[Hae-Joo] What is Imp Unity?

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

What is Imp Unity?

I think some people have come to believe that I am Imp Unity, but that's not the case.

I'm Hae-Joo Chang of the Imp-Unity Rebellion.


Hae-Joo Chang from the Cloud Atlas Chronicle is the most inspiring fictional character I have ever come across... That's why I took his name as my nom de guerre.

This post is specially dedicated to all the amazing individuals I've met thanks to this "platform"... Or as what I think of it as, our community
@staceyjean @rodeo670 @clayboyn ; but not just 'us', but so many more on this platform who I believe should all be coming together... Everybody in our little Discord Server, but even beyond
@lexiconical @rok-sivante @realityisfake @esaiamystic @perceptualflaws @intuitivejakob @lion and so many more...
All of us who believe in bringing about this Change

Imp Unity is an Aquarian Age Consciousness Project.

The Purpose of which is to Serve as a Stimulus for our Self-Organizing Collective Evolution...

Imp Unity is an esoteric project aimed at engendering a revolution in global consciousness in the collective-imagination of the species.

It is primarily a movement envisioned by the person I most look up to in this world, running from the root down to the crown up, that deserves to be manifested into existence for the purpose of assisting the collective realization of spiritual insights that humanity requires if it is going to gain access to the higher realms of consciousness that await it.

Starting with such cognitive processes as lucid dreaming, synchronicity, living within and activating flow, and eventually, developing psychic abilities to predict the future, group astral projection, telepathy, mind-reading, and so on.

This movement distinguishes itself from transhumanism, which it is in competition with.

It is the belief of the Imp Unity Revolution that by co-evolving along Transhumanists, a significant portion of humanity will evolve extra-sensory perceptions comparable in power and ability to the ‘Augmented-Reality’ of the Transhumanists.

This movement is a manifestation of the paradigmatic shift that was prophesized by Humanity's Great Teachers, and will thus seek to dialectically oppose the transhumanist paradigmatic shift, in order to safeguard the preservation of the species in its unaltered form, and seek to ensure its successful evolution into its future form.

This movement will thus be diametrically opposed to the genetic engineering of the human genome, human cloning, cybernetics, virtual reality, mind-uploading, and artificial general intelligence

However, this is not a neoluddite movement.

This revolution should support the development of non-invasive technologies that complement human evolution, alongside personal breakthroughs in energy work and consciousness-expanding disciplines...

Robotics (in particular drone technology to facilitate transport and communication), stem-cell technology, artificial vertical intelligence, computing, and so on.

And of course, people-powered, decentralized, peer-to-peer cryptocurrency networks to facilitate communication, collaboration, and commerce between all of us.

To simultaneously and holistically evolve both the faculties of our multidimensional consciousness and our mastery of this dimension of reality

The founder of this movement was Bob.

I am just a messenger...

It is said: All great journeys begin with a first step.

So what are the first steps of this revolution?

In essence, the ground-work that must first be laid down must revolve around bringing about a decentralized / federated network of independently and collectively run mutually-supportive self-sustaining, self-relying, self-renewing interdependent communities.

My personal goal with the founder Bob is to start our commune in the Caribbean.

I'm supposed to travel there with him later this year. We also have plans to start communes in Africa and in Europe. Right now we're all trying to gather funds together to purchase land and equipment. Eventually we want to align ourselves and cooperate with other similarly minded projects.

Communalist set-ups as opposed to strictly communist ones... We simply want to encourage and enable communal living and communal ownership of life-sustaining natural resources such as land for food, water, and other assets that no "one" person or corporation should control...

But in reality...

It goes much deeper than this.

This is all just phase 1 of the project

What are we really interested in?

Getting off the control-smart grid of the transhumanists and creating our own alternative consciousness grid.

This work goes far beyond Steem and Steemit.

Steemit and Discord are just tools that can facilitate the growth of such a network of revolutionaries...

The ideal is to be able to support any human wanting to escape the Transhumanist smart-grid, and help any and all of us "neofeudal serfs" of the coming New World Order to emancipate ourselves from this grid. (This means going beyond financial freedom, and actually re-appropriating the Earth for our kind. Competing with the Transhumanists and their Agenda 21 Depopulation Agenda, in order to reproduce ourselves freely, enjoy the abundance of the Earth, localize all of our production and resource distribution systems, etc.)

We want to empower ourselves to enjoy as much leisure as possible, in order to fully engage everyday in awareness and frequency raising disciplines: prolonged deep meditation, transcendental states of consciousness, OBEs, fruitarian and vegan leaning diets, body-alkalinity, lots of exercise, martial art, mastery of the body's urges and overcoming limitations...

Lots of practical skill development... Low-tech economy, DIY, programming, music and arts, communication, etc...

Because the future of our species is not just high-tech...
For sure, high-tech plays an important role in our future...

Yet the Key to Our Success lies in the Fine Line we must Walk to Safeguard our Essence in this Process

We need to preserve and protect our lifeline... We need solid foundations to move into the next phase... Otherwise everything we build will come undone and unravel in some kind of cataclysmic downfall, just as it has in the past over and over again...

