The Time Is NOW! WeAreChange Is Now On Steemit!

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

    *** When you click on the links you can actually see the personal stories that I am talking about***

Hey my name is Luke Rudkowski founder of WeAreChange, if you haven’t heard from us we are a fully independent news organization that has faced and confronted the most sinister corrupt bankers and politicians. From David Rockefeller, Lord Jacob Rotchild , Henry Kissinger (5x’s he hates us) Tony Blair, Ben Bernanke and many more. We have looked them in the face, eye to eye and asked the most important questions that send them scrambling, running away and sometimes even arresting me for just asking the question.     

I have traveled to the most dangerous and scariest places in the world and reported in the murder capital of the world Caracas Venezuela, I went inside the no-go zone in Fukushima Japan, I volunteered, fundraised and did everything I could for the children living in object poverty in Manila, Philippians and I am always in the middle of action during any civil unrest happening in the world. For my work I have been arrested several times, even though I never committed a crime, was never found guilty and have a clean record. I have faced serious death threats, intimidation, harassment and entrapment. I have had a gun to my head by the DHS, been physically assaulted and hurt by the authorities and told that if I continue my work with WeAreChange that I would lose my life. Oh yeah I’m also banned from Canada arbitrarily because of my work, but its only Canada so its OK, lol.    

I do this with full faith to document the truth to the people and show them what’s really happening in the world.. I did this with no budget and no money, sacrificing any possible human comfort to make it happen. I get travel vouchers, sleep on couches, I’ve hitch hiked, sometimes even sleeping in the streets just to get a good story for my audience.  Now with the latest censorship efforts by google, whose CEO we confronted at the Bilderberg Group. We are seeing our posts censored, monetization diminished and countless numbers of fans who say they never get notifications of our work anymore. I had a page that I and my friends started on Facebook that had over 750,000 fans, which was just taken away from me one day without notice and transferred into the hands of a Viacom TV channel. I am sick of it and won't take it anymore.

So that’s why we are here, being immune to censorship and having value for the tireless sometimes life threatening work that I do brings a huge sigh of relief for me that things will always work themselves out. That the good will always prevail over the bad and that the real power is within us the people to be the change that we want to see in the world. Having this on the block-chain which means it will never be destroyed, censored or deleted is something incredible, amazing and game changing. I am all in. So expect more posts from us on here. I’m here with hope and optimism like always knowing that the power is within us and that there is nothing that can stop the free human spirit.


Jeff, thanks for telling me about this and when are we going back to Venezuela LOL

Oh man, we didn't even want to be there last time and it is way worse now! Let's wait until after the collapse and then go buy up the country (invest) with Steem dollars. ;)

Jeff is bringing starpower with him. He opened the gates :)

Welcome Luke! Sorry I missed you the other day in Rio, moved down South despite the cold :)

Can't wait to see your great adventures here on steemit! :)

Best of luck and welcome to the club!


Hahah! That was a fun video. Thanks guys. Buy it up. They could use more crypto down there.

its illegal and bitcoin miners get sent to jail in Venezuela

wow so lets infect venezuelan officials computers with bitcoin miners, get em in trouble with their own laws, lol but of course that wont help they dont enforce laws on themselves! HOWEVER a botnet infectionof venezuelan computers would allow every computer to mine bitcoin as a big fuck you to venezuelan government.....godamn i hate venezuelan government now! I want to actively subvert the fuckers ..i wish Trump would just fuckin invade, fuckin bitcoin miners sent to jail that makes me mad! thank you for reporting this !

@lukewearechange: Ugh. All the more reason they need cryptographically secure tools outside of the State. That's truly sad.

ha! ha! The stars have arrived on Steemit, bringing the their throngs with them!

Not thongs Luke. :P



a large, densely packed crowd of people or animals.
"he pushed his way through the throng"
synonyms: crowd, horde, mass, multitude, host, army, herd, flock, drove, swarm, mob, sea, troop, pack,

We know what Luke was thinking about:

WHo else do you know in this sphere that is on steemit?

Luke, keep up the good work, expose these criminals. All four of my undergrad years I watched every single video you made. Thanks, you've changed my perspective on politics dramatically. #1 fan

i saw you guys in venezuala. that was pretty hectic.

Hey Luke, I know you don't know me, but I began following your work in 2011. I started doing my own work at that time, but I'm so glad you've arrived as I think this platform will be so rewarding for you and your aspirations. I'm happy today to see a familiar face from the past (at least on the internet)

Luke is a great guy. :)

YES! We need more awesome Luke's here. :) We met briefly at PorcFest at the Bitcoin tent. Glad to see you here. :)

i'm inviting everyone that has been screwed over and censored by the powers that be. This thing is awesome.

wow holy cow, thank you so much are there videos to show you how to do this on steem? is your friend. On the "Advanced" menu, choose the "GIF download" option, copy and paste it into a comment or post, and there you have it.

