New minnow intro, as my ex told me I'd be great here; some on Trump, pizzagate, America & New Zealand megalomania

in #introduction8 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemers -

This is my first story post. My introduction may evolve or come out more as a series than everything in this one post, but as I have made a couple of replies already I thought I'd make some statement as to why I am here.
bonus kitty pix at the bottom of the post

My ex, in New Zealand, where I was, just told me about STEEMIT in a skype chat yesterday. He said he thought I'd do good at it because I was funny - as long as I didn't ... (how did he put it) ... well, in looking back over the chat we had, I'll share most of it with you, below, as it shows how I've showed up here and why.

Image of Vic
Photo at a home in New Zealand in 2010?

First things first, I am a native Californian, and probably way older than most of you (my profile pix on Steemit is from December 2015 and is also on my facebook account). I also have twitter accounts, youtube channel, and have just signed up on -- following pizzagate @d_seaman and others who are investigating.

Background -- When I went through university, I was in radio/tv/film and found some of the most distasteful people I had ever met in the So. Cal industries where I interned. I also worked in the Department of Education in the Federal Projects division and I was disgusted with the attitude and then over time I learned about the Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (Charlotte Iserbyt's book by that name) and have become rather confirmed as a US Constitutionalist and am working against the globalist agendas and UN, etc. So my intention is to share information and help inform against the FakeNews and the mainstream media (lamestream's) bullshit. (I have read a lot, so my knowledge base is rather extensive. Try Tragedy & Hope by Quigley, e.g.)

Anyway, short story for now, I have just returned to the USA after being in New Zealand for nearly 20 years. I am a dual citizen. However, with this year's election and a real life story I needed to check out .... (details to come) ... I came back to the US in the Spring.

dual citizenship pix December 2015
So here is how I ended up on Steemit today:

I'll reference my previous partner by "Z";
I'll be "V"
and I'll (put in parenthesis details for reference)
Z: Watch this, it's on my fb page too. Only being going 6 months and its already the 3rd biggest crypto currency, linked with being payed for social media writing ...
(Z inserts a youtube which explains steemit)

V: okay will look. I think crypto currency is still a bit ... crypto, in general, but -- as you say - anything is possible.
Otherwise, have you heard that ... Sarah Palin is under consideration for head of Veteran's Affairs. :-) The left will lose its collective mind (such that it has) again; which is a bonus.

Z: He always said he would offer her (Sarah) something ... (While a Brit, Z is also an American aficionado and probably a bona fide patriot.)
(re steemit) the payout on that site is very high for liked articles ... its leading edge

V: hmm, what's the short story on the crypto currency - you mean it is a click/reward site?

Z: that guy made $15,000 for his first post, he's interviewing the founders and they are explaining how it works. It may be too involved for you, but have a look ... you can just write posts and make money, and learn how it works as you go along, check out their site.

V: you say, too involved for me do you mean tricky? What is it beyond 'a post'? Recall I made several hundred dollars on bubblews, until it was so successful that they changed the model, but it worked. It was about 8 hours slogging posts a day, but -- rewarded the content creator.

Z: this is like facebook combined with its own currency and the currency will be traded later like Bitcoin so worth investing in it.

V: I see ... I understand roughly the crypto currencies, but ... I haven't yet been convinced that they are stable/reliable or these systems not a Ponzi/pyramid scheme. I'm looking at the site. I'd hit pizzagate stories hard and ... Do they pay out ...? It's worth a try if they pay. As said, Bubblews paid out, but then changed their model; they couldn't afford their 'success'?

V: I signed up to - tht is where pizzagate is breaking. David Seaman (a former Huffpo writer who got kicked out when he wrote about Hillary being ill, then got a tip on the WikiLeaks pizza line) is pushing there. He left twitter.

Z: Read the success stories on youtube ... as I said, that guy made 15,000 on his first post ... you should try some articles and see what happens, see which articles make the most money, its all out in the open you can see how much money each person makes on their posts. They are aware that google and facebook are run by the government and sensor posts they don't like, so this could be a good place to get secret info out ... plus I think you should start an alternative news and co momentary channel on youtube. Your're very funny.

V: :-) in a good way?
Z: only problem I see is that you get ego inflation and might start acting crazy if you get too much attention. seriously, I've seen that in you before. You get very bolshy too when you get on a roll, that old leo moon conj uranus

image of Vic's chart
(ref -- we're astrologers so can do that shorthand too. Know all the symbols, the secret stuff ... so, can be handy to answer questions when conversations and investigations get ... truly tricky in esoteric ways.)
(note re above -- he is a former partner, so take his opinion about me being bolshy or acting crazy or having ego inflation for ... what it's worth. LOL. Full disclosure, I do write "LOL". Reality check? Yes, I do laugh out loud when reading or writing, often enough.)

