How to Write tha Kanji for Water: Step-by-step

in #japanese7 years ago


Hello Steemians!

This is the first post about the kanji for the elements. I'm gonna post them one by one and this first post is the kanji for water!

Kanji for Water

  • I had laid my groundwork on the guidelines. So first thing to do is to draw a vertical line on the paper.


  • Second is to draw a greater than (>) figure with a straight horizontal line rather than slanting then shifts the brush at an angle. This is the second stroke.


  • The third stroke is a slanting line (tategaki style) starting from top right to bottom left.


  • The fourth stroke is a continuation of the third stroke with raised tip on the first line downwards.


Meaning: Water
Onyomi: Sui
Kunyomi: Mizu

One of those legitimate words with their own meaning and pronunciation but they become radicals when you put them inside those bigger kanji. Radicals in the kanji are the main component of the composition of a kanji. It's what you'd call the root of the kanji. Most number kanji has their own radicals and it's really confusing that's why I didn't include it on my previous posts.

So this time, I'll try to put radical kanji in every kanji that has their radicals as much as possible.

So until then,


Great post, Ojou! Glad to see your lesson going on :)

It will be continued Ojou.. Just that, I've been busy these days I haven't had the time to sit to draw the kanji and make a post.

Take it slow, Ojou. And don't stress yourself.

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