Break through to another dimension...

Welcome to Another Dimension Art! I’ve had a few false starts and stops here but I’m finally in a place to be more active. I work predominantly in digital art, with a helping of mixed media, acrylic, and watercolor thrown into the mix. The primary purpose of my works is to encourage the viewers to connect with their own imagination and intuition, to dive into the pieces that speak to them and explore the world within. My mission is to crack open the doors to other realities so that magick might once again flourish throughout all existence.

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About myself, my name is Amy and I'm a 39 year old former mental health specialist living in the southwestern United States with my four temple cats; Perses, Pandemonium, Panic, and Byron.

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I've been a practicing occultist and student of theology and comparative mythology for over 25 years and consider my particular flavor of magick to fall into the Chaos Magick spectrum. I’m the founder of The Church of Meow, a digital “cult” designed to spread messages of kindness, compassion, and critical thought and self-assessment through cat content (technically speaking, I’m a horrible cult leader; I always forget the brainwashing and monetizing parts) as well as a partner in The ChaosPunk Collective, the occult arts collective behind GZS Productions

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I look forward to sharing my art, as well as glimpses into my life with you all.

You can purchase my work in a variety of mediums at Another Dimension Art

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