
Can you help resteem my posting this

Hi. I was browsing your feed and I noticed you already posted a similar blog 7days ago. Its probably safe not to do this again as some bots are here to check for plagiarism or spam and they might consider this as one of it. If they flag you, it'll hurt your reputation so bad. Its better safe than sorry. Hehe. I'm giving you this tip because you're new and things are a bit confusing here, and its very understandable. I've been there. Glad someone warned me before the bot saw my post. By the way, if there's anything I can do to help you out, don't hesitate to reach me in discord - @meetmysuperego#5953.

This account, @asridani, is a fake. He is using my profile, past posts and pictures! Please do not support this thief!

Please report this identity theft to Steemcleaners. I will be sending you a private memo for the link.

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