It should be our priority to raise our children in peace and security, to teach them about abundance, to grow, and empower ourselves somewhere in the global south, away from the hateful propaganda images and control-grid that permeate the conquered landmasses of the New World Order and their self-destructive agendas...

Though it is entirely appropriate for a Luciferian species such as ourselves to become incredibly technology advanced, as we have a genetic predisposition for the acquiring and advancement of Knowledge


We must remain aware of the Anthroposophical Nature of our Species

There is balance to be found: in being realistic enough to admit that this future is as unavoidable as death is certain for every human being, yet also remaining knowledgeable that any of the thousands of traps and pitfalls that riddle the path of evolution can and will set us back and destroy all of our Spiritual Progress if we do not tread carefully...

This is what this matrix, this stage: "History", is all about. It is this specific time around's attempt at making the jump to our next stage of evolution that we are currently engaged in...

And it is certainly not the first time that we have been in this position before... We are simply once again at a crossroad where the jump is becoming possible, in accordance with the Spiral Dynamics of Evolution...

And though it is possible this trial, this crack, this venture, this endeavor could be the One that lifts us out of our current Earthly paradigm and propels us into whole new facets of reality and unexplored dimensions, we must be mindful that we might as well screw it all up and have to start again from square one because we are just not ready yet for that Higher State......

And what is clear, is that if we actually want to make it this time around, if we actually want our great grand children to make it to the Stars... our Evolution is not something that should be left to the devices of those that would want to control and drive this process for their little clique of depraved maniacs...

It is something we must all participate in...

We can see the result of the mistakes that were committed in the past... Their effect on us today go beyond the scope of what we know from written history... Our mistakes stretch far back before the Flood and the end of the last Global Civilization of Atlantis...

So our our task this time around is to maintain The Balance at all costs...

Like The Guardians of the Planet that we are, it is incumbent on Us to plant the seeds of our salvation ourselves... The Hellish cyberpunk world of the technocratic banker class would destroy itself from within just by dwelling too much on the Satanic side of our Essence before we could make the Jump...

Our role, if we choose to accept it, is to strive for the Light-Luciferian instead of the Ahriman-Luciferian.

This is what Manichaeism is all about.

This is the only path to Spiritual Ascension and Evolution into Higher Dimensions

As we continue to rediscover our true origins... the past global civilizations of Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu...
Ignoring the lessons of the Past, we will be doomed to repeat the same mistakes... Our vigilance is quintessential. Our dedication and service to Humanity, and Cosmic Balance, are of paramount importance...

What is Impunity?


This is the Vision of Impunity. To be as free and conscious as Divinely Possible... To embrace our Sacred and Luciferean Nature... To promote a Unity among all of us Children of the Latter Days... To face the coming Apocalypse with Steadfast Bravery... To conquer the Shadow and Fear, and Make Room for the Light and Love to Emerge at the End of This Dark Tunnel

So this is my value proposition: let's create an Imp Unity guild here on Steemit.

My passion goes far beyond just blogging. I think all of ours should...

What is the point of blogging on a social media platform if not to network and begin sowing the seeds of our future projects? We should all be aiming to create a community around ourselves that is united in its purpose and driven to bring about the meaningful and deep change that our species requires to continue evolving...

We want to be supporting each other not so that we can continue to fuel our individualistic lifestyles in our transhumanist-controlled society.

We want to be supporting ourselves to escape the clutches of these sick and dysfunctional societies...

We want to birth a New Civilization, a New Consciousness, a New Humanity...

Before further generations can bring about the final stages of our transformation, we must first carry the torch of freedom and consciousness through this day and age's struggle for autonomy...

What separates our species from the Animal Kingdom is our ability for thought...


We are primarily thinking beings.

So we must continue to build upon our foundations...

The "Machine Mind" that the Transhumanists are seeking to construct's main purpose is to destroy the Human Spirit, the wonderful nature of our Human Mind... In their twisted and distorted view, it is Human Beings that are unable to evolve, and so they must be replaced with a "better Human", a "machine Human" they can control... Yet it is us, the Men and Women of this Earth, whom they have taken for target, who are the object which must evolve for us to reach for the Stars...

As such, those who are most advanced in our awakening must act as the necessary counter-weight to their Ahriman fueled machine evolution...

The Human Spirit is exactly the aspect of humanity that must be preserved if we are ever going to be able to reach our evolutionary destination and continue on our journey through the Cosmos.

Simply because there are those seeking to erect a genocidal and eugenic-driven smart grid designed to replace humans with a machine-hybrid that can be controlled by the AI "gods" does not mean that these changes and future battles we must fight for our survival are not a necessary part of our evolution... The coming challenges and hard times of the future, the wars and countless deaths that will occur, are simply what the birthing process of a new species resembles.

We must be steadfast and united in our resolve to make the jump, or face the harsh and stark reality that we will have to destroy everything we have built and start from scratch again...

New Age Beliefs.jpg

In reality, our species' evolutionary path will happen through the co-evolution of these two branches of human evolution. The work of transhumanists is as essential as those of anti-transhumanists. It is the thesis and antithesis that will lead to the final emergence of a new form of humanity. The key is Balance.

