A hairstyle that works!

in #jiujitsu7 years ago

So this is for the girls who are just starting Jiu-Jitsu like myself.

If you are like me you have problems with your hair and you have tried thousands (of course not thousands but it sounds cool to exaggerate) of hairstyles and nothing seems to work so you always end up with your hair all over the place.

Well let me tell you that there's one that works for me and I think it can work for girls with long and long-ish hair, the "boxer braids"


As you can see I'm not a pro at braiding my hair but I do what I can and it does the job!

Of course you're hair won't stay still but at least it won't be all over the place and that's key. I'm not trying to look good obviously, I am rolling with dudes and getting my ass kicked so looking good is not my priority, surviving is but at the same time I don't want my hair on my face and braids help a lot!


And if you stay with your hair like that for a while and you take them off you'll have instantaneous beach waves!

It's a win-win situation!


I love those braids! Functional and looks great... just like bjj :)

Hey, thank you!!! I love them too! I used to spend at least 10 min trying to braid my hair now I do it in 5 min, not bad! They're soo functional! And you're totally right, just like bjj!

I totally understand your problems. I have long hair (a little shorter than your) and I always struggle to keep it out of my face while we're rolling!
Thanks for the tip, I'll braid my hair to our next session! :D

Awesome!!! Let me know if they work! In my expierence is the only decent hairstyle that does it for me!