Starting a business when you are a 21-year old girl: difficulties and challenges

Pressure, Disbelief and Misgivings vs. Ideas, Eagerness and Youth

Hi, there! My name is Anastasia, I am an entrepreneur running a small business in cosmetics and nail polish. I am absolutely amazed by Steemit and you, steemers.  So, I'd like to share some epizodes from my life which made me step onto the  slippery road of running business on my own.

Part 1. Decision-making process

I should say that I have always wanted to have my own company, to be independent from chefs and make my wishes and ideas real. Though I have never known that it would happen so soon. 2015 I was invited as a photographer to a successful online-shop PoShvu. And there I understood that there was no other way for me. I looked at my chef, saw his eyes shining with eagerness and love to what he did. He suffered ups and downs but was devoted to the thing he was running. And so I thought "Oh, man, I'd like to do the same". The idea of working days and nights being possessed with some new and crazy idea didn't frighten me; that was drawing, attracting, appealing. So, this was when the decision was made. 

Part 2. Choosing the sphere

I can't say that I am a guru in cosmetics and nail polish though that became my choice. There are not so many good online-shops in Russia, so I monitored the websites that exist in Russia and began to choose the constructor. That was going on quite fast though many of my friends were not very enthusiastic about the idea. Neither did my parents. That was the first time when I had to cope with the misgivings. I showed them some of the drafts and so they calmed down a bit. Many of them did not consider my new passion to be a seriuos thing and thought that I would give it up. I did not.

Part 3. Coping with pressure

Finally I did open my website. Surely, it did not bring me money immediately. And so came pressure. Parents saying "You've spent four years getting bachelor's degree in thanslation", friends whispering "You're unlikely to succeed, there are so many other online-shops that can spend more money on marketing" and so on. There was a period in my life when I almost gave up. Wanna know what made me run on? Eagerness. I will always have time to find a job as a transator. But I can take a risk only now when I do not have either a husband or children. I can totaly devote myself to what I do. This is an unbelievable experience even though the website is not  running very well now. I believe that it will bring me what I want: satisfaction, pride and of course, some money   <3

Wish you all the best, make your ideas real, burn with your passion and enjoy your life!




I started my business around the same age, My first one failed. But I have started another one, I am now 23 and it's doing well. It's about to take over my job. KEEP going! Even if your first couple attempts don't work, Try again! You'll get there. You'll gain the experience!

Oh, that sounds nice! Going on and daring, yeah!

I started a business around the same age as well. I learned far more from my business during that time than spending that time in a classroom.

When you ask people for opinions or help in making decisions always remember that you're going to receive many different answers from many different people.

The best advice I can give is follow your gut. Go with what you think is best, even if someone you trust and highly respect gives you their opinion which differs from yours. In the end, you will have to make the decision and carry that burden. Never doubt yourself.

You will always be faced with new obstacles and challenges. Never let them stop you. Obstacles just require additional thinking about how to overcome them.

At first I had a really tough time delegating tasks to other people, especially if I thought I could do them better. However it is really important to learn to let go and to let other people do things so that you can focus on what you do best.

Remember that there is a difference between working on your business and working in your business. If you are working in your business, that time is not being spent on building your business, that time is being spent on keeping your business going as it currently is. Do not get stuck on working in your business, do both!

I wish you good fortune and many adventures in your new business.


persistence + patience + positive = success
you effort will pay off, and in most likely a way that you did not expect

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