introduce myself

in #introduseyourself7 years ago

Hello community,
Jox here
Im new to Steemit and this is my first post.
Used to be very active on social media, but got tired of all drama (and seeing what people ate), so for the last couple of years I've been away from all that
It's liberating to let go of something that was a big part of your life, and stole a lot of time in the process.
First days I had abstinence, but that faded and I felt freer by the minute.

But now I will try this out and from what i've seen so far its not like the normal platforms, so I guess i'll stick around for a while.

So who am I?
Dad, husband, discgolfer, tv-series fanatic, bookreader (Stephen King is my "house god" and have been for almost 30 years now) gamer(for the past years, still not good at it) and cryptoenthusiast (same as w gaming, but less time spent)
What can you expect that i will post?
Things connected to Discgolf, Games, Series, books and Crypto

The latter is where I will start off.
I recently found an app on play store that I tried out.
Turned out "Free money" actually exist!
It is a project under development, but allready worth getting into.
When all functions are up and running this will be huge!
So take my advice and download the app now!
Which app you wonder
LoMoStar ofcourse! Check for more info
Use invite code 15G210 for some extra tokens to start with

And to make your first hours/days easier I started to write up a guide of the basics:
Hi Friend,
Glad to see you made it here!
Here's some basic information to give you the best possible start.

Once you signed up and fulfilled your registration you can start enjoying the world of LoMoSTar

The first place you will find yourself ending up in is the "Local view".
This is currently disabled while undergoing some major changes, stay tuned for more info.
From there you can reach WorldView and that is where your adventure starts.
To get there you just click the "Globe-icon" on the top left of you screen.

Now you will see many "Red Envelopes", each containing various Tokens/Coins.
But before you start clicking and collecting we have a few more things you need to know.
Look at the top right of you screen where you will see 2 icons:
Diamond (You should have 8 by know, if not you haven't fully registered) are used to buy Vitality (Hearts) and to create envelopes. You can buy more by clicking on the + sign. Prices are in usd $ and is, for now, the only currency you can use to pay with. More options to be implemented later
Heart (Vitality) are used when opening envelopes in worldview. Every 2 hours you get 1 heart. Maximum amount of hearts you can hold is 10. As said above you can buy hearts with diamonds.

When clicking on an envelope, 3 things happen:
You become a follower of the person who put up the envelope
The funds you got are transferred to you wallet (More info later)
1 Vitality is used
NOTE: Content of the envelope is divided randomly to all users who open it. That means someone might get more and others less than you.

The more envelopes you open, the more people you follow.
You can also add your own envelopes once you have enough funds. Anyone who opens it will follow you.

To see your funds you click the icon "Me" on the bottom left of your screen.
In "Me" view you can see your stats:
Following, Followers, Referrals (Friends you have invited), Red Envelopes (how many you have posted)
Your wallet and total assets and some settings can be found here too. More info about "Me-view later".

Now back to worldview to post your first envelope.
To do so you click on the yellow + (bottom left) and choose Currency, Amount and to how many people. You can also add a message and a picture.
NOTE: Please be honest of the content, do not write BTC just to get followers! It will be opened any way.
Best is if you specify the content, e.g 100/100 Ali (amount / people) and a message, but that is not a demand

We hope you are with us so far? Good, let's continue

What's the deal with followers you might ask

Right now, not that much. But there are things in motion that will help clarify this.
But following someone grants you access to groups and in groups opening and posting envelopes are free. It is also a social area where you can chat with other LoMoStar users

How to get there? It's easy, just click the "Messages-icon" located in the mid bottom of your screen.

In groups and private chats you can share pictures, envelopes or just chat. You can also open envelopes from others.
It's pretty straightforward and easy to use, so look around and try it out.
NOTE: Posting referrals-links and/or spam is forbidden and can result in a frozen account.
So please, no spamming in every group or referral links

This is pretty much the basics and we hope you understand what's written above.
If not there are loads of nice users willing to help you out.
Again, welcome aboard and have a nice stay!
Don't forget to contribute and help making LoMoStar the greatest community

That's all from me for this time
See ya later folks!


Great first post @joxiam! Great info for new LoMoStar users as well, nice work!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 63484.82
ETH 2603.17
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.81