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RE: The Truth is in danger! The Death of Investigative Journalism and What We Can Do About It. {Making Steemit A Journalism Hub}

Fantastic article! One of the very best on Steemit thus far.

Journalism is in the absolute doldrums. Today, journalism is all about an echo chamber that vapidly repeats useless opinions and rumors with very little fact checking or corroboration. Things are moving to the internet, where it has become all about clickbait headlines and a quick buck for minimum effort.

You're absolutely right, Steemit has the potential to change all this. But it's a risk for a journalist. What if the post they worked on for months goes into the void? But yes, long term, I think these things will work out fine.


Thanks for the compliment. I agree with you. And yes, its a risk. But journalists who adhere to the truth would embrace this risk rather than selling their souls for little or no gains....It aint that easy though.

Yes, but I feel that's the only way it can be done. You're not a true journalist until you seek out the truth, no matter what. Recycled clickbait articles are forgotten in hours.

Certainly though, I do think something like Steemit has the best opportunity for recognition and financial incentive. Hardline investigative journalists will never survive in the mainstream media today.

I hope we see a new generation of investigative journalists who reach their audience through social media.

I hope so too.. Can't wait to see how this proposal is implemented.