Hello Steemit, I am pleased to meet you.

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Hello there Steemit, I am genuinely pleased to make your acquaintance!

I guess this is where I attempt to make myself seem interesting and describe what I intend to write about in future articles. Well as a first measure of transparency, I should declare that my career currently involves pushing the adoption of PIVX to the masses. I am employed to do this and combined with my love for the system, I am naturally somewhat bias. Despite my heavy involvement in PIVX, I am a relative newcomer to cryptocurrency with much to learn still! What you can expect from me is articles on every facet of cryptos fueled by my drive to learn and interpret as much info as possible. I like considering the philosophies and real-world implications of cryptos and the article that will immediately follow this one will be to that effect.

What else do I like to do? I like trading currencies, not necessarily on a day to day basis, but whatever has a positive return. i also am big into 3D Fabrication, like 3D printing, and I do a bit of 3D modelling. I got good enough at it that I am even currently working with a startup to create a product... That I can't quite talk about yet. In due time. Oh and I'm a terrible Vegan! I am trying to be one as a kind of health experiment, but I am atrocious at it. I cheat like every other day. Just can't give up the dairy...

Well I've run out of things to say. I tend to be a to-the-point person, which is not the best quality in a writer, but what can you do? Come check out my next article, I'm going to be throwing in my opinion on Crypto adoption!


welcome to steemit
btw upvoted all the reply here =D

Let me welcome you to Steemit @Fusedhelios . I'm @chrisx and if you need any help feel free to contact or follow me :-)

Hello! Glad to see more people like you - here joining steemit !! @fusedhelios

Hello @fusedhelios. Welcome to Steemit. I am David. I wish you have a happy journey here.

hello my name is Zeeshan and wellcome to osom platform follow me i will follow back

Hey, welcome to the Steem Community! Nice intro post ...

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Welcome to Steemit Fusedhelios :) Glad to see more people like you - here joining Steemit! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me !

Oh yeah, this will probably be the first and last time I ever do a picture on here, so do enjoy!