
in #jfk2 months ago

I now bet each person in the world $100 each that I will ghost my Discord Server until 300 members; watched: Mythical Quest 103-105, I'm watching Alex Jones live on X, Elon Musk is attacking globalism after gaining access to their payment system, SimpCast- Natalie Winters Outfits! Kanye West Tweets! Chrissie Mayr, Gothix, Cherry Perez, Shanny, Documentary Central - A Confession From The Man Who Shot JFK | Confessions Of An Assassin | ‪@DocoCentral


Screenshot at 2025-02-02 20-56-44.png
Charles Barkley & Michael Jordan

Oatmeal Daily - 2025-02-02 - Sunday | Published in February of 2025


Discord Screenshot at 2024-09-01 00-04-34.png
Join my Discord Server

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2025-02-02 - Sunday - 12:29 AM - Discord Log

I now bet each person in the world $100 each that I will ghost my Discord Server until 300 members. First 300 people to join my Discord will automatically become admins, but this offer expires at 01:00 PM PT.

Twitter Tweets

10:57 AM

x wrongfully suspended my other account, twitter refused to tell me what I did wrong, they refused to let me appeal

Teeth Log
2025-02-02 - Sunday - 11:18 PM - Teeth Log created

To maintain an outline, directory, timeline, log, and everything, relating to Teeth Log, the mouth, tongue, tooth, teeth, natural remedies, maybe the nose, anything relating to that area, problems, solutions, what happened

2025-02-02 - Sunday - 10:30 PM - Toothache on my top right back teeth around 10:30 PM, I googled natural remedies, I tried a few, my favorite was concentrated lemon juice, 2nd was slowly chewing on garlic which I do sometimes randomly for many years or decades. I did honey which didn't sooth me. Baking soda in water was ok. Salt water was ok. Lemon juice made me feel better. I've mentioned my teeth all my life sometimes. Today was pretty bad compared to previous times. Possibly the worse or I forget. But it felt bad today even as I write this. I did brush my teeth several times today. I used mouth wash. Been consuming extra white maybe refined sugar for months now with two cups of daily tea. Also been eating the candy cane balls daily for days or weeks starting like in late 2024. Had Reese's cups a few times past few weeks. Had Root Beer. See my diet log for more details of what I have been eating going back months. So those things played a factor in this. Had Gatorade which may have been an issue. Red 40?

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

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Mythical Quest 103-105

2025-02-02 - Sunday - 12:35 AM - Mythical Quest 103-105

Piles of printed emails. Game popular with white supremacists. Backstory to the competitor going back to when the couple met like 1995, pitched their game around 1995. They moved into a cursed building where people died in, I love that female actress who was in shows I enjoyed like Made For Love.

06:22 PM
SimpCast- Natalie Winters Outfits! Kanye West Tweets! Chrissie Mayr, Gothix, Cherry Perez, Shanny

06:25 PM
Courtney's laugh might be the only reason I watch.

09:02 PM
Documentary Central - A Confession From The Man Who Shot JFK | Confessions Of An Assassin | ‪@DocoCentral‬

Who killed JFK? In 1994 on video, James Sutton confessed to the murder of JFK in 1963. James said his name was changed to James E. Files as he was raising a family, it seems James was connected to the mafia and the CIA.

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated to different websites daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Went to bed around 02:00 AM. Woke up around 08:30 AM. Mom was telling me her side of the story this morning about yesterday with Larry, that Jayne was believing the lies nurses were saying. Jayne seems to want Larry to die in peace. But she seems to believe some of the deception regarding Big Pharma, at least to a degree at times it seems. My mom said she was not able to talk to Larry on Saturday a lot or maybe at all as the drugs was keeping Larry sleeping a lot. My mom has several perspectives at the same time in a bipolar way, her view isn't fixed which means she is open minded in one way and damaged and fragmented in other ways. Shoveled snow from the front door, around the car, a few feet towards the green house, around the side of the house to the RV, to the back door. Found the new shovel. Talk with Jayne about how to drive in the snow, the ice, don't drive into skids, slides. Don't drive on black ice or too fast. Don't slam on your breaks, shift to lower gears gradually. Breakfast: 09:40 AM. At 01:23 PM: Mom wrote: "Jayne has been granted power of attorney by the nurses. I would put him back in the lower dose of sedative so I could ask him directly what he wants." I agree with my mom on this. Lunch: 02:00 PM. Helped Don as he was setting up the drum set to take photos, we moved the boat out for that, then back in, but truck clean, he did his laundry and went off. Also mom wrote: "Larry is permanently asleep. The sedative was increased 300%. His breathing sounds bad." The last thing my mom wrote to me was this: "Jayne has been granted power of attorney by the nurses. I would put him back in the lower dose of sedative so I could ask him directly what he wants." 05:44 PM: Mom: "The nurse was nice to me just now. Larry has a fever and she gave him a decongestant. Larry is permanently sedated. They won't lower the dose of midazolam. But he seems fairly content. If this didn't wake him up . . . .Half hour of church." Dinner: 06:27 PM. Mom stayed the night there. Jayne came home. Snow. Food log: Breakfast: orange, coffee, 09:40 AM. Scrambled eggs, 10:16 AM. Lunch: blue 28 FL OZ bold & intense thirst quencher Gatorade in a bottle but only drank some of it, grapes, 02:00 PM. Peppermint balls. Dinner: a regular bagel and a cheese bagel, toasted, a spicy humus, very good, 06:27 PM. Tea. See teeth log.

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