Author Working On Zero Zone For Steemit, Full Novel Exclusive Here In Posts

Hey everyone,

I am a writer from Toronto, Canada.  Over the years I have had short stories published in different countries as well as had poetry published. My plan, over the next months, is to create a novel that I will release exclusive on steemit in posts. I have made a facebook page for it: and am in the works to start both a kickstarter and patreon campaign for the project. All will link back to the steemit posts.

Zero Zone is a science fiction novel. The ozone layer has, without warning, begun to shrunk. Each year it gets closer to the Earth's surface, but it does so at a different rate. Some years the change is barely noticable while others years it comes down by miles. The story starts when planes are about to stop being allowed to fly. Our main character, Sandra, has taken one of the last flights to live with her old boyfriend in Canada. He has also been an escape for her and she is hoping he will be a distraction in the days to come. however, she starts to feel regret about who she left back home in England, a man who is working around the clock to find and fix the problem before it is too late.

I have written almost 5,000 words so far and will continue to add chapters to steemit as I go. I'm looking to raise $1,000 from my campaigning for my time over the next months of work. If the interest is there I will stay exclusive to steemit for a period of time and then I will figure out publishing. I will be posting the first couple chapters and synposis soon, but here is the first (rough) chapter as a sneak peak.

Hope you enjoy it, and thank you for any support.  

Chapter 1  

Sandra jolted forward as the plane skid across the landing.  All that kept her in was her seat belt, which twisted and dug into her skin..  It would hurt later, after the fear had subsided.  Beside her a large gentleman grabbed the breathing apparatus that dangled before him.  Deep breaths.  Sandra closed her eyes as the plane came to a complete spot.  She chuckled to herself as a thought came to her.  To die on the last plane that would ever leave the ground.  

“Are you alright?” Sandra asked the man beside her.  

He took another deep breath with closed eyes.  Then, opening them, nodded.  Sandra returned the nod with a smile before placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. His breathing slowed.  He nodded again, slower. 

The speaker crackled above her, “This is pilot Edward Tarp.  You have safely landed in Toronto, Canada.  Thank you for flying with us.  I have been flying planes for my whole life and wanted to say it has been an honour.  Thank you.”  

A person in the back started to clap.  Then another.  Before long, everyone started to cheer.  A burst of emotion flooded the plane.  Some people couldn’t stop crying.  Sandra politely clapped her hands a few times before getting up to grab her luggage.  She had already shed her tears.  

With her luggage in hand, Sandra entered the airport.  Everything looked normal still.  Take a snapshot of a random group of people anywhere in the planet and it was like it was before things started to change.  But then talk to those people.  One quit his job and is following his dream.  A couple can't muster the strength to get out of bed.  While a woman is trading up on her addictions, looking to avoid any shred of reality.  Everyone grieves differently.  Sandra just didn't want to be alone.  Now that air travel was no longer an option, people had to quickly decide who it was the wanted to spend their last couple of years with.  Sandra chose Greg.  She wasn't stuck.  There was boats.  Ways to return home.  Back to Ryan.  No.  She made her decision.  

“Sandra!”  A bearded man in his late twenties waved his hands in the air.  He had on a muscle shirt and long shorts.  He rushed towards Sandra.  Without warning,  he picked her up and spun her around the airport for all to see.  Then he put her down to admire her.  

“How have you been?” she asked  Greg fixed his glasses.  

“Good, you know for the world ending and everything.”  

“You were never one to let just trivial things ruin your mood.”  Greg smiled and winked.  He took out a rolled joint and placed it in his mouth.  

“I know Canada is relaxed Greg, but we are still in an airport.”  

Greg finished lighting.  He took a drag.  

“Airport security isn't what it used to be.  They still give a shit in England?”  

Greg started to walk to his car.  Sandra followed behind him, carrying her own luggage.  “Oh yeah, it's worse.  They are cracking down.  Trying to keep things civil.  Normal.  I even got a ticket  for littering the other day.”  

Greg laughed.  “What a joke.  Always so fucking proper.  Even doomsday can wait until tea time is finished.  

Greg started to sing a brit punk song about anarchy.  

“Still signing I see.”  Sandra placed her bags in the back seat of a convertible.  

“Yeah the band has been booked non-stop.  Nobody wants quiet anymore.”  Greg took another dragged.  

“Or sobriety.”  

“Hey I was stoned way before I found out we were all going to die.  Everyone else is a poser.”   

Before Greg could take another hit, Sandra took the blunt from his mouth and placed it in hers.  “Can at you at least get us home before you get fucked up?”  

“Home... I like that.”  Greg revved up the engine.  Music blasted from the speakers.  Sandra let it hit her as she sunk in the seat.  With a deep breath she let the smoke fill her lungs.

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