If you wish to luke, feel free to hit me up on and I will walk you through everything. The entire #beyondbitcoin crew could be considered experts in Steem second only to the devs and ceo.

I will GLADLY teach you anything you need to know.
If you let me record it and post it for others to learn from, it will just be icing on the cake. :)

how do you post pics?

First you go to SteemImg where you can host your images for free. My library which is creative commons zero is where you could start practicing:
Ok, then, on the "Embed Codes" tab, you scroll down to the "Markdown" one and hit copy. Then paste the code into a comment or post.
Here's the code: image436a4.jpg

My library has about 260 images which are free for anyone to use for any purpose. You can also use which is creative commons zero too. Then you need to upload those to SteemImg, starting your own account or using it as a guest. Steemit doesn't host images yet, so you must use the Markdown code.

now you can just copy and paste an image or its URL into the coomment box and boom there it is

An even easier way, Right clic "copy image address link" past

Welcome Luke! Thanks @stellabelle for the tips on giphy and Steemimg :)
FYI, @lukewearechange you'll need to get further confirmation, but I'm pretty sure with the last update to Steemit, if you do more than 4 posts in 24 hours from the same account your earnings from them will be penalized.

@lukewearechange Checkout for image hosting. Although, you'll need a separate account there... works well without a login .. Click on the image after you upload.

@lukewearechange well except until the aforementioned censorship kicks in

i just upload on my fb on private when i have a photo and then just copy the url on here, it works pretty easy for me

Welcome Luke! ...and please can anyone provide a link to steemImg ? I can't find my way there ...thanks!!

dude you just made $300 off one freakin comment! did u even check it???? u dnt have to! u fire and forget! seriously though what was it teh first day this port?? was it just a few hundred? cuz now this whole post is past SIX THOUSAND dolars an YOU DESERVE IT you have single handedly changed the world and helped mroe poeple than ever become awake and wake up to the globlaits elite and blderberg crowd! withoit u there wold be no alex jones popularity either!

What a fantastic post, truly awesome; can't wait for more!!! Thank you!!!!

Your awesome Luke! Welcome dude.

Milo Yiannopoulos ?

yeah going to tell him about this

Okeyy nicle, thank you

👍I like travelling, nice post

dude you just made $300 off one freakin comment! did u even check it???? u dnt have to! u fire and forget! seriously though what was it teh first day this port?? was it just a few hundred? cuz now this whole post is past SIX THOUSAND dolars an YOU DESERVE IT you have single handedly changed the world and helped mroe poeple than ever become awake and wake up to the globlaits elite and blderberg crowd! withoit u there wold be no alex jones popularity either!

It's not a linear line tho @Stealthtrader :) about a month ago it was quite flat and then the hocketstick kicked in.

More lukes.... I'm shooting for a minimum of 490 lukes. Keep joining guys.

This is so great! A few days ago, Jeff Berwick and Larken Rose joined us and now we have you! Welcome to our community. I look forward to all the content with which you will enrich this platform.

As always Luke you speak the truth in you own way. You and Jeff opened my eye even more then before ... thanks for the efforts.

thanks it means a lot to hear that and it keeps us going.

yes well you are one of the Champions in this domain, we all need to keep going and pushing on the doors of tyranny and human enslavement !!

Hey there Luke, So great to see you arrive here on this new and upcoming place of global exchange ! Pleased to see that somebody who knows the true evil we face as humans on this planet has made it to Planet Steem ! I am a great fan of your work and have seen you in many very strange and difficult situations !! I too have tried posting many articles here which i suppose many would label conspiracy theorist, with a little success, but i am hoping that now you are here we might get this awesome tool to work on the Pyramid of Power which needs to be Steemed out of existence !! Live for our brighter day and futures my friend !! good to see you !! Peace !! ; - )

Nice to read you! Welcome!
Abrazos de Venezuela.

I feel inspired by your selfless dedication, helping those who are less fortunate than ourselves.

You take on and send shivers down the spines of spineless corrupt bankers and politicians and the like; I am glad that you included Tony Blair on your list, a crook of the highest order.

I am dismayed by the way you have been abused, by the social networks, one wonders with whom they are in bed.

I admire your courage.

Welcome Luke! I saw you in Salt Lake City a few years back at (If I recall) The Axiom Conference. For some reason you had a wall clock in your lap with one of your arms under it. I walked by and said, "That's the biggest damn watch I've ever seen."

Its good to have you here on Steemit. And I hope the up votes come in droves. If anyone deserves to monetize their work, its most certainly you.

Hey! Love the flower of life shirt!! have you dived into the sacred geometry trip yet? Pretty incredible stuff! ! Also, love your videos. . I've been following since occupy.

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