The Joker Movie – It’s No Laughing Matter

in #joker5 years ago (edited)

At first I had zero interest in watching the new Joker movie. In recent years we’ve been bombarded with DC and Marvel movies that I frankly find pretty one-dimensional and shallow. Besides, the stories have been told before, often numerous times, so there aren’t many surprises. However, I started to pick up some chatter from both mainstream and alternative media sources about this movie being a bit controversial. There are some contrasting claims that the movie was political, or had certain messages or social commentary that was important. It’s not that I am necessarily drawn to controversy, but my curiosity was piqued and (like always) I then wanted to make up my own mind.


If you’re a comic fan-boy who wants to see another “origin” story, or are just up for watching another mindless/shallow action movie then you’re probably going to be disappointed (or even disturbed) with this one. The best classification I’ve seen for this movie is as a “Psychological Thriller” but that doesn’t seem to do it justice either and you really DO need to know what you’re in for here. This movie is NOT what I’d call entertainment. It’s a bit of a train wreck, but if you’re a seeker like me and have the fortitude to sit through it then it is definitely a movie that will challenge you.


In some ways this Joker reminds me of an older movie called Falling Down (1993) starring Michael Douglas. The main character starts out as someone that you can empathise with, even relate to, and slowly they start pushing the boundaries to the point where their behaviour “crosses the line” as to what you might consider acceptable. For different viewers that line may be in a different place and that is part of the intrigue of movies like this. They challenge your own empathy and morality. I have no doubt that there will be some people in the world who would consider that the Joker doesn’t cross any line and that’s probably why the film is being labelled by some as being dangerous. This movie is definitely not for everyone and is appropriately 18+ rated.


Without spoiling too much - The acting is outstanding, even if it is a bit gut wrenching to watch the story of a mentally troubled man who starts out just trying to make people happy as a clown and care for his aging mother. He starts falling through the cracks in society and after a few setbacks he turns violent. There is a great line near the beginning of the movie where he asks his indifferent counsellor “Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?”. There probably isn’t an adult alive today who couldn’t relate to this question. It is as significant as the climactic scene of Falling Down where Michael Douglas’ character asks “I'm the bad guy? How did that happen?” If the movie wasn’t so controversial it would easily be an award winning performance by Joaquin Phoenix as the Joker. Hopefully the PC crowd and outrage merchants don’t deny him the recognition.

If you’re up for the challenge, go and see The Joker and tell me where you think he crosses the line.



Don't know about Joker, but I'm definitely going to watch Falling Down again. Classic :)

Indeed. By todays standards it's probably a bit tame. It definitely has more humour and is easier to watch than the Joker.

Is it longer than 30 mins? If so I probably ( diffently) will not make it through it. Maybe it's the age or just flat out being over worked, but usually if I sit for more than 30 mins I am asleep. Maybe I'll catch it on a Sunday matinee and try to take the youngest one with me.

I think it's about 2 hours. I would be VERY hesitant taking your youngest to see it. It is rated 18+ and in my opinion it is a movie for adults.

Thank You @buggedout for doing a post about this Movie. I Would Never Pay a CENT to See This TRIPE because it also has De Niro in it and That Piece of Shit is a SCUMBAG in Hollywood. I am Completely Done With Supporting their High and Mighty Behavior and We Are Close to Putting a lot of These Scumbags Away that have done Nothing but Hurt People all through Our Society.........

De Niro has a relatively small role, but I hear you. He does seem pretty outspoken and controversial in his own right. Though I wouldn't call the movie tripe as I think it is quite brilliant in some ways, but I acknowledge that it's definitely not for everyone.

I stopped watching TV and I cannot support Hollywood at all. The World would be better with them gone.....

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I feel De Niro actually plays a caricature of himself in the movie. I was actually wondering at the time if Todd Phillips intentionally cast him as a sort of effigy to be burned.

I wanted to see this movie and as things go my husband ended up seeing it without me. So I will probably wait for the video. But he loved it. Especially the latter portions of the movie.

Did he say what he loved about it? It does become increasingly violent toward the end.

He felt like the end really tied in great to the mythology of Batman. And that he wanted to see what would come after this movie. To see more of that Batman universe.

Edit... oh and in describing it to me he said the end was to Batman kind of how there were moments in the Star Wars prequels that really brought that nostalgic Star Wars feeling. Like seeing the two suns setting over tattooine at the end of episode 3.

He thought the start was disturbing/sad watching some dude fall into metal illness.

He said he would definitely watch it again.

I'll wait for the pop up comic book version.

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I think they made that version a few decades ago. All the new stuff seems pretty dark and gritty.

Falling Down is one of my all time favorites! I lived in L.A. when it came out and can 100% relate.

As for new movies I am going to have to stand with @stokjockey.

Yes. The making of Falling Down was actually (ironically) disrupted by the L.A. riots. It was (also) very much in sync with the real world mood of the time.

Want to see this and am always amazed that as a conservative I am accused of wanting censorship when all I want is the freedom to chose not to watch.
All I saw leading up to this opening was a media and left telling me it should not have been made.
Can't wait to see it! Thanks for the great look at it!

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The Left seems to be a bit divided on the movie. A darling of the left - Michael Moore - has called it a masterpiece and ‘The Greater Danger to Society May Be If You Don’t See This Movie’

It is definitely provocative. I hope you get something out of it when you see it.

Our national broadcaster NRK praised the film very much, The Guardian wrote it was totally crap. I don't think I have time to see it in any case. :-)

Opinion is certainly divided. I think it's up to individuals to make up their own informed decision and that was pretty much the point of my post. If people aren't prepared for this movie it could take them by surprise.

I only watch movies if they are on the plane these days, and even then I hate most of them. Speaking of, I'll be on the plane on Sunday. Bali for a couple of weeks then Australia until mid-Jan!

Aussie girl back home for Christmas! Nice one. Any cricket on the cards this year?

It seems like just yesterday I was reading about TA Christmas party shenanigans. How time flies.

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