What to do with money

in #investing7 years ago


Like the picture shows currencies like EURos are the worst. If you keep it its value will deteriorate over time.

Funny is that more and more people seem to have a common goal in life, that is to succeed so that they don't have to work. Make so much money that you don't have to work anymore.
So to sell us the way to be wealthy, we are told to invest... But I'm going to tell you to protect your earnings.

To invest in the stock market is the same as making a bet that this company is going to be more popular, so that more money will want to buy the stock and so you can sell the stock with profit. So in a way its gambling.
Even better, invest in cryptos there you can make so big returns that you can get rich for sure.

The truth for most of us is that if we work for someone, we will never be rich or wealthy. To chase big returns on stock exchanges to make big bucks is not very likely.
But strangely if you think the opposite and try to think a way you can just protect the money you have earned you might even catch a break.

So what are safe havens to hold value? Stocks or bonds, well there are rumors that they are printing a lot of these notes so i don't think this the way to go, actually this is the thing you are trying to get far from.
Hmm. what holds value over time... what about the old money? Gold and Silver. And they will hold value if you hold it physically.


Heres some old school cryptocurrency. It will have value even if paper currencies are printed to infinity. So this is the easiest way to store value to the future or save money.

But its so boring to have precious metals. Its supposed to be so boring that you don't act if the price rises or falls. Its just there for the rainy day, and if you start stacking these maybe you can build a fortune some day. In the mean time, you don't have to chase any markets.

To buy gold is to save money. We just got a little confused because money and gold used to be the same, now we have to buy the gold with paper, but the gold part is still the same.


you can give it to me ;-)

totally true. everything is out of whack right now too. people dont know where to put their money, it needs to be in crypto because i believe fiat is dying and inflation is becoming absolutely unbearable. You get paid the same amount every year and inflation makes you actually lose money and people are ok with it! I hope people understand that the only reason they get a pay raise is to keep up with inflation!

Terve! Laitettiin sut seurantaan. Täällä kanssa investoidaan (ne vähätkin) kultaan ja erityisesti hopeaan. Ja siis ei siinä paperimuodossa... :) terkkuja Kemiönsaaresta!

Ainiin ja surkeeta kun ei meiän voimat riitä vielä nostamaan äänen arvoa mutta ehhkä tulevaisuudessa ! :)

Terve! Aina kun suomea näkee steemitissä alkaa hymyilyttämään. Mahtavaa kuulla että löytyy fyysistä metallia, silloin on joutunut yleensä miettimään asioita melkoisesti että päätyy jalometalleja hankkimaan turvasatama mielessä. ;)

The price is volatile. You can't buy that directly to supermarkets or grocery stores. The best way is using hard wallets, Nano or Trezor for cryptos.

Gold and silver are just another types of investment. The only true way of not "risking" your wealth is by diversifying. I disagree that putting money into the stock market is like gambling. You can always buy an index stock (S&P 500, Nasdaq or whatever index is in your country) and that will almost guarantee you positive returns. Sure, you won't get rich in a day, a month or a year but you will still grow or at least mantain the value of your money in the long run. Crypto is also good but it should be diversified as well.

The answer of just investing in silver or gold is not the solution.

Thank you for your comment. Just to make a note on your guarantees on positive returns. If you do some research and own critical thinking, you might find out that our current monetary and banking system is a bit "strange". And the numbers on your bank account aren't really worth anything. In that point of view its very risky to invest in Stock Exchanges. That in mind i wanted to post that I have made the decision to hold some value outside the traditional banking and monetary system. Its probably the safest investment you can make.

I can not say where you can invest the money, I only know that once the banks to have the money available to customers, gave interest, now you have to pay to keep them safe ... if you can put aside some money.

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