Hi I'm a Ozwald A former parapalegic!!!!!

Hey everyone I am beyond stoked about Steem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a cool thing to be part of :):):):):)

It blew my mind pretty hard when I found out about it!!!!!

I think it would be cool to make a Music Streaming platform based on the principles and tech of this one!!!! I dont know if it's possible but fuck spotify so ya Streemit by Steemit haha, there ya go:):) I literally just thought of that while typing that idea. But ya i'm gonna use the honor system on that idea . You can jack it if you want cuz it's all about making creator's money and if listeners could make money too it would be the best thing ever, so I'd be thrilled just to see it. But c'mon don't be that guy, i'm simple I don't need much more then street cred and a lifetime supply of soups and sandwiches:)

Anyways you may be feeling click baited by now , I haven't made with the parapelgia curing yet. I'mm going to make you wait just a little longer for that:):):) I bullshitted my way through English class as you can prolly tell by my puncuation and grammar by now :/ But I think things like cripples leaping like stags from there wheelchairs is climax material.19437665_10159006463910473_8989237014939037106_n.jpg

My names Ozwald . Chosen not given. I'm 30 , Canadian and I've been alot of different things over the over these short years. Some of them classic and some of them more unique lol. But none the less, parapelegic was one of them for 9 years.opin3.JPG

I'll set the scene, it was 2008, early September and I'm 21,It's a torrential fucking downpour outside and me and my friend Ray (The singer of The Universe Featuring Ray) (Shameless cheap plug Is that aloud?? haha) and another kid named Bertchem were about to leave her place to go to my cousins out in the country for some kids birthday. Her mom is begging us to to stay and saying our lives are going to change forever if we go as Hospital Beds by The Cold War Kids played in the background. Ive only had like a 40 of old english over like 5 hours at this point so I'm not to concerned with the warning and we head out .ln14.JPG

Were just outside of town now System of a Down cranked to maximum effect . Conversation happening from front to backseat and I make an honest mistake of turning left into the Shanghai food parking lot . Easy mistake as its right next to the road my cousin lives on. Easier yet to correct because you it super open with huge entrance and exit lane ways. I whip around and while doing a rolling stop for safety i see nothing and about to go back on the road when i notice some headlights and I perform a lurching stop. Nothing to crazy, but doesn't the car I didn't notice happen to be a fucking cop!!!!!!!

I pull out and sure enough he starts to turn around and my light bulb goes off full flash . I have an Idea!!!!!!!! If i can get far enough down this side road before he finishes turning around i'm not going to be able to see his lights and then its not evading police. What a solution!!!! Now I didn't have to get pulled over in this crazy rain or have to deal with the potential of a breathalyzer or a search. Both which would have been questionable due to sometimes criminal sometimes not so much nature of marijuana and previously afformentioned malt liquor comsumption.

I get down the road real fast and i'm currently doing about 160 km/h . No cherry's in the rearview so that's good. I tap the brake to start slowing but were driving on fresh gravel cuz school just started so all the roads just got done for the buses. That action combined with the road, the rain and the immense velocity, started me into a fishtail. It seemed to be getting worse instead of better and I knew the ditch on the one side had huge poles and a really deep ditch and the other had almost no ditch or poles , so I decided might as well pick the safer spot to crash!!!!

We flipped 16 times before landing in the middle of a corn field, Bertchem was ejected out the back window and me ray looked at each other for a second and she just bolted out the passenger window. I tried to follow her but when I went to slide over I felt a pop and realized I couldn't feel my legs . I laughed and thought no way I just paralyzed myself. That thought was quickly interupted by the realization I couldn't hide this from my parent's and were they gonna kill me lol.

By this time Ray had found birtch he was fine :):):):) A great source of relief to me even to this day !!!!!!!!!!! The benefit of being in a "police chase" is emergency vehicles come pretty quick so they flagged down the cop who was just getting to where we were now. and I was enroute to the hospital pretty quick. The rest is pretty standard , surgery , rehab ,extended hospital stay and then re-entering life .

I've always been a pretty jovial and positive person even though I was plagued by sentivity, thinking I was super clever , chronic overthinking , ego mask for insecurities causing sometimes over top the in my opinion narcissicm defence mechanism. Unaware of those even existing at the time I powered my way through it like champ always in a pretty good mood about it.

The next seven years was an esclation I call a hate spiral. I already had alot of bad habits and now the stagnation of being a newly addicted computer addict and for the first time ever a Homebody. I started to gain weight , have worse skin. More fear of going out to places, Start to notice my friends flaws alot more, even lose some respect for a few. Inncocent enough stuff but the trickle kept on for years until I hated living. I pushed everyone away. I knew I couldnt kill myself and there was enough video games and t.v to keep me content for a while. I decided that maybe it would be nice to just rot to death somehow . It would celebrated how strong I would be eventually succombing to cancer. Rather then this horrible thing everyone I love would have to deal with.

Dark as fuck I know but I didn't even realize how dark it had gotten until a couple of months after I had pushed everyone but one person away :/
Now as old friend at this point Ray came back into my life for a night, it was a classic us night and I woke up so happy that I realized how depressed I had become lol. Like oh wow how could I not see that :/ I'm me, I know everything about everything. It rocked my world in a good way , I questioned myself more and stopped being so hard on myself and others. I lost weight and started working out:):):)032.JPG

Ray ended up moving in a year later and while I was feeling really good about myself at the time and she was transitioning from one the darker periods of her life . She brang a book with her called "The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav" . We both read it , started to meditate daily and eat healthier. I switched to become a vegetarian who ate seafood. I then immediatly read "Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle" and "The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield". It took me a year and a half or so of ups and downs and ons and offs but I finally really had an amazing breakthrough in understanding all this content I had taken in.

I took a spiritual dose of mushrooms on my 30th birthday, a new moon in my sign:) After I meditated in the dark for 4 or 5 hours I came out and was staring at the ceiling in my kitchen and all the content I had been taking in clicked:):) I was reborn lol. I found myself in the "flow" . Synchronicity's in abundance and during that month I finally let go and accepted the fact that i'm in a wheelchair . I couldn't even mention it without crying for the longest time , I just buried it deep and didn't ever think about it. So for months before this experience I had become aware of the fact I cry every time I think about and also just how many fears were derived from me protecting this unconsciouness unconsciously. It was greatly effecting my life and upon the understanding of the content after my birthday experience I finally learned how to let it go:):):)

Then comes october and I go to a psychic who tell's me I'm gonna walk again.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The next day a guy who runs a gym for spinal cord patients that I haven't talked to in like a year or so emails me randomly. So I go check it out . Have some success I can fire some muscles in my legs already . Then in my second session I broke my leg. Not to bad but 8 weeks in traction. It was a rough 8 weeks in my life but I handled the leg like a champ. Come January this year I was back at it 5 pounds of gains weekly and I can move all the muscles in my legs a little bit by the end of january, in february I can lift my legs off the bed and I havent gotten much further passed that but I continued to expand my consciouness and have deeper understandings. I can get on all fours and have increased the mass of the muscles greatly. So yes i am still using a wheelchair to get around for those of you maybe feeling a little taken but I CAN WALK. Everything you can truly know in your heart in the present moment good or bad will come true . It always does for me anyway:):):) So be careful what you identify with and accept as your thought's cuz it shapes us . Our attitude is everything. You are whatever you think you are and its hard to defeat our programming sometimes but keep trying it pays off. You can cripple and uncripple yourself and you can manifest so many things. I manifested this wheelchair !!!! I truly beleived if I could get hurt enough to not have to work would make my life better . So be careful what you wish for, how you wish for it by practicing awareness!!! :):):)

In closing Thank you so much for reading this and please follow me if you like my story I'm going to blog about all the stuff I'm up to , My journey back into the group of humanity who can use stairs, My political thought's and even ambition's, My dream of starting a new political party, The spiritual stuff I think about and Practice , The music I'm into, The bandstuff with Ray i'm involved in and All the fun i'm having with my Gorgeous Roomate Savannah!!!!! I'M STOKED TO MAKE A BUNCH OF MONEY INTERACTING WITH YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ozwell st Ozwald signing off into the sunset :):):)


Welcome to steemit! (Haha you should totally do streemit)
That was a powerful introduction, you must be so proud of how far you've come! 😄
I'll give you a follow, hope you follow back! ☺

Thank you!!!!!! Ya it wasn't my intention to get so deep when I started but I felt right when I was done!!! I checked out your page a little already:):) Looks super dope :):):) I can't wait to creep further :):):):)

Welcome to Steem @ozwellstozwald I have sent you a tip

Thanks so much Bobby:):):) your the first one invited to the I'm rich party!!!!

Keep up the movement! Followed

Right on man !!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!

Thank you :):):) How long have you been on here??

Thanks man !!!!!! I'm willing to bet your not to off rockstar yourself:):):):)

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