I am a professional simple teacher and outgoing(Saya seorang guru profesioanal sederhana yang ramah)

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

I am a professional simple teacher and outgoing

Best wishes to all of Steemian's friends.

Salam sejahterah kepada sekalian sahabat Steemian.

Hi, My name is Muhammad Khaidir Rasyid. I am a professional teacher, simple, friendly and environmentally. I teach in SMP Negeri 5 Langkahan. I live in Panton Labu, Aceh, Indonesia. Every day on a motorbike, I take a little way to get to the school where I teach. A small road with little rock and dust. Sometime in the middle of my journey, I found wild animals. Indeed, the road I take is more appropriate to be used by the rebels. And when the rainy season comes, the road that I went through turned into a very horrible pool.

Hai, di sini yang berbicara adalah Muhammad Khaidir Rasyid. Saya adalah seorang guru profesional, sederhana, bersahabat dan ramah lingkungan. Saya mengajar di SMP Negeri 5 Langkahan. Saya tinggal di Panton Labu, Aceh, Indonesia. Setiap hari dengan mengendarai sepeda motor, saya menempuh rute yang agak sedikit jauh untuk sampai di sekolah tempat saya mengajar. Jalan yang kecil dengan sedikit bebatuan dan berdebu. Adakalanya di tengah perjalanan saya mendapati hewan-hewan liar, semacam babi. Sesungguhnya jalan yang saya tempuh lebih tepat digunakan oleh kaum pemberontak. Dan ketika musim hujan datang, jalan yang saya lalui berubah menjadi kubangan yang amat mengerikan.

But I went through that path with passion. What makes me passionate and passionate are the sweet smiles of my students, they are very fond of me. I always give freedom to my students in the class so they can enjoy their lessons.
In fact, I never dreamed of being a teacher, who moved my heart to become a teacher was what my father said. Father said, " Son, working as a teacher is very noble, at least tickets to heaven is cheaper even though teacher salary is not much." Those words are encouraging.

Namun saya melalui jalan itu dengan semangat. Yang membuat saya semangat dan bergairah adalah senyum-senyum manis murid-murid saya, mereka amat menyenangi saya. Saya selalu meberikan kebebasan kepada murid-murid saya di dalam kelas agar mereka dapat menikmati pelajaran mereka.

I am married, my wife is very beautiful, we have two children.

Saya telah menikah, istri saya cantik sekali, kami memiliki dua orang anak.

And below is a picture of my extended family.

Dan di bawah ini adalah keluarga besar saya.

I think Steemit is a great platform to work, the system is very transparent. Perhaps if my country uses this system, corruption cases can be overcome. Perhaps I will post a post about education here because I am a teacher. I know Steemit from my cousin, @pidar. He explained about Steemit to me, and then I immediately registered it.
As a newcomer to Steemit, I hope the help and guidance of all of Steemians' friends. Your comments and upvote will help me so much. Cheers.

Saya rasa Steemit adalah platform yang bagus untuk berkarya, sistemnya amat transparan. Barangkali jika negeri saya memakai sistem ini, kasus korupsi bisa diatasi. Barangkali saya akan memuat postingan mengenai pendidikan di sini, sebab saya adalah seorang guru. Saya mengetahu Steemit dari adik sepupu saya, @pidar. Dia menjelaskan mengenai Steemit kepada saya, dan kemudian saya langsung mendaftarkannya.
Sebagai pendatang baru di Steemit, saya berharap bantuan dan bimbingan dari sahabat-sahabat Steemians semuanya.


Great introduction post :) I agree with your dad - being a teacher is noble and should be respected more!
Resteeming you for some publicity!

Thank you very much Welcoming :)

Hello! It's nice to see you here!

Hello, nice to see you too,thank you very much :)

Welcome to Steemit @syafi!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
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How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit be truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Thank you very much Intro :)

Hello dearie..

Welcome to steemit, to interact and get to grow better on steemit, find your niche and be educated on steemit...do well to join us on our Steemschool discord channel using this link https://discord.gg/2F74XX9

Look forward to seeing you there.

Thank you very Bijed for information. I don't have any idea about Steemschool discord :)

hey @syafi welcome to steemit :)

Hi, Meli, thank you very much :)

amazing job bro! welcome in Steemit world !!!

Thank you very much Noone :)

hola @syafi! welcome to steemit! you have lots of potential, I hope you'd enjoy it here.

Hola, Nikko. Muchas gracias amigo :)

Selamat bergabung di steemit dan selamat telah menjadi bagian dari steemians

Terimakasih Muksal :)

I am always happy to see people in steemit who have the same passion with me: teaching. Welcome to steemit sir @syafi.

Thank you very much Morken, nice to know you too :)

Welcome to steemit rakan @syafi, lets doing the best cretivities of yours and show it to the world... Saleum

Teuka saleum keu gata chit, teurimong geunaseh adeun :)

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