I have a steem

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


What is bliss? It is a line we've all heard so many times: "Ignorance is bliss."

I believe that human beings as we currently stand are incapable of experiencing this state, this "bliss". If it is true that "ignorance is bliss" then it would require complete ignorance in order to qualify as such. If there is not complete ignorance there can not be complete happiness. Hence the mere presence of human intelligence makes this unattainable in the world we live. Meditation, which is essentially a focused ignorance of conscious thought can perhaps get us close, but even if we were to personally attain Zen levels of meditative skills it would still only be brought about by ignoring what is in front of us. We all know things are deeply wrong but we can't agree on who is to blame or any of the specifics.

Ignorance is an interesting choice of word for this quote, as it does not imply not knowing about things that are wrong, simply that we ignore them. For some people, this saying is a valid excuse for not bothering to properly educate themselves about the world. Even those who do are still admitting that they know that things are bad. They've found from experience that researching the ways people have been betrayed, cheated how society is being manipulated that is a tedious, unpleasant and even painful experience.

Doing this on a personal level can be helpful and we do this a lot as human. If you fall for someone, decide to make a move but get rejected it may help to focus more on things you don't like about that person and convince yourself it was probably not a good idea anyway. It's at the least a more pleasant way to deal with it than sulking in misery and persisting or obsessing about someone who does not like you in the same way. In this context this is actually a beneficial function of the human brain. It does however become problematic when the same methodology is used to decipher the state of the world in which we find ourselves.

The world has had a malignant tumor, perhaps even the early stages of cancer for a long time. In order to properly heal it we must diagnose the disease accurately. Otherwise we can not expect to treat it properly. This is the first step for treating any disease.

We are all forced to function with a certain level of denial. We need to function as social beings so we naturally try to avoid subjects that cause controversy and evoke an emotional reaction in people. We can't start crying for all the families affected every time we read about a train wreck. There are facts that are undeniably true that would be ludicrously inappropriate to start discussing during the coffee break at work. "How many children do you think are at this very moment being kept in cages, kidnapped by their families into human trafficking and bought by "owners" who sexually molest them and torture them to appease their sick perverted fantasies?"

There are only three ways to deal with this question. First way is to decide that it is too "evil" and simply can't be, choosing to "ignore" all the data and corroborating evidence showing the numbers to be much higher than any of us would like to think about. Second way we can deal with it is to accept that this is in fact a reality of the world we live in, but one that would be so difficult to change that we would be better off "ignoring" it in order to be able to carry on with our lives. This is a perfectly reasonable conclusion and has do with our most basic survival instincts. Horrors such as these repel the mind to such a degree that it is extremely difficult to properly examine this problem thoroughly and hence working out a solution to it becomes that much harder.

The third way is to fully comprehend the horrors that it presents us with and diligently examine the causes and nature of the people and institutions that profit from this practice. To see this as such a gross violation of the principles we innately feel are good, such as freedom, compassion and caring for children of our kin that it is worth devoting time into trying to fix. Even if we don't succeed, if there is even a single child being held prisoner somewhere by a predator and you are I could do something to save that child, we owe it to that child to at least do something, to try. If it was you or me that hope would be the only glimmer of light we had. Think about that.

When we do investigate this openly we come to even more disturbing realizations. We find that the people who are profiting from the industry of human trafficking, and so we don't sugar coat it, the "child sex-slave industry" are the same people who are profiting from wars, drugs, disease and all types of famine and horror. You may be in your own level of denial concerning this but the people behind all of these are often people who are glorified in our mainstream society. Politicians, bankers, sport team and business owners, judges, cops, even loved musicians and actors.

Illuminati? New World Order? The Deep State? Does it really matter what we call "them"? We know roughly what group of people we are talking about, how they operate their gang, and if you are in denial about the existence of this mafia you need to stop it right now. You already know there is at the very least some truth to these "theories" and continuing to "ignore" it won't make it go away. Your conscious and subconscious mind can't help but work out all the contradictions we've been taught to accept as true. The fact that this is a mafia who control the major banks, major media outlets and governments of the worlds is simply that. A fact. There may be some power struggle within the mafia but that is still exactly what it is, although a cult might actually be a more appropriate description.

