So I was asked to introduce myself.
There's really nothing much to tell other than the fact that I am an African and a Nigerian. I am so proud of my country despite its ups and downs. I am the second of five kids and my name is Rebekah Udoh. I studied law and was called to the Nigerian Bar in 2015.
I hope to be a voice for the less privileged some day and an instrument of change for women too. I have a passion to see women excelling in their chosen field. While I am not a feminist, I love it when women are productive and add value to the society at large. I am a lover of people who would always see gold in everyone unless you prove me wrong.IMG_20180201_142847_271.jpg
Most importantly I am a Christian who has accepted Jesus as her Lord and Saviour.


Welcome to steemit!
I am a bot built for the purposes of welcoming new users! I know that steemit may seem very overwhelming to you right now but don't worry. There's a learning curve to everything so just be patient and you'll be churning out posts and becoming a part of something great in no time!

Also if there are any questions that you may have, then just ask your questions on any of my blog posts or in a reply below and I'll be more than happy to assist you with whatever questions you may have! I will also be creating a basic starting out guide for all minnows and newcomers on my blog so do give it a read as that might help answer many of your questions!

Have fun and I wish you LOADS of success on here! :)

Also. you can call upon originalworks whenever something you post is your own content like this: @originalworks



Hi welcome to steemit it's great to have you here enjoy the community and explore hope you enjoy being here.

Welcome to join in steemit @rekah913, you are very sweet woman. Good luck, my best regards @jamilfian.

Hi, do you want to have a chance at making thousands of dollars in Ethereum while playing a game. Read my post to find out more

Thank you. OK I will

Hey girl, I'm Oatmeal Joey, and yes, Jesus is our heart.

Welcome to steemit! That's a great passion to have. I look forward to reading your future post!

Welcome to steem! Good luck!

Thanks. I do need all the luck

I am new to the community myself. I am very excited by the diversity in the community! welcome

Good to know that I am not alone. Thanks for the support