Frankly, I also think she will eventually be recognized as fundamentally correct in her views.

in #jklast year


Keep in mind, she has never once said anything other than that biology is real and that, in general, males shouldn't be inserting themselves into women's private spaces or competing with women in explicitly gendered competitions. She has never advocated any law that would send trans people to prison or anything of the sort.

Watching the Transrabid hysteria has just been astonishing to behold.

Recognizing that biology is a thing, makes you a bigot now? Seriously?

The simple question I ask is if Trans-women are women, then what did they transition from to begin with? This is ROCK BOTTOM BASIC A = A / A != B.

These people have abdicated their deductive logic and reasoning faculties - much less object permanence, a cognitive ability literal babies develop by 12 months of age - in favour of self righteous fervour.