When I started writing about this stuff it was seen by most as crazy talk. Now the people who dismiss it as crazy talk are increasingly being seen as "ignorant" or "in-denial" and for others everything I'm saying has been painfully obvious for a long time. I was shamed and scolded for saying 9/11 was orchestrated by this gang to further their agenda of war and centralization of power.

I put a lot of effort into this as I felt similarly that it was such a deep violation of everything I had considered sacred. I believe every person helps. I amassed "valuable" reddit karma of 25.000 points, mostly from r/conspiracy. I studied the algorithm and found that pictures with texts had a higher probability to get a lot of upvotes quickly. I got so many submissions to the top that the subreddit, already "compromised" at the time actually banned this practice under the pretense of "wanting to be taken seriously".

A suspicious amount of new accounts came out in force to support the great notion of banning all these "memes that undermined the credibility of the sub"... yes. As if humor and clever ways to illustrate simple points that destroy the mainstream narratives work against us... The stupidity would seem surreal but of course it wasn't stupid, it was necessary to prevent people like me from being heard. Simple as. If r/the_donald has proven anything it is that memes and shitposting is a super effective way to gain a following. After this I continued trying to post articles and videos but in the end I was shadowbanned on r/conspiracy. Despite having 25.000 karma points and not showing any activity that would indicate my account was in any way shape or form compromised.

I haven't been back there so much since, but this seems like a good place to carry on what I was doing. I don't like to sugarcoat my thoughts. If you don't agree that's fine, feel free to argue and I promise to engage in a debate as long as I I feel it is on an intellectual level I can tolerate. If I come off us a bit arrogant and dismissive keep in mind that I no longer have the patience to endure certain types of comments and "jokes" that are regurgitated every time a remotely conspiracy related topic comes up.

I see the people who perpetuate this culture of intellectual shaming as extremely reckless people who apparently feel it is ok to make fun of those they deem as psychologically ill. They ridicule them and belittle their intelligence with such arrogance and malevolence that it is shocking. These people apparently have no regard for the potential consequences of attacking mentally unstable people this way, since they remind us constantly that it is what we are. For me personally? If someone started telling me things that made me question that person's sanity, the last thing I would do would be to make fun of them. Never ever would it occur to me to attack, and even publicly humiliate that person, ridiculing them for their illness. Yet I see people do this ALL the time and have experienced these type of attacks in all it's forms.

In reality it is a self defense mechanism. Surely if somebody told you he believed he was angry at his refrigerator cause it was always making sarcastic remarks at him, you would react with sympathy, instead of engaging in abusive behavior towards that person.

Some of the people I love dearly in my life have taken this approach. People that I know would never treat people they actually suspected were mental patients with such hostility. Not only would it be unethical and reckless to attack a person like that since they could be suicidal and you might potentially be pushing that person over the edge, it could also potentially be dangerous. If a person is truly crazy how can you feel so safe in attacking and ridiculing that person? Crazy people are crazy! They do crazy things. Luckily I am neither crazy nor have I ever been suicidal.

So to me it is revealing. If they don't actually think we're crazy why are they using these words so liberally? First of all, by using the word like this in a context where it doesn't apply the word starts to lose meaning. Someone deciphering the information available to him and reaching a different conclusion than you have made deciphering the information available to you does not make that person crazy. Now, he could be wrong, but that would not make him crazy.

It could mean he was stupid. Surely, it is an insult that is often accompanied with the crazy conspiracy nut, stupid conspiracy theories, insane, outrageous, ludicrous, false. Buzzword association that's been propagated for decades. Ever since they killed JFK and decided it would be a good strategy to counter the conspiracy theories surrounding the murder. Conspiracy theories that in actuality are based on legitimate concerns.

If that is the case, why are there so many bs articles attempting to explain why "otherwise intelligent" people tend to "fall for conspiracy theories". They know we are not stupid. I would argue that it is them, on the contrary, who are "ignorant".

