in #islamist8 years ago

Too much has been made of the phrase “radical Islamist terrorism”, which is completely redundant. One word, Islamist, does it all. (If you don’t understand this, please search Steemit for Muslim-Islamist).

The question becomes what do we do about the Islamists, both inside and outside the country (a statement that is relatively independent of the country in which you live).

First, all countries need to control their borders. Not only does the USA have a real problem with border control, but as evidenced by the recent influx of ‘refugees’ into the various countries of Europe the civilized world shares the problem. Interestingly, there has not been a lot of coverage of the influx of these ‘refugees’ into third world countries or the former members of the Soviet Union. Hmmm, how can that be?

Immigration or border control officials by any name need the authority to deny admission to any and every Islamist. How is this to be determined? It must be with the support and active participation of the Muslim communities within the countries.

Second, a procedure needs to be developed to identify, isolate and remove all Islamist elements within the country. This will be a difficult process for all countries that believe in the rule of law and must again involve the support and active participation of the Muslim community. Consider the Netherlands that has granted citizenship to all Indonesians, a country that is fundamentally Islamist with over 70% of the population believing in Shari’a law, one of the tenets of Islamism.

In the US, for instance, what legal structure is there for deporting a citizen, either naturally born or properly granted citizenship through the naturalization process? This is a conundrum for lawmakers and the popular body alike. Laws need to change (oh, no!). All of the law enforcement policies of the US only come into effect AFTER a crime has been committed, so laws have to be broadened to encompass activities and actions prior to the actual commission of what is now regarded as a crime.

Imagine the consternation of the politicians in the US. On the one hand, there is the First Amendment guarantee of the right of free speech and freedom of religion. On the other hand, one observed teaching or advocating Islamist principles needs to be removed. How can this be accomplished? Big question.

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