Why I Take Selfies

If you follow anyone on any social network these days, it’s selfie city.

I am 100% in support of The Selfie.


Because I am an advocate, ambassador, lover, and enthusiast of — The Selfie.

Some folks would say that they go into nature to expel technology (if just for a 2 hour hike) from their lives. I get that.

We won’t go into ways you can daily expel technology from you life right now. (Don’t sleep with your phone in the room, keep the phone put away at the dinner table, leave the phone in your bag more often, etc.).

You may notice on my Instagram or Facebook accounts, most of the pictures I post are taken by me, of me.

“Oh, she’s so vain…always taking photos of herself.”

“Isn’t it about the moment? Why take so many selfies?”

….are a couple statements hurled my way. Shrug.

Let me clear one thing up: I definitely do not go hiking for the photos. I have hiked with a couple people who do this and kind of get bummed because once they take a photo, they’re ready to go. They don’t know how to enjoy what they just photographed.

Have you seen Walter Mitty? The scene where he finally meets up with Sean O’Connell, just as he is about to snap a photo of the tiger — and then he doesn’t take the photo.

Why not? Sean says:
“If I like a moment, for me, personally, I don’t like to have the distraction of the camera. I just want to stay in it.”

I totally teared up when I saw that part of the movie, because I know exactly what he is talking about.
….that is why I hike. Why I travel. Why I take a walk. Why I get to know myself.
It’s all about the moments. They are everything.
So, then, why all the selfies?

When I learned that my purpose in life was to inspire others, I first had to grow up a bit in the way of caring what others thought. I started sharing my words from the heart, without holding anything back, and taking photos that matched the words or vice-versa. I became extremely honest with myself so that I could be extremely honest with others.

Instagram was the best place for me to start. Hilarious, right?

At the time, I had a job that sucked the time and life from my life, and was also (still am) a loner who preferred more me-time than us-time, we-time, etc., and so social media became my platform to interact with people.

Writers write autobiographies, painters paint self-portraits, and so do photographers.

I have always loved photography, and know I have a decent eye for framing and editing, so I chose to use that gift for my purpose: to inspire others.

Enter: the GoPro + trekking pole combo = perfect selfie setup on the slopes or hikes! 😉

By telling my story, I can show others that they are not so far away from their own stories. By taking selfies and then including my thoughts when the photo was taken, or random thoughts having nothing to do with the photo, I am sharing my story


Copied from : http://tiffinyepiphany.com/index.php/2014/11/10/why-i-take-selfies/

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I will look forward for more post, i really enjoy the readying you are doing a great job. :)

Nice.... Welcome ... Selfies used to drive me nuts.... My daughter has more pictures of herself then some have in their entire history of photos X 100 people. I'd tell her that what I thought was vanity takes from her natural beauty. Because we have such a tight realtionship we talk openly about everything. Any time I'd buy a new device it wouldn't take more then 5 minutes where she had some skill to ,without me even noticing , would get a hold of it & go to town with it. A day would go buy and I'd take a pic here n there. I'd open up my pics & find 10-20-+??? Pics of her making the craziest faces and videos. First reaction was .....'ohhhh sweet, here we go again... No possible way that she could just Not fill my new device up in days'. After awhile I'd check them out & look at all her wacky videos & pics. I came to realize that she's out of control funny. She even has some straight up skills. I'd find myself balling laughing. I also used them as black male for any guy she might later in life want to attempt to even try being her boyfriend. I learned not only to stop getting frustrated with her taking so many pis on my fresh phone or whatever but I started loving them. It was as if she could sneak some qt solo time to let loose the side of her that she would sometimes keep on low profile. I never knew she had such a good singing voice. Her close friends apparently did. I had to find clips of her randomly letting loose, dropping my jaw. I learned .... Whatever.....love life, enjoy it.... If singing into the phone or taking pics to make her & others laugh... Then have at it! There's so many times I wish I dropped into the selfie zone. The places I've been & the craziness I've watched. Places that are beyond description that I couldn't wait to share with my family and crew of friends. Maby triggering some of them to break out of the mold & go travel to other places and themselves. Let loose .. Whatever it takes. Because I had to show some people the pics & videos of her singing or just her tapping into parts of her that she felt like catching on camera..... Others convinced her to start signing and do other things with them that they might have never known if she never caught it on my phone. She's beyond funny so she's now more comfortable hanging out being herself making people pee their pants or just enjoy life more. Thanks for the share. FôLLow me because on top of my stories because of your post I think I think I'm gonna have to post up some of these moments she so nicely offered up on my camera. Have a blast. Love the life you live n Live the life you love..... And get some selfies to share generations down.... Itsyourday...own it .. Looks like you got that covered. !!!!

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