This feels like yet another way to reinforce their ignorance and strengthen the resolve of their own denial while encouraging others to stay in the blissful zone with them. The truth? They can't handle the truth. That is the truth. It unsettles them in a way they can not cope with. It is just that simple. Deep down they know that things are terribly wrong and they also know they have not investigated these topics properly enough to dismiss it as impossible. If they did they would inevitably reach the same conclusion as so many of us have, that it is not only possible, it is extremely probable. That "we", the "crazies"have been right all along, about so many of the hotly debated topics of human history. Sure, we have also made mistakes. Being paranoid is not easy you know, and once you know these people exist, will stop at nothing and don't have our interest at heart it can be easy to get de-railed of the right track.

The secret agencies know this and have come up with clever ways to conquer/divide us and humiliate us in the eyes of the public. They concoct grand conspiracy theories that are based on limited facts but steer people away from what is important or is ultimately easily proven to be false. They may also include theories that convince us to make predictions that later turn out not to come to fruition, damaging our credibility further.

It is easier to write this stuff now since the internet has had a very positive impact and because the mainstream media just keeps getting worse and worse. The countermeasures have been quite staggering and the backlash has been harsh. Reddit is now completely dead and serves mostly as a mouth-piece for the most ludicrous CIA propaganda. Youtube, google and facebook are obviously all controlled, censored and monitored but thankfully we keep finding new venues to spread good information.

If you are the type of person who gets put off by what can be branded as "conspiracy talk" I seriously suggest you consider if this is genuinely your own conscious opinion or if it has been put in place by external factors. It baffles me when human beings that claim to be capable of critical thinking use the word "conspiracy" as some kind of swear word, especially when it meets it dangerous sibling, "theory".

To make the claim that "conspiracy theories are ridiculous" is the equivalent of stating that there are no conspiracies that have happened in the past or are ongoing in human history. Nobody would ever make the second claim, so how come the first one is so common? Some people actually seem to believe that every single word in every official version of history books taught in schools is the whole truth and nothing but the truth not even to be debated. And that every event currently going on in the world is being presented as fairly, neutrally and accurately as our most skilled and schooled media professionals possibly can.

It is a magical blissful world that some people live in. Must be nice... Or is it? Is it really?

I intend to use this when I feel I have some rants in me that are relevant to the discussion. I may even link to some of my earlier work. Used to write quite a few articles for a website once. For now, I have a steem, and I am excited to be part of this new platform. Hopefully it's sanctity will last long into the days where we can look at the world with open eyes and an honest mind and be happy, and I mean genuinely blissful about the state of our species, our own life and those around us. For that hope to come to reality we must end the denial and stop ridiculing those who have! We must diagnose the disease and get on with curing it. End the cycle of war and terrorism, extreme poverty and disease. We have the technology and resources to do this, all we need is the right amount of people with the right type of commitment and we can make it a reality.

A magical blissful world for us all, not just those of us who ignore what it really is.


Welcome to Steem @humanbrain I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Thanks! Appreciated

follow for follow , upvote for upvote @dkinx

So happy to see you on here my dear friend! Looking forward to our STEEM adventures.

Thanks for taking the time to introduce me!

Very good post, very tru what you say!!

Hello @humanbrain this was a great post!!

I'm @andyluy and I've been here for a a month, a can tell you that steemit is the most amazing thing I've ever seen at the internet so far. I'm happy seeing it grows every day!

I had some hard time on the firsts week, so I spent some time searching information to improve my experience with steemit, latter I've decided to make posts about those things in order to help the new ones to have a shortcut to get deeper on steemit.

here is some of my posts, I hope It mitght be helpful to you:

Usefull steemit tool
The Randowhale
Getting videos from facebook

Here is one post from @yoda1917 That i think Is useful to have a look too
just halt for a moment

I intend to keep posting useful info that I may be able to gather, and in a near future some give away. Feel invited to follow me and if you have any question about steemit you can ask me in any of my last posts, I'll try my best to help.

Thanks a lot! I'll check it out :)

Hi Humanbrain I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community :) Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunpoom

I'm starting to like it already :)

follow for follow and upvote for upvote @dkinx

Well done and great post ^^

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