About myself


Assalamualaikum, selamat siang ..
Saya ingin memperkenalakan diri terlebih dahulu, nama saya Humaira, saya lahir di Lhokseumawe,05 juli 1997. Saat ini saya sedang menempuh pendidikan di Akademi Kesehatan PEMKAB ACEH UTARA. Hobi saya bermain sepeda dan cita-cita saya dari dulu sampek sekarang adalah menjadi tenaga kesehatan yang berdaya guna bagi masyarakat, mengapa demikian ? karena menurut saya hidup ini adalah mengabdi, saya ingin mengabdikan diri saya bagi mereka yang membutuhkan tenaga saya karena merawat meraka yang sedang sakit dan memberikan pelayanan sebaik - baiknya kepada mereka adalah kebahagian tersendiri bagi saya.
Motto saya "Hidup ini mudah, jangan disusahkan. Jalani dan syukuri setiap prosesnya karna disetiap perjalanan ada hikmah yang dapat diambil, Bahagialah sebagaimana mestinya karna ALLAH tidak memberikan kita kesempatan ke dua kali untuk mengulang setiap proses yang telahkia lalui. " La takhaf wala taza, innallaha ma'ana".

Sebelumnya saya ingin mengucapakan banyak terima kasih kepada kedua orang tua saya yang selalu senatiasa mendukung saya hingga saat ini. dan tak lupa saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada dosen saya pak yulizar @janvanhoess yang telah banyak mengajarkan saya hingga tahap ini.

Kepada teman-teman sekalia selamat datang ya di akun steemit saya.

Assalamualaikum, good afternoon ..
I want to introduce myself first, my name is Humaira, I was born in Lhokseumawe, July 5, 1997. Currently I am studying at the Academy of Health of the NORTH ACEH ACT. My hobby of playing my bike and my ideals from the present day is now to be a useful health worker for the community, why is that? because I think this life is a dedication, I want to dedicate myself to those who need my energy because caring for those who are sick and giving the best service to them is happiness for me.
My motto "Life is easy, do not trouble, live and be grateful for every process because every trip there is a wisdom that can be taken, Bahagialah as it should be because GOD does not give us a second chance to repeat every process that has been passed." La takhaf wala taza, innallaha ma'ana ".

Previously I want to say many thanks to my parents who always always support me until now. and do not forget to thank my lecturer pak yulizar @janvanhoess who has taught me to this stage.

To friends sekalia welcome ya on my steemit account.

Assalamualaikum, xiàwǔ hǎo.
Wǒ xiǎng xiān memperkenalakan wǒ zìjǐ, wǒ de míngzì Humaira, wǒ chūshēng zài sīmǎ wēi,1997 nián 7 yuè 5 rì, wǒ mùqián zài wèishēng xuéyuàn běi yà qí qū zhèngfǔ yánjiū. Wǒ xiànzài wán zìxíngchē hé lǐxiǎng de àihào xiànzài chéngwéi shèqū de yǒuyì jiànkāng gōngzuò zhě, wèishéme ne? Yīnwèi wǒ juédé zhèyàng de shēnghuó fúwù, wǒ xiǎng wǒ zìjǐ tóurù dào nàxiē shéi xūyào wǒ de jīnglì zhàogù tāmen zhèngzài shēngbìng, bìng tígōng fúwù, yǐjí - shàndài tāmen shì wǒ zìjǐ de xìngfú.
Wǒ de kǒuhào shì “shēnghuó shì róngyì de, bùyào kùnrǎo. Huó dào lǎo, gǎnxiè měi yīgè guòchéng, yīnwèi měi tàng yǒu kěyǐ cǎiqǔ de jiàoxùn,Bahagialah lǐ suǒ yīngdāng de, yīn wéi shàngdì bìng méiyǒu gěi wǒmen de jīhuì, liǎng cì tōngguò chóngfù měi yīgè guòchéng telahkia.” Xiānggélǐlā t​​akhaf wǎ lā tǎ zhā, innallaha ma'ana“.

Yǐqián wǒ xiǎng fēicháng gǎnxiè wǒ de fùmǔ, tāmen zǒng shì yīzhí zhīchí wǒ, zhídào xiànzài. Bùyào wàngle gǎnxiè wǒ de jiǎngshī pak yulizar@janvanhoess shéi jiào wǒ dào zhège jiēduàn.

Duì péngyǒu sekalia huānyíng nín zài wǒ de steemit zhànghù shàng.



thank you very much

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Welcome to steemit humaira

Hallo @humairaaira.. Selamat berkumpul di Steemit! Suka anda ngumpul.. telah kami upvote ya.. :c)

Walcome to steemit family

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Welcome :)!


Here a few tips for starters snce you probably won't get any advice from those who comment under here, here's what I gathered thus far.
It's tough to make money at first so if that's your main cause to be on here grind that into your head straight away, that doesn't mean you shouldn't post content, you should, but enganging with others in the comment sections to grow your following is your best bet. Which categories?

Probably the introduce yourself one and the photography section but you can choose things that you have knowledge about too and then go from there just know that there is a lot of crap on here so plowing through that just to connect with others can be tough. Cheers.

Welcome to the great community of Humania steemit. Pour all the ideas and feelings here with steemit. Keep working and be the best


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