“Old Paper Attracts Bad Energy? 古い紙は悪い気を集めるの?”

in #japanese5 years ago (edited)


“Old Paper Attracts Bad Energy?”

I was tidying up my room after work today because tomorrow is garbage collecting day. We have a garbage day only twice a month here so I want to throw the garbage away as much as I can.

When I clean up my stuff, I remember Chinese
Feng Shui sometimes. I heard that if you hold old paper stuff, the paper attracts bad Chi(energy). My art stuff is almost all paper so I am being careful to not collect old paper too much all the time. However, I have difficulty throwing away my design paper which I used for my cut paper art. I was keeping some of them but I decided to throw them away today. I took photos of them and digitally processed them.

Some people recommended to take photos of stuff which you are really struggling to throw away so you can keep visual memories of the stuff. Yes, it works because I can keep the photos of the stuff instead of keeping the actual stuff. If I don’t need these photos anymore, I can just erase them easily!
I wrote about Danshari and the KonMari method before. If you guys are interested, please check the link below!






Goodbye Paper! さよなら紙よ!

My previous blog about Danshari and the KonMari method 断捨離とこんまりメソッドについて書いた投稿はコチラ: https://steemit.com/japanese/@koto-art/tidying-up-of-tired-clothes-stuff-and-my-mind

My Site: https://koto-art.wixsite.com/mysite-1