Let's change the world with steemit!

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Hey Hey, Everyone!

My name is Jason Martling, born and raised in Moscow, Idaho!

So check this out! Ever since I can remember, I've had grandiose ideas about being the hero that saves the Universe! Sounds pretty legit right? Well... I'm also kind of a giant shit-bag, but, it adds to the fun!

Being a 90's Baby, I got my first SNES console at 4 (that's a Super Nintendo Entertainment System, for you non nerds :). My life and thinking has been majorly influenced by video games and fantasy novels.

I mean, come on... One of my earliest memories is playing Mario. THAT MEANS ONE OF MY EARLIEST LIFE LESSONS WAS... SMASH BRICKS, GET CHICKS! rofl. Just thought that up. like it?

Another of my earliest memories, is of my mother reading the Hobbit to my sister and I. So it only makes sense that I would wanna be the hero in real life. Right? In other words, I'm a dirty narcissist...

Wait, Hold up! Before you stop reading... Praise me and give me admiration... Just kidding!

Kinda. :\ :/

Despite my extremely narcissistic tendencies and views, I'm super empathetic too, and also the complete opposite of a narcissist. How does that work? No Clue! LOL.

I guess you could say it makes for a very multifaceted lifestyle and many life outlooks. Like, how I simultaneously kind of believe the universe revolves around me, that I am God. While also thinking. "I am just a shitty animal, with enough intellect to really mess things up, living in a simulation."

My acceptance is that both are pretty true depending on how you look at it. I think we are all GOD, but also, I don't really identify with a religion so it's just the word I use because it is common. My understanding of it, is the sum of the whole, which is infinitely large and small, all of the universes within universes, the total of all. That's my perception of God. Everything is infinitely large and small, including us, so there is no separation of one thing and another, that is god, so I would say we are all God. God's human expressions, maybe would be a way to say it. Either way, if you wanna get down on some universe, energy, weird new-agey shit. The power of intention, manifestation, anything else spiritual, philosophical and the like. Ill be posting my insights and experiences or questions here on steemit!

Moving on from that Jazz. Just wanted to add real quick, Steemit is totally saving me from another wave of suicidal thoughts and depression. Funk Ya! Anyone who's been there feels me on that sentiment, haha.

So, much love to the developers, to the Steemit community, And Especially my good buddy Denis @liquidrainbowx on steemit, for introducing me to this. I would still be in a really bad place in my head right now if it weren't for this!

I have faith again, that maybe, there is a job for me. Something I can actually contribute to humanity, something I love doing, and maybe even be able to put some food on the table doing it! Communicating with others about changing the world and cool stuff like that! I hope to become really deeply involved here on Steemit, if you'll have me?

I've had a life full of eye opening experiences and trials, mostly self wrought, but in the back of my mind I have never stopped thinking about whats going on and how to change the world!

It's been an obsession, and being empathetic and obsessing about the planets issues, well its led to a lot of depression and substance abuse, crappy decisions, feeling stupid and worthless, all that fun shit. On the flip side, I'm naturally an optimist, and I've always been able to bring the bright side out of everything, that's why I feel like I'm in a position to really help others. Since Ive been a little bit of all of you, Ive visited the extremes, at least mentally. Mostly I've been struggling with just wanting to do nice things for others while enjoying my life, and refining my ideas to change the world. while needing to find jobs or some way to make money that I don't necessarily vibe with. I'm not a good employee, and probably never will be, which makes it hard on me because now I'm turning 26 in 2 days and I'm currently living off my parents. That's depressing as hell. I feel like I should be taking care of my parents by now, as well as making a difference on a scale more befitting my ambitions and capabilities. I know I'll never achieve my lofty and ambitious goals going the normal route, which for my area, switching up $10 an hour 9-5's for the rest of your life is the reality for most people, if your doing good.

I can't do that, I gotta find something else, I'm hoping steemit can supplement my income I need to get on my feet, as well as be an outlet for my craziness and doing what I love. Sharing thoughts and advice and networking with others. In efforts to change the world in the biggest ways humanly possible! When my buddy told me about steemit, at first I was skeptical, like nah... Who's gonna up-vote my stuff? I'm just a normal guy with delusions of grandeur! My friend had some nice things to say about me then and my narcissistic self took over, OH YA I COULD TOTALLY CRUSH THAT SHIT, PEOPLE WILL LOVE ME! LOL! I'M DOPE AS HELL.

So here I am testing the waters teehee.

My aims for steemit are:

Making cool posts and inspiring others to be hero's and save the world!

Make people laugh. Although bear with me, you get like one good joke out of ten, only I laugh at the other nine. lol.

Give anyone and everyone the best advice and insights I possibly can. (yes that means you, anything at all that's bothering you, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here. I promise to try and give the best advice I possibly can, while being straight up, real, and down to earth!)

Networking with like minded individuals.

Learning, and sharing useful information about anything and everything!

I will also be dropping my idea's on how to bring about the change we need! I have idea's all day long so its nice to have an outlet where people can give me advice, or run with the ideas and turn them into something tangible. cool shit like that!


It starts with us loving our neighbors and working within communities, and online to educate each other. we can really start to shift the way we think and live, consume and destroy, create and propagate.

I firmly believe it will be platforms on the internet like steemit, that will influence and direct the way we go about life, as we are already seeing. so I view it as our responsibility to use it wisely, for the good of all. UPVOTE THE REAL GOOD, WORLD-CHANGING STUFF, then this site will remain primarily that.

Feel me?

We still have the power, we just have to capture the attention of the majority. Fill our days, posts, and interactions with positive and meaningful information and undertakings! More so than the bullshit distractions and meaningless information that's polluting the collective mind, ripping everything apart.

We HAVE to wake people up, lest we continue to obliviously and joyfully even, create/develop and reinforce the confines of our prison. The people in power have no power over us, only that which we decided to believe or give them. Only if we keep allowing ourselves and each other to slave away, building and developing the very tools used to enslave us, will they retain power. So, that's where the information battle comes in. This is why we need to come together, and actively help each other fight off our brainwashing and detrimental viewpoints, resentments and the like.

We gotta stop destroying our minds and the planet before its too late, its crunch time, somethings gotta give.

-Jason Martling *shined over matter*

Outshine Adversity!

Let Me Know How I Can Improve My Posts, What you like and dislike, things maybe I could elaborate on more, stuff like that. thankeee!







Glad you decided to sign up, great to have ya, Jason.

Wow that is deep, and how fortunate of you to have good friends that watch your back and guided you into this wonderful place, I am new here as well I came over from watching a video on youtube from Luke Z Rudkwoski 'We Are Change' great videos he has as an Independent Journalist I love his works and admire him for doing what so many struggle in a world dominated by the lies of mainstream media.

I to hope to make a change and Inspired others as well as listen to people that just need someone to carry an intellectual conversation with, your entry however its just brilliant you have a way with words better than my crappy entry, I look forward hearing more about you new friend YES we must work together and unite to stand strong <3

Thank you for your kind words! haha. i spent a lot of time writing this out, then accidentally submitted it before i could finish the title, bwoops, was trying to figure out how to edit it, glad to see someone read it anyways ;)
Im gonna check out Rudkwoski, sounds wonderful, thanks for that too!

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