Living the dream on a tropical island.

in #island7 years ago (edited)

palawan beach.jpgI have moved to the Philippines and am in love with a beautiful woman who I met online and now am with in person. She happens to be a bit younger than me.



But before I go on I must confront what I call the haters.

I have been smirked at and openly criticised by quite a number of haters.
To those who spew toxic negativity, judgement and condemnation of the older man/younger woman relationships, I have this to say.
Who made you God Junior? What holy book forbids this consensual adult relationship? Do you know our motives and the longings of our hearts? How can you apply negative generalizations to a specific situation? The attitude you have is older people should stick to their own kind. This is GEROPOBHIA and how is that any different than racism or homophobia? If you want to confront your prejudices even more I have written this article about these relationships here>>

enough of the unpleasantries, now about moving to the Philippines.

WHY? you might ask? I thought you were happy in Costa Rica?
I was. I am EVEN MORE happy in the Philippines. Now don't get me wrong I went into my bitcoin retirement to Costa Rica almost 5 years ago and I have always loved the country and it's people. It is a fine place for a couple to retire to, very close to the states and extremely beautiful , but for a single guy it is is hard to find a woman to settle down with.
I know because I dated dozens of women and when a friend from the US came and told me I was in the wrong country to be looking for a soulmate, he convinced me because he had lived in Costa Rica 4 years and moved to the Philippines and found a beautiful young woman whom he married. So I began to explore the idea of going to the Philippines as I had planned to go to Southeast Asia at some point in my travels anyway.

So basically the

NUMBER ONE REASON to come to the Philippines was to find a woman (and I did as I met Claris online and we are together now and it is very good)

REASON NUMBER TWO is the beaches here are fantastic and much more numerous than in Costa Rica. Claris and I are planning to relocate to Puerto Princesa Palawan which is rated by some as the worlds most beautiful island.

REASON NUMBER THREE is the prices are much cheaper than Costa Rica and this is according to which rated Philippines as 40% cheaper. I agree after being here a week.Haircut $ on a bumpy tricycle 40 85 nice 2 br house for under $300..12 inch Hawaiin pizza $4..a gourmet meal for 2 with more than you can eat under $ stay for 6 days with heart problems including everything $400 (but you need to bring someone to act as your nurse)

Almost everyone speaks English here. I kid you not, it is amazing, the children are taught English from first grade every day and they are super cute delightful children. Over 90% of the people I have encountered in the 10 days I have been here have spoken English surprisingly well.


I am shocked at how friendly the people are especially the women. Everyone calls me sir. Some people/older guys call Americans JOE because of GI Joe and how we helped liberate the Philippines in WW2. They appreciate that!!! They are also very respectful of older people here. Yesterday I hired two young women to teach me Tagalog as I now must learn another language. They kept calling me sir so I said you can call me Martin,they agreed that they can not call me Martin as they feel that it would be disrespectful They also told me my girlfriend was very lucky. When I went to pay them, the one women who was a professional teacher refused money and told me to give all the money to the other teacher because she really needs money more. Boy was I impressed. $6 a day is very big money here in the Philippines. $8 a day would be considered a very good wage. Think about that.
Also the owner of the resort where I am staying, invited me to sing Karaoke and I did sing "All my loving" and then I sat with a bunch of what I would describe as macho guys who proceeded to sing a number of Beatles songs while Oscar the owner bought me a drink and free sushi. Basically I am being treated as a hero celebrity here. When I am alone many women have asked if I have a girlfriend and I say yes but any single man will find an abundance of beautiful women to date here. Only a complete nerd could not find a date in the Philippines.

REASON NUMBER 6 The food at least in restaurants is quite delicious and inexpensive with much variety.

SAFE yes despite what propaganda you may have heard I consider this place very safe. Masbate is what people would call a slum , very run down buildings,roads in poor condition etc but I have not encountered any situations dangerous and there are armed guards at the entrance of countless stores. What thug is gonna mug you when there is a good guy with a gun every 30 yards throughout the city? As far as ISIS their puny attempt to capture one city led to the death of all of them. There is NO WAY ISIS will ever conquer the Philippines. Also they were only in the southernmost islands.

1 The weather is a bit humid and there is rain in the mornings here sometimes.The temps avg in the high eighties for a high.
2.Grinding poverty and hungry animals and people. This is a very poor country and I am in a poor province.

  1. Very far from the states and an extremely long 17 hr section of a plane ride with big jet lag that has taken me a week to adjust to.
  2. Don't drink the water.
  3. Nearby volcano about to explode.

    I have been told we are safe as it is I think 35 miles away but in the past this volcano has buried people in 50 ft of lava and killed thousands.
    6.Stores here in Masbate have very limited food products
    7.Real coffee and real cream nonexistent so far only instant but today I found beans at the market and used my hand grinder to create a real cup of coffee.
  4. getting around consists of 40 cent tricycles which is good but you ride in a sidecar of a motorcycle with no shock absorbers and when it hits a pothole it compresses your spine a bit so that you may be shorter at the end of the trip.

So I plan to stay here forever in the Philippines. We will soon move from Masbate City ( a city in the poor island province of Masbate) where Claris is from. She is a humble country girl who does not know how beautiful she is. She rarely wears makeup and looks as good in the morning as she does in the evening. She quit her low paying job as a nanny to retire with me. We are planning on moving to Puerto Princesa on what some say is the most beautiful island in the world.

I am looking forward to walking on white sandy beaches with her and eating fine food. We will help hungry children as I continue to make money online and remain a liberty activist as well as continuing to research health,nutrition and longevity. I am living my dream in the Philippines. Dreams really can come true.!

claris and I in front of oean.jpgclaris adorable face.jpg!me claris and yadtz.jpg!()!


Hello there. I also retires in the philippines 2 1/2 years ago. I hope all goes well for you. I live in CDO. I agree with all you say. I will be visiting Puerto Princessa soon. An American friend of mine loves ot there also. I’m just afraid of it there because the storms are nasty. The big storms blow right by this place although there are floods sometimes due to poor drainage.