moreover, almost every time I end up watching television (which could amount to a few times a year) I end up making a video about how horrified I was by what was being depicted in commercials. So perhaps I have a much greater sensitivity to television than the average (read: mind-controlled) person. So I will discuss what I've seen on some of these commercials in an upcoming video. I feel a strong need to reach out to people and warn them against the dangers subjecting oneself to their hideous mind control.
What are your thoughts on television commercials? Have you seen some extremely disturbing ones recently? Do you feel as strongly as I do about how they are being used to program people into the New World Order?
Leave your comments below and I will get back to you!
Thanks for reading everyone!
Jeff C (Fake News Report)


The commercials are depicting what they want us to think even though it's fake, while the tv shows are telling us what's really going on while pretending it's fake.

"It's not real, it's just a tv show," they all say.

The thing I notice is that a lot of the tv programming now will tell you right to your face what's really going on, but because we've all been taught that tv shows aren't real, they put things there that cause people to shrug them off or not care so much when it happens for real.

I've noticed it happens over and over in all kinds of different shows. The same messages keep repeating. Things about terrorists, vaccines, corrupt banks, etc. They don't make these things the subjects of the shows, they just put these quick messages in over and over so nobody really notices. Then when the real truth comes out later, it doesn't seem as bad to people because they've been hearing it over and over for years.

Yes - they absolutely do show you what's going on. I believe that it's more like "well you can't say we didn't warn you we were doing this shit - all you had to do was watch the television and think critically"... Unfortunately critical thought is not taught to people in their school system...

Jeff C glad I found your work again. Used to follow you back when you were freeradiorevolution or something like that. Your work on " we need to talk about sandy hook" was excellent and I have shared it. Glad you found steemit - dont think youll be sensored here.. atleast I hope.

I agree with your assesment of commercials as well. I no longer watch mainstream media, so am very limited in having to see the fake wool they continue to pull over most peoples' eyes. But it is there. Occasionally, I still watch General Hospital on 'live tv', and within that time slot, I see a lot of commercials for prescription drugs. Completely geared towards the elderly population. Are you feeling well? You need pills. You need vitamins. Drink ensure. Flu vaccines. Shingles. The list goes on... Commercials are designed to keep us living in constant fear. Fear of rejection. Fear of not being enough. So we consume. Technology. Food engorged with GMO's. Then go to work in dead end, slave-like conditions and wonder what happiness even looks like anymore...

Well said! We must do our best to try to reach people and inform them how we are all being mentally manipulated through or tech and television. It's becoming more and more dangerous as people are getting programmed at such a young age... yikes!

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