No matter what our own personal beliefs about God, the Cosmos and Nature may be, if there is one thing we must realize, it is that we are all part of the same Unity Consciousness... We're all "in the same boat", for better or for worse... We should not let our own personal belief systems divide us, nor should we let our collective energies misdirect our efforts towards a path we have already been on that leads us nowhere...
If we are truly awakening, and we wish to build the brightest and best future for our species, then let us all come together for this grand purpose which is our Ascension. I believe like many of us that mankind was meant to transcend this World and Reach for the Stars. I even believe that we came from the Stars, and that there is still so much to our history to uncover and rejoice in... But let us not rejoice until we actually make it... We cannot arrive to our destination in our current state of consciousness... We all have to personally and individually evolve ourselves, and co-evolve with each other...
Today, we are blindly walking backwards into the future. The future that the transhumanists would lead us to is fraught with peril and oblivion... Simply walking this path in our current state of consciousness will lead us nowhere than towards our certain destruction... Let us turn around and avail ourselves to the truly wonderful, inclusive vision of humanity that requires the collective input and effort of every last human being on Earth... The future of our World depends on this...
Let us bring meaning to our collaboration... Let's all be a part of this self-proclaimed Imp Unity Revolution... United together, everything falls within our reach... Our most wild fantasies will become realities... We simply need to work together to build the future that has been envisioned by the Dreamers of the Ages, since the earliest days of the Ascent of Man... Let us breach the gap between this distant point at the end of Human History and our current predicament... Together, let us become Immortal... The Divine Way...

Thank you all for your attention and this opportunity for you to share my vision for our little family of Star Seeds...

I can't wait to hear your thoughts and opinions... I hope that this is not only my Dream, but all of ours together... Happy New Year everyone, and onward to a 2018 filled with Light and Love

Peace and Love

Sources: Hae-Joo / Our DNA Can Evolve / CyberPunk SmartCity / Atlantis / Control of our Thoughts


Duuuuuude. Hell yes. Stuff like this has been on my mind for quite some time now.
5ats why I love the rave scene so much, you get a glimpse of what the outside world could truly look like if we all just came together as the one Unity consciousness that we are and helped each other out and took care of each other.

Absolutely! In my humble opinion this paradigm shift is happening regardless of our reaction to it, so I choose to react in alignment with those who share the vision of a future where we restore the balance through imp.unity, through the plur movement, through all those who seek to grow in love and light that has been dimmed my those who fear Ascension, because Ascension requires the release of many backwards thinking that has been indoctrinated into since before birth, genetically modified thoughts, creating more unknown unknowns. Anyways just a crazy lady, don't mind me 😝


@staceyjean I love you lol 😋

"Namascray" 😂 😸

Yo Damashii, we gotta make the dream work! We gotta set up these communes on these islands bra, and make refuges for all those seeking asylum from our world.. It's a crazy mission but we will achieve it if we set our minds and bodies towards it. Thanks for reading man. I knew you'd resonate! We both have the same fire burning in our bellies! 9-Tail Kyubi Demon Shadow shit bruva! Peace xx


Thanks Azsh! 😙

Nice post

Terima kasih! 😊

Aku ingin tahu apakah Anda bisa mengerti sepatah kata pun! 😋

happy new year :)

Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều con của mặt trời! Chúc mừng năm mới! 😍


I am in full support. we need to unlock our DNA, we are not just flesh and bones. enlightening post and good read 👍

Yo @abmakko!
Thanks so much man!
Yeah forreal, honestly the way I see it, when I want something to change, I pray my guardian angel to support me through the darkness and guide me to the light... Then I keep walking safe in the knowledge that the ground under my feet is being shifted to land me where I most sincerely desire to end up!
The world is magical and the power of our intent, attention, and action can take us anywhere we choose to go.

Unlocking our DNA is done by expanding our consciousness... Meditating, visualizing, dreaming... All these forms of energy work will unlock mechanisms that as a species have been locked up and innacessible for the vast majority of us...

It seems so hard, but it feels so good to make spiritual progress..

Stay earnest and true brother and thank you for your comment xx

This gave me goosebumps! I've always had similar thoughts and have been trying for the last few years to wean myself from the system. It's so gratifying to know I'm not alone and there are so many wonderful people out there willing to think about more than themselves and make a change. I believe a lot of small changes will lead to a big change and I'm very excited by the potential of imp unity

@soulturtle Yassss!!!!
We gotta start making those little incremental changes... Day by day, step by step..
We will make it. We can't rush it. We should enjoy where we are now in our lives with one eye, and keep the other eye on the prize at the end of our current struggle!
I'm trying to take off the pressure and always stay focused on my goals and passions, and forget worrying about the bullshit and the fear
Going uphill is exhausting, but at least we're getting higher and higher! Raising them frequencies and in the process transcending the mind states that created the world's problems and finding personal solutions that will at least nudge us in the right direction!
It's all love man! Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Peace brutha xx

Thanks for a great post!

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