Introducing Karlie

Hello Steemit friends. As my first post I think it would be fitting to introduce myself. My name is Karlie Hamilton and I am 28 years old. I was born in Sydney, Australia, however I spent most of my childhood in Brisbane. As a child I was very active and represented my school and state in a variety of sports, mostly swimming and athletics.

One of the many swimming carnivals. I am in the orange. :)

Interschool athletics carnival. Open 100m relay team 2006 at QEII/ANZ Stadium, Brisbane. I am on the far right.

When I finished school I studied a Bachelor of Business, however decided not to pursue this as the area that I studied, marketing, conflicted with my personal values. When I finished university I decided to work at Movie World, a theme park located on the Gold Coast. Here, I mostly operated the rides. I then started to pursue a career in nursing, which I currently still do today. In fact, in a weeks time I will be heading to the UK to work as a live in carer.

Doing ride checks at Movie World on Superman. I am in the top left.

Getting ready for my nursing prac.

I like to think of myself as a unique individual who is very open minded and non-judgemental. I enjoy going to the gym, muay thai (a martial art that is similar to kickboxing), reading and travelling. I must admit, I am also a crazy Harry Potter and Disney fan! My blogs will mostly talk about my travels and the many unique and interesting experiences I have had, both the good and the bad!

Muay Thai training, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Harry Potter World, Orlando, USA.

Disney World, Orlando, USA.

Just for fun I have added some photos to hopefully give you guys an idea of what i am like (or how crazy I am :D) I look forward to connecting with you all.

I needed a wash.

My favourite hairstyle. I should try modelling. What do you think? :P

Lastly, this photo pretty much sums up my personality. :)


welcome my friend! glad you came!

Welcome to steemit!
I know that steemit may seem very overwhelming to you right now but don't worry. There's a learning curve to everything so just be patient and you'll be churning out posts and becoming a part of something great in no time!
Also if there are any questions that you may have, you can reach me at . My username is the same over there, i.e., arthestically

Also do give this article a read as it has guides on how to get you started:

Have fun and I wish you LOADS of success on here! <3



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hey welcome to steemit @karliesadventure

Great to have you here. Nice introduction btw.

I am following you up. Follow me @pulasthi if you like my posts.

Thank you @pulashi. Since you are a medic you may be interested in my next post on when I had my brain tumour removed when I was a baby. Stay tuned.

Hi @karliesadventure . Welcome here on this platform. I am quite new here too. I will follow you, please follow me back. Good luck for the future and lots of upvotes. Greetings from Mongolia, Silbart.

Welcome to steemit @karliesadventure.
Hope have a good tym here
And love ur eyes 😀😀

Thanks @ishotz if you stick around you might find out a bit more about my ‘crazy eyes’ in a future post. 👍

Am definitely sticking around

welcome to steemit karlie...
Hope we will be in touch by upvote and follow

Welcome to Steemit @karliesadventure hope you enjoy this platform

A new Steemian ^^ hello @karliesadventure I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, wish you much luck! I will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk

Welcome to Steemit @karliesadventure. You certainly have a very unique personality. I'm sure the Steemit community will truly embrace you.

Thank you @spectrumecons I hope you enjoyed it.

It's a really good first post. The photos really give people a feel for who you are.

Thank you. That was my aim. :) Glad it has worked.

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