V: me, ego inflation? LOL (yeah, I know.)
Z: you know?
V: It's my dweller. I don't hate it yet. :-D
Z: lol
V: makes me laugh.
Z: yes, your dweller stops dwellilng and basically inflates beyond compromise or rational proportionality ... so that's a real problem if you got success on youtube. The stardom would go to your head, similar to Charlie sheen; he was very funny though.
V: beyond rational proportionality?
Z: I thought that was a well put together sentence
V: I see. Potential for megalomania, so - best not to start? Or I need to moderate myself into something ... much less attractive and rational. ? LOL (Hey I'm working with you here.)

Vic's megalomania YUGE!

... (other stuff conversed on)
Z: no you should do it, but you will need someone around who has instructions on when to pull the plug ... or inject you with something to keep you quiet for a while
V: sounds boring. I used to have people tell me to 'be quiet' for a while so others could speak. So I'd be quiet, and no one said squat.
Z: you can say anything on youtube ... except the things they will ban your account for
V: I need a plug puller. Otherwise my dweller would ... inflate beyond rationality. right? :-)
Z: it may not be a problem ... you don't seem to go insane for very long ... its short term so probably nothing to worry about
V: gee thanks. I've always found myself exceptionally rational. vote of one?

METT expert certificate

Z: was being funny sarcastic
V: I know, I am having fun with the conversation, not offended. I think my biggest problem is being consistent, and having a coherent 'program'. I get random, sporadic.
Z: reality is being you; if you are sporadic every day that's ok
V: FYI, this is the alternative to twitter (similar format / short posts), not censored.
I'll look into steemit more. blathering for bucks could work for me. although - or along with - need to focus on editing this book into its epic self. slow slog.
Question I need to find answered for steemit is where is the advertising or other $ generator coming from? I don't see ads. (I have ad block up of course) ...
Z: it must be advertising
V: have they paid out yet, or is it ... promised $ ? (My questions, you may not know, just thinking out loud)
... ok, and steemit looks good, as said, if the crypto turns into real dollars.


Well Steemers, I'm out of steam for the moment, as you read above, I can be sporadic. So you may get a lot, or a little, with gaps between some full on push. I am co-writing a semi-fiction book though and that takes precedence but ... I just have to BLATHER on Real Stuff often enough, and making a few new friends and some (hopefully not forever crypto) bucks sounds good. I have no assets and need real live cash for food and stuff like that, so, thanks for the contact and attention. As you read above, it feeds my ego if not my belly!

best to you all and here's to major league success for America, and the World --
oh yeah, I'm also really glad Trump got in.
Best Election Year EVER!

PS: I excel at chat, and am always on facebook, so - if you're there, I'm easy to find. Please put in your friend request or post on my page, public, that you are coming in from steemit connection. Thanks.

Lastly, I think you've read this far, you get the bonus kitty pix.
Lucy Dawn


Welcome to SteemIt. I look forward to your posts. ;)

Thank you whatsup! I appreciate your welcome. :-)

UV (upvoted) your post! It is a bit tricky at first learning some of the tech/issues on here but it gets easier.

Upload your pics to a site like -- save it there, click on the share links and paste that link into your body of text. This will help I hope.

learn how to use MARKDOWN basics, it helps a lot too! I am on FB.

--- all politicians pretty much are liars and awful, but you will learn that lol. It's all a swamp, of lies lol (:

Welcome to Steemit! There is lots to see, do and learn here!

Thanks for the tips, Barry.
And, no illusions about politicians and lack of veracity; that's why I tend to vote for citizen public servants. It's not a career. :-)

Welcome aboard! Must say I like the way you write, and you should do well here! And you should put pics in your posts, a little tricky, but easy to learn and it helps!

Thanks Norbu! -- I'll see if I can edit the post to put a pix in; agreed, it adds more to a post. (I suspect the tips are in the styling guide ... let's see what I can do.) Yes, a little tricky. Formatting doesn't work seemlessly from a public facebook photo ... but, let's try again ... got it.

I am crazy busy right now with you know what coming right on time, that I have nothing to say except that I am posting and upvoting every single post in this category I can until it gets "accidentally erased"

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