How to introduce yourself in a job interview

Have you ever wondered that why despite of having listed all the details  about yourself in the resume, the interviewer still likes to start the  session by asking you “Tell me something about yourself”
The reason  for this is that people like listening to information been presented to  them in the form of verbal expression in contrast to referring to a  printed document.
Yes this simply means that they directly like to  hear from the horses’s mouth that how would the candidates like to  narrate the story of their life, in their own words.

“Tell us  something about yourself” doesn’t means that you go right back to your  childhood memories and share tales of your first love or your favorite  ROCK band or your obsession with Harry Potter; rather think about the  awards, accolades or experiences you’ve had in your life.
Consider  the themes, personality traits and skills that come across through these  experiences and introspect that which of these are the most important  to get across through recruiters.
Through personal introduction, the  interviewer is giving you a chance to highlight all the key features of  your personal and professional life, the top experiences you’ve had so  far and the most influential skills you possess.
Follow the points  mentioned in the video, the next time you face a job interview and  enhance the chances of you getting selected!!


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