Once you start reading this you will not stop, for Steemit's newest member is taking you on a ride on the "Highway to hell".

Once you start reading this you will not stop, for Steemit's newest member is taking you on a ride on the "Highway to hell".
So my friend asked if I’ll try STEEMIT out after a conversation and I replied “There is no try, you do or you don’t “ and walked away.

I walked and walked until I finally reached here. Hey there!

Really sorry for the really long title though. I was trying to find the balance between being modest and pompous and as you can see I got carried away.

Chilly evenings, a cup of coffee and lots of laughter I would believe is the reason I'm on Steemit. One of my friends was kind enough to introduce me to this platform and I did apply on the same day. I've literally been dreaming about the various possibilities that would unfurl through this platform ( quite a few ended with me owning a Lamborgini XD).Though I was really excited about joining Steemit, the wait to get the approval really did make me impatient(almost drove me crazy).

This is my third draft of introduce yourself post, so here goes.

On June 12, 1997,
The winds howled in the depth of the night. Stray dogs were the only company to the all so lonely lamp posts in the beautiful city that is Bengaluru. At the break of dawn, something happened that was too strong to be expressed through mere words or pictures.My friends, family and even acquaintances to this day are petrified by this date. Everyone stay home, lock their doors shut run to the basement wait for that day to pass. That something is the reason why you’re reading this post today.

Without further ado let me tell you guys what happened that day.

I was born that day.XD

First off let me post a pic which will probably end up with quite a few of you going blind or shutting down your accounts.(sorry steemit)

Say Hello or as we in Bengaluru say Namaskara dear friends. I am Mohith an undergraduate student pursuing Mechanical engineering in a lesser known town of Hassan in Southern India. I lived in Bengaluru for the first 20 years of my life, hence the average English vocabulary XD. I am a true believer in “Jack of all is always better than Master of one”.
If you do disagree with that I would love to debate about it the comment section below.
So here I am,
1%sweet 99% annoying. Definitely not easy on the eyes( Sorry ladies XD). Trying photography as a hobby, for now hope it turns into a career opportunity in the future( fingers crossed).

I write (obviously XD), I mean I write about things other people happen to think less about it's usually about the 3 am questions about life that wakes you up from your slumber.(I don’t really do anything about it, I just write them down). I trek a lot have conquered all the peaks of Karnataka, India.

I absolutely love traveling to already known or unknown places, really really restless and end up befriending people from all walks of life from a daily wage worker to a software engineer at Accenture.

I will be writing about my thoughts my choices in life as well as well posting pictures of various things. I’ll write about my adventures. And once in a while write about how Steemit is evolving in my perspective.
Here’s a glimpse of my clicks( External lens capturing internal emotions )

Beautiful things in the history of this planet have never asked for attention well so hasn’t STEEMIT. Which I believe is one of the most innovative, contemporary and Kickass platforms out there. So I would like to begin this journey with all of you by thanking the founders, the caretakers, the participants and everyone involved with STEEMIT. For this according to me is a great place for an amateur like me to really grow.

So this is me your friendly neighborhood Asian kid learning to play his cards right and make some really good friends. Lemme know what you think in the comments below and what you’d like to hear from me.


Goodluck here

Wellcome to Steemit.com

Welcome tryingtobeme, the more time I spend here the more I think that the overall architecture of this platform is truly amazing.

ya i seem to get it now but this is a win-win situation for everybody .Thank you for leaving a comment .

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