Hey lovely Steemit community, a girl from Germany finally made it to steemit :)*Introduceyourself*

Hey lovely Steemit community,

I am so thrilled to be finally on here and getting the chance to introduce myself.
I must admit that I am huge cryptocurrency lover for a quite while but actually discovered Steemit only one month ago. I was right away so amazed how respectful the people were communicating with each other on this platform. There were no harsh or insulting comments like you would usually often read under blogs or vlogs. I totally could feel the positive energy each post was covered with. Instantly I knew I wanted to be a part of this community. In my opinion, this new way of exchanging content with each other is definitely the future and I am so grateful to experience it at the early beginning.
And now I'm finally here to give a piece to all of you nice individuals back.

Let this positive journey start :-)

So who is that girl from Germany?

Well, my name is Victoria. I am 26 years old and I am from Cologne, Germany.


My relationship with my family and good close friends is really important to me. I would describe myself as an openminded person, as well as an inquisitive one - You live and learn. I love to inspire people and support them in their dreams. I have a dog with my amazing boyfriend Max. Max is also on Steemit @bluebocktribe. He is like me a crypto lover, musician but also an architect, so check him out. Our dog Ace is a silver Labrador and he is definitely the cutest thing on earth and not to forget a really really smart dog.

Max & Me, Ace and me after a nice long run & Ace :)

Like I already mentioned, I am really big fan of cryptocurrency. I love to research new coins or tokens and of course like to invest in them. Meanwhile, I have a really good portfolio, which I am really proud of.
But like most of you probably know, this stuff takes a lot of your time, waaah :D


Therefore I am really thrilled to share my ideas and tips with you ;)

Besides cryptocurrency, I am also a really artsy person. I just love music, it's my biggest passion!
I am djing and also producing electronic music. I definitely going to load up music sets of myself. I hope you guys will enjoy my sound, but if not that's also fine ;) Everyone's tastes are different.

Bildschirmfoto 2018-02-20 um 14.28.28.png
a few of my musicsets, typically 1h - 1 1/2h

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me playing at Nachtigall, a club in Cologne

Right after my passion for music comes my interest in Art. I really like to work with acryl paint. There are so many cool ways to work with paint and different materials and of course, I also want to share this knowledge with you ;)

two acryl paintings of myself. I love the way colors transport emotions

Well besides all that I will write about my travel trips. Actually, In two weeks I am going again to the Caribbeans, so stay tuned. Here is a little visiual foretaste of my last trip in 2017:

Caribbean Islands - 1. Fort de France, Martinique 2. Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe 3. Saoma Islands, Dominican Republic

Furthermore, my blog will also have content with interesting scientific stuff, health tips, recipes or inspirational quotes. To make a long story short, just content I am emotionally thrilled by ;-)


I hope I was able to draw your attention and I would be really happy to continue this exchange of content with you all. Thank you for taking your time. And don't hesitate to ask, if anything was unclear. My mother tongue is German, so excuse little mistakes.

Thanks and take care, everybody!

Love, Victoria

Until you cross the bridge of your insecurities you can't begin to explore your possibilities

Instagram: www.instagram.com/victoria.sounds


ach, na das ist ja toll. herzlich willkommen, liebe Victoria! über einen musikalischen neuzugang auf steemit freue nicht nur ich mich sehr. da bin ich mir sicher. wie @neuvorstellungen schon schrieb, ein besuch im discord ist unbedingt zu empfehlen, wenn du fragen hast und auch sonst, um kontakte zu knüpfen. viel spaß dir hier und hoffentlich auf bald. lg

hi lieber @pawos vielen lieben dank für das nette feedback! Ich habe mir gestern schon discord für meinen desktop runtergeladen, es kann also losgehen. Hoffentlich bis bald und liebe grüße zurück

Welcome! Make sure to checkout dsound, you should upload your music there! I hope you have a good time on this platform.

Hey, thanks for the great feedback. Guess what, I've uploaded already two sets of mine :)

Welcome to SteemIt! Good luck with all of your ventures!

Welcome to steemit. You are right to say that this platform is the kindest, safest platform to have friends, its because this is community oriented.
And the transparency is quite better compared to fb.

Artist like you have alot of potentials fans in this platform. Expression of ideas, talents, or simply engaging friends is always welcome.

And the reward system encourages us, to do better every post, every comments.

but lastly, to me is the most important thing, you can help others, helping them to earn more from their content, by upvoting them, sort of donating your love to them so that they will also benefit more from the system.

Enjoy steeming, everyday get more exciting right?

Wow, thanks for this nice comment! You're totally right. And yesss it gets every day more exciting and besides that, it makes so much fun. I can't wait for this great journey with you all :)

Welcome to Steemit! You’ve got great pictures and I can tell by your first post that you will take the time to make great content.

Where in the Caribbean are you going? I was just in Costa Rica, I wish I could go back!

Hey thank you so much for this nice feedback! I am actually going on a cruise with my family. My grandma is going to turn 85 years old while we are on the cruise and she invited us all. This are our great stops: Montego Bay, Cozumel, Belize City, Roatan, Puerto Limón, Colón, Cartagena, Santo Domingo, La Romana, Ocho Rios. I am really excited. Costa Rica sounds amazing. I've never been there, but I can imagine that you wanna go back.

That’s certainly a good reason to celebrate!
I was very close to Cozumel but went to Isla de Mujeres instead. You’re getting to hit a lot of cool spots! How long is the trip?

I will definitely be going back to Costa Rica. I obviously miss it, which is why I have two posts about Costa Rica!

I actually met a German gal on the beach of Manu Antonio in CR :-)

We are traveling two weeks. I'm so excited. Cool, I can't wait for your post about Costa Rica. Haha that's funny with Germany girl, I hope she represented Germany in a nice way.

My posts about Costa Rica are up now if you want to see! I had so much fun.

And she was very finished. Just finished university and was going into social work. She spoke English with a South African/German accent :-)

Here’s one of the posts:


I am happy to welcome you here on steemit! Hope you are going to stay for a while! Enjoy! @todorovv

Thank you so much, I definitely going to stay. I hope you, too! :)

Heya! Stop by the #electronicmusic tag in the future! I’ll try and swing by your Soundcloud soon.

Hey, awesome! I will do that for sure. Thanks so much!! I am really excited for this journey and even better that we have a electronic music scene!

It’s a small one but we’ll hopefully keep growing!

Hey I'm Arun and I'm also a new member to this platform. I'll be glad if you can check out my introduction post and let me know how it is.

Hey Arun, nice to meet you and welcome to Steemit! I will do that for sure. How did you like my post?

Welcome to steemit @victoria.sounds. Join #minnowsupportproject for more help. Type in the comments of a post @OriginalWorks and it will help you verify that content is original.
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Hey @tuanis, that sounds amazing with the donation. I will definitely be going to do that, really a great project! And good point with the comment @OriginalWorks. From now on I will comment that. Thanks for the great feedback!

Very nice, what you did here! Love the Pics!

thank you so much! It was so much work, but also so much fun :)