Self Actualization: A different type of #introduceyourself -Part I

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

All of us are here on Steemit to grow, right? To grow ideas, fortunes, futures, businesses, etc. But, can we? Or just like in real life only the 5% has outstanding success?

I would like to split this #introduceyourself post in 2 parts. In this part I will tell you what I'm telling me. Because many of you are in an early stage of your involvement on Steemit, I believe my words will be helpful.

Self-actualization: A level that everyone desires to reach but cannot


Self-actualization is the top level of personal development that every person wants to reach. If we dig a little deeper we will understand that it is the level of complete satisfaction. Once you are Self-actualized you are satisfied with everything in your life.

It makes you feel complete and that you have accomplished everything. For Self-actualization, it is important that you:

Discover, Create, Enrich, Inspire


Self-actualization is not that hard to achieve but unfortunately, there are only a few people that have been able to reach that level of success. You might have been wondering why. There is only a single reason.

Humans are never satisfied, they always want more. If you want to reach Self-actualization here are some important changes you have to make in your life.

You have to be selfless to reach Self-actualization

First, it is important that you get rid of the greed. It is the habit that is making you fall back every time. Being selfless is hard to achieve but once you will reach that level you will stop collecting. You have to understand the fact that you should work hard to help others because in a way you are helping yourself.

Believe that you make a difference


Believe in yourself! Do not let other’s opinion affect your growth and mental stability. You have to show the world your uniqueness because that is what you really are. Self-actualization begins with selflessness.

There should be only positive thoughts in your mind

The human brain has been developed in such a way that we pay attention to negative and positive effects of everything in our life. When the negativity increases it shows that our growth has stopped. On the other hand, if we are thinking positive that is the only way we will grow.

When writing the story of your life do not let others hold the pen


When you are working hard to achieve something it is important that you only pay attention to the positive thoughts. The sooner you will get rid of negative thoughts the better your life will become.

If you will fill your mind with positive thoughts and plans you will not have to worry about what others think of you. That is how you will proceed towards Self-actualization.

Embrace the change and grow

When we are born we are given two choices, we can select the path of growth or the one that in which we follow others. It is your dream and only you can make them come true.

  • In the given moment we have two options:
  1. To step forward into growth
  2. To step backward into safety

Following others might seem safe but it will never allow you to make your own dreams come true. You will be living the other person’s dream and that is not how you reach Self-actualization.

It is the time that you explore new horizons and pay attention to what you can really do. Let's rock Steemit together!

Images source:


Till next time,



In real life, there will always be negative thoughts and greed. Totally getting rid of them is impossible but we can get them under control. I think a more realistic approach is to use greed to your advantage. Take risks, be bold, earn more, share what you've got. Laugh or cry whenever you have to. Be yourself and change yourself to be better, not to be like someone else. There are so many ways to put it but for me, making choices is easier knowing that in life, we have to take the good with the bad. That's how we learn. We deal with the negatives to appreciate the positive. - Just like photography. Nonetheless, it's a really bold introduction. Welcome to Steemit!

I liked a few points made in this post. In particular the part about don't let others hold the pen when writing your story. I also liked the part about being selfless, but was a little confused at the last statement in the paragraph. "You have to understand the fact that you should work hard to help others because in a way you are helping yourself." This acknowledgement of "Helping yourself" in the process of helping others no longer makes things selfless. Maybe I misunderstood, but I feel other people could also take this the wrong way?

I agree with J regarding negativity. You can't eliminate it all. Nor should you want to, or have too. it's unrealistic to go through life like that. You have to balance it in a healthy way. Using your attitude and experiences in life to turn Liabilities into assets is an amazing skill.

Negativity is all around us. For example, I don't always like outspoken people that speak up, or fight for what they believe in, but are they just negative people, or good people fighting negative influences? if we all sheltered ourselves with only the positive and avoided anything negative, our freedoms would have crumbled long ago. Often times these people are fighting negative influences in society that could affect us all, so we stand to benefit from their efforts. I can't turn a blind eye on them. We should thank them. World wars are a prime example of this on a larger scale.
Passive people only become the oppressed. I'd much rather live in dangerous freedom than peaceful slavery.

I loved this. I think your last sentence summed it up well: "I'd rather live in dangerous freedom than peaceful slavery." Anything that is going to help us grow is going to be messy, strenuous, and frustrating. Productive use of negative emotions can help us be even stronger and better grounded.

I see what the author means in terms of not allowing negativity to overwhelm you (that does not have to happen at all) but I agree that negativity is not useless unless we become addicted to it.

Thanks Jenny. I agree in the power of positive thinking. Too much negativity puts one in self destruct mode. However, we also can't live in bubbles.

Although you have quite a few valid point, I must admit I disagree in regards to not being able to get rid of negative thoughts and greed. I do believe it is surely possible for all human beings who put in a consistent effort towards it, and develop a new mindset which automatically does not allow for such thoughts. Although it will take time, it is in my opinion not only possible, but necessary to reach your full potential.

I suppose that you are speaking about your own "real life" cause reality is subjective. It is defined by our perceptions and beliefs. It is impossible to get rid of greed and negative thoughts as you believe it is. Is exactly the same like getting rid of smoking, or drinking. Yes, at first you keep them under control and after that you just get rid of them.

About the rest of what you said, I totally agree. Thank you for your intervention.

See you around.

I like the way you think! Following you!

Thanks! I followed you too.

Welcome to steemit. I hope you will enjoy here. 😍

Hi @plapuma. Thanks for that insightful post. It reminded me of a childhood idea that I have had for a long time. To be truly ourselves we have to let go and in order to let go we have to be selfless as you put in your post. This is easier said than done and all I can do is try everyday.

Anyways welcome to steemit!

Yes @idestroy, all we can do is to try. If you don't try, you have already lost.

Thanks for your intervention!

@plapuma thanks, you are right.

This is a very nice look at life and self... success and the obstacles in the way. Thank you.

Thank you also for your intervention!

Good Luck

What is meant by self-actualized? Great post, but I'm not sure I understand that term. (oh and I'm satisfied... so if I am satisfied I self-actualized?).

I agree that we should try to put away negative thoughts and not be greedy...But totally getting rid of them is impossible...I think we can get them under control though...Share what you have with others your music, your crafts, your money, your food... if you are rich or even poor... and don't let people let you get you down, just be yourself and don't let others dictate your who you dream to be as you help other people become who they want to be too...aspire others to be to their full potential who they want to be... by teaching them how to give... and receive instruction in their life to be important people in this world as workers and givers of their talents to others to make this world a better place...take risk, earn more, share what you yourself and change yourself to be better, not to be like ever one else...take the good with the with the negative to appreciate the positive...just like poetry, painting, playing the guitar, crocheting, etc...we can't live in bubbles and think that every thing is hunky dory and that being possitive all the time is going to make it all fine we have to "roll with the punchs" too...(negativeness)...If we were not in a negative world we would not need to look for positiveness... If it were not for negativeness we wouldn't have to look for positiveness...true???
When Yahoshua returns to earth with Yahweh's kingdom then all negativeness will be gone and we will live in a positive "new" world... keep hope alive!!!Welcome to Steemit !!!
As a minnow, I want success here and learn the "ropes" here but no one wants to teach me I have to learn on my own I learned if I upvote and comment on others post I get STEEM and SBD and SP for upvoting and commenting on others post...again WELCOME TO STEEMIT!!!
(How can I get others here to read my post/blogs???)

Thanks for the very interesting intro.

It's interesting that self-actualization (or Self-realization, or maybe "enlightenment") involves being "selfless" (as you implied above). That's probably because realizing one's true Self entails transcending or simply abandoning the illusory self that comprises the body or the mind.

Also, as you state clearly, self-actualization is not hard to achieve. Ironically, that raises the question, "Why is it so hard to achieve?"

Then again, that's like learning anything, be it a second language or a sport or a skill. It's hard to learn, but with education and practice, we suddenly realize that, in fact, it was NOT very difficult.

Of course, we need assistance and education. Looking forward to such from your future posts.

Below are a few basic points of advice re posting on Steemit.

(I deleted points #1–7, since they are basic rules about proper writing, formatting, etc, that you already follow, as evident in your above post. ☺ )

7 -- Get online and start curating. Read various posts, comment on those posts you find interesting, and upvote those posts. That’s the best way to attract followers.

Hope this helps for now. Good luck, and Full Steem Ahead!

Welcome to the community @plapuma! I must agree that everyone should focus more on the positive aspect of life. If we truly want to achieve great things as humans we must overcome the negativity that is sucking away our energy to do great and amazing things. Hope to hear from you soon. Looks like you will bring awesome content to the community. best of luck. Feel free to connect!

Indeed, we lose a lot of energy because of our negativity. Without energy, we also lose our true way of being.

Thanks for your wishes! See you around!

I think some of the ideas you promote here aren't particularly sound advice.
Let me break some of these statements down.
The human brain has been developed in such a way that we pay attention to negative and positive effects of everything in our life. When the negativity increases it shows that our growth has stopped. On the other hand, if we are thinking positive that is the only way we will grow. When you are working hard to achieve something it is important that you only pay attention to the positive thoughts. The sooner you will get rid of negative thoughts the better your life will become.
Ignoring negative thoughts is basically denial. What you are promoting is the avoidance and or suppresion of emotion. Why do you think our brains developed to feel negative emotions? Because they inform of us somthing important! We are all invested in our goals, sometimes we put huge amounts of effort into them. This means we become so invested that we don't even realize when those goals have become unrealisitc. We engage even further because we are holding out on those goals turning into reality. This can go on until the only thing that can deter us from our obsession is a strong emotional response. DEPRESSION.
I am sorry to say, but I think avoiding your negative emotions will only put you on the path of creating unrealistic goals, which will bring a great backlash.
In my opinion, self-actualization has more to do with finding a societal niche that makes you feel like a unique and contributing individual. This state is a form of content that is beyond feeling good or bad. And the path to finding this state is to balance the good and the bad emotions and learn how to re-appraise the negative emotions. You should never ignore them however. Hope this has been a constructive criticism.

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