Hey @davidrhodes124! I think you should check out #steemstem! It is a community for science-minded people and a lot of current and aspiring scientists write under this tag. You can also check out the steemstem chat room on discord. Someone like you who has research experience should be welcomed by the community. Have a good day! Cheers!
Thank you for this suggestion. I will try to get my feet wet with posts in steemit first, trying to reach a lay audience. If at all successful, I will definitely consider advancing to steemstem. I am a bit of a novice at this at the moment. But I greatly appreciate your input.
That is perfectly fine, I was in your shoes 2 months ago. If you don´t mind, I will still promote your content if I think it is "worthy" of steemstem or other meristocratic curation communities. There is no disadvantage to you, but your rewards may be higher. Cheers!
Thanks again. I'm still a minnow, learning how to swim